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Lambeth's plans to demolish Cressingham Gardens and other estates without the consent of residents

Those of you who perhaps remember saying earlier in the thread "if there's anything I/we can do..." please think hard about what you might be able to do and any media contacts. I've no longer any doubt at all that Lambeth will do what they want to do, but there's no need to make it easier.

It's probably better to do this by PM.
What on earth is going on with you two? Is it an in joke? Greebo wrote Potemkin and you misquoted her saying Pushkin. Then she "corrected" it when it was never wrong in the first place. Bizarre.
It was wrong in the first place, and it got edited within the 48 hours as that was possible. I knew the name was Russian and it began with a P and ended with "kin", though.
It was wrong in the first place, and it got edited within the 48 hours as that was possible. I knew the name was Russian and it began with a P and ended with "kin", though.
You should have left it mysterious. They'd have thought it was a code
The council is currently facing a massive criminal liability. It is a criminal offense for a tenant to have mould/damp in their homes (see legal actions won by Anthony Gold).
But in the council's own words:
"There is a real need for this work and failure to proceed may lead to multiple/class disrepair action with aggregated damages and legal costs potentially exceeding the capital sums being requested."

They also write:
"Furthermore, sensitivity on the estate is causing such disrepair issues to become widely advertised."
... Are they admitting that there is a policy where it is ok to have disrepair so long as doesn't become PR problem?

https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/234236/response/583727/attach/html/8/IR87070 ressingham Weathertight Project CWG Update 29 09 2014 3 3 FOI redacted 1.docx.html
Does this mean that it is legally worth their while doing the work even if it is to be pulled down shortly afterwards?
I was wandering through Glanville Road other day and wondering whether the estate there might come up against a similar issue to yours in the near future?
Does this mean that it is legally worth their while doing the work even if it is to be pulled down shortly afterwards?

A) spends currently unused capital grants subsidy before the financial year end
B) reduces the likelihood of litigation under lapsed duty of care and Human Rights act (I'm pondering which charter other than the catch all- "the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for himself and his family, including adequate ... housing"? and;
C) if they spin it well can argue that they're investing for current residents

There's probably a SWOT and cost / benefit analysis being reviewed right now.
This is slightly curious. Lambeth Living is about to start a 30 week repair campaign to 'weather proof' 78 properties at Cressingham.

You wouldn't have thought that this type of investment would be made if complete regeneration and Option 5 was to go ahead.

Would you? :hmm:

BBuzz piece.

It's Lambeth. The sort of shambolic management the council are capable of doesn't just make the repair of buildings soon to be demolished possible,it makes it LIKELY!!!
The council collects £1.2m each year from their tenants on Cressingham Gardens. They are legally required to undertake repairs and maintain homes at a decent standard. Anything less is illegal. For a landlord to collect rents and not to do repairs is wrong. Ironically, the council is the prosecuting authority in such matters.... they are not setting a very good role model example for private landlords. Council tenants should probably demand a refund of their rents for such a bad service from the council.
I agree that tenants should, but you try doing that when your housing benefit is paid directly to the council* by a separate arm of the council administering housing benefit (and then claimed back off the DWP).

*This is the default for council tenants if they qualify for housing benefit. The fact that it makes a rent strike difficult is neither here nor there - honest.
The council collects £1.2m each year from their tenants on Cressingham Gardens. They are legally required to undertake repairs and maintain homes at a decent standard. Anything less is illegal. For a landlord to collect rents and not to do repairs is wrong. Ironically, the council is the prosecuting authority in such matters.... they are not setting a very good role model example for private landlords. Council tenants should probably demand a refund of their rents for such a bad service from the council.

Unfortunately, the majority of local authorities are pretty awful at enforcement on private landlords unless the landlord's behaviour is particularly egregious, so taking that as a base for their own behaviour is entirely unsurprising to me. When I lived on Clapham Park in the '80s there were issues with black mould and damp. As of December 2014 they hadn't been resolved. I think that they're so used to getting away with doing nothing that they see nothing wrong in such behaviour, and seem to be under the impression that fulfilling their statutory obligations is actually doing people a big favour!
7.30pm Monday 26th Jan - Public meeting on housing at the Karibu Centre, Gresham Rd, Brixton. http://housingactivists.co.uk/newsletters/public-meeting-a-tale-of-two-cities/

Wednesday 28th Jan - Full council meeting where the Save Cressingham petition is going to be presented a 2nd time, because the council has failed to acknowledge the petition handed over by the resident delegation in December. Please all come for at least the photo shoot on the steps of the council. (6.45pm at TownHall)

Saturday 31st Jan - March for Housing - London wide march which will include Cressingham residents.
7.30pm Monday 26th Jan - Public meeting on housing at the Karibu Centre, Gresham Rd, Brixton. http://housingactivists.co.uk/newsletters/public-meeting-a-tale-of-two-cities/

Wednesday 28th Jan - Full council meeting where the Save Cressingham petition is going to be presented a 2nd time, because the council has failed to acknowledge the petition handed over by the resident delegation in December. Please all come for at least the photo shoot on the steps of the council. (6.45pm at TownHall)

Saturday 31st Jan - March for Housing - London wide march which will include Cressingham residents.
I'll give this a plug on Buzz, but if you're going could you write something up after? Be good to keep spreading the word.
Petition being handed into the council for the second time as it was refused the first time (late last year) at the Town Hall on Wednesday evening.

Be there for about 6.40. Anyone who's in the area at the time wants to show a bit of solidarity will be welcome.
Petition being handed into the council for the second time as it was refused the first time (late last year) at the Town Hall on Wednesday evening.

Be there for about 6.40. Anyone who's in the area at the time wants to show a bit of solidarity will be welcome.
why on earth did they refuse it? Are they even allowed to?
Eris, Athena, and Ares, I've had it up to here with how shambolic this is. :mad:

Yet another meeting's date confirmed at less than 2 hours' notice.

Am I going? Like hell - I've already comitted to watching while the petition is handed over tonight and can't be in two places at once. FFS the Guide Association is better organised and more efficient than this, even at grassroots level.
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Also the final workshop for all residents, which would have been this Saturday, has been cancelled at very short notice.

Inefficient, inept, inconsiderate, , disorganised, disrespectful, and not likely to inspire any confidence in the process.

*and relax*
Also the final workshop for all residents, which would have been this Saturday, has been cancelled at very short notice.
Inefficient, inept, inconsiderate, , disorganised, disrespectful, and not likely to inspire any confidence in the process.
*and relax*
Those vigorous feeling people can pop on the 415 and do the March on Boris!
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