Well-Known Member
No, I mean that I haven't been given an answer that is satisfactory in explaining objectively how AV is "fairer" than FPTP.
It's all very well to rattle on about the extremely minor differences that AV has over FPTP, but as for the AV system being quantitatively fairer than FPTP, I've seen bog all.
In those fantasies you have where you've actually presented a decent argument in favour of AV, perhaps?
The only reason to vote for this flawed AV system was that the No vote effectively means that reform of voting to something that might work like full PR is now never going to happen. It seemed to me that the argument that pro AV people put was that AV is not very good but its a stepping stone to something better.
I still think there is a fundamental crisis of democracy as clearly the Banks/ Markets have effectively dictated to democratically elected governments what there social spending should be. Not something any of the three main parties wish to have a debate on. In fact all debate has been quashed as its now "commonsense" that deficit must be cut. I see precious little democracy at the moment.