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Lambeth Councillor resigns after arrest over porn allegations

Well it's enough to guarantee that I won't be voting for the Lib Dem candidate, anyway.

Also, there is a typo.
I'm a bit surprised at that. We had Chris Nicholson come over the night we got back from being overseas. We had just opened the letter saying that Toren Smith had "resigned for personal reasons at the request of the party"... :confused: So I asked him what it was about and although he told us, he took absolutely no pleasure in doing so and certainly didn't linger on the subject. That flyer is out of order really.

eta - ah we've just had said flyer drop through our letterbox...
The reverse of the flyer has his photos and contact details. It somehow seems improbable that he knew nothing of it.
Now, and bearing in mind these are allegations, a couple of questions:

1. Are they talking about his work or personal PC - if it's the former it could be nothing more than bog standard porn

2. Doesn't the term 'indecent images' now also apply to things like BDSM/emetophilia/coprophilia etc? I'm pretty sure that there were lots of BDSM peeps getting stressy about the broad definition of 'indecent image' when the current law was made it basically covered anything that wasn't 'vanilla' sexual activity.


Appears legislation on child porn was Mary Whitehouse campaign. Interesting that if age is in doubt it is down to experts to decide from photo. So someone acting younger might be seen as someone underage.

Also there is something called a "pseudophoto" .Not an image of a real person but one made up by computer graphics. So u can be done for the image from someones imagination not involving real persons. This raises a whole load of questions about civil liberties.

The "Spanner Case" a while back was about consenting BDSM people who had filmed there activities.

I guess that the Police concentrate on "Child porn" as its responding to public and media.

I would have thought consenting adults putting up BDSM on the web may be in a grey area. Its like smoking dope. The police have better things to do than chase u. But if they put there mind to it or the government has a moral panic about it then u might have a problem.

Its an interesting area of civil liberties.
Got this lovely circular through the letterbox this morning, from the Liberal Democrats.

No mud-slinging going on here, then!

Ha ha! I just opened my letter box and found this in it and was fairly certain that there would be a decent amount of comment on here already. Absolutely outrageous.

I received a mail from the Labour party last week or the week before which I thought was pretty mud slingy and petty (in the way that these things typically are) and thought that given the circumstances of the re-election they were being a little gung ho. I also thought that the Lib Dems were maintaining the moral high ground by not exploiting the matter. How wrong. Sleazy, bigotted and lacking in intelligence. The level at which these individuals operate is quite astounding.

I really hope that no campaigners from any of the parties come knocking on my door. I will be sending an email too.

I am a little surprised that Labour have put forward an Abbeville Village candidate. Shouldn't make any difference really but it leaves them open to accusations of being very detached. One of my favourite quotes which comes up on a Yorkshire blog when Googling Ruth Ling is "...sadly I have been exiled in London for many years." Hmmm. Doesn't sound very passionate about her home. Surely there must be a quality candidate within the ward itself? Or maybe anyone decent has been put off from standing by the low personal standards of those already involved.
Yep, I got that cunty LD leaflet through our door at the w/e too, complete with a mugshot of the LD candidate. Makes a big deal out of his time as a magistrate, obviously trying to position himself as a respectable non-nonce.

FWIW Nicholson popped around to ours too, the balding gimp. I'm slightly annoyed at myself for not giving him more of a hard time - I just gave him short shrift at the door cos I was cooking. TBH after their unprincipled malleable antics in this coalition he deserved far worse

Appears legislation on child porn was Mary Whitehouse campaign. Interesting that if age is in doubt it is down to experts to decide from photo. So someone acting younger might be seen as someone underage.

Also there is something called a "pseudophoto" .Not an image of a real person but one made up by computer graphics. So u can be done for the image from someones imagination not involving real persons. This raises a whole load of questions about civil liberties.

The "Spanner Case" a while back was about consenting BDSM people who had filmed there activities.

I guess that the Police concentrate on "Child porn" as its responding to public and media.

I would have thought consenting adults putting up BDSM on the web may be in a grey area. Its like smoking dope. The police have better things to do than chase u. But if they put there mind to it or the government has a moral panic about it then u might have a problem.

Its an interesting area of civil liberties.

Eh? I imagine they concentrate on child porn because of the child victims! A totally different issue from consenting adults.
Ha ha! I just opened my letter box and found this in it and was fairly certain that there would be a decent amount of comment on here already. Absolutely outrageous.

I received a mail from the Labour party last week or the week before which I thought was pretty mud slingy and petty (in the way that these things typically are) and thought that given the circumstances of the re-election they were being a little gung ho. I also thought that the Lib Dems were maintaining the moral high ground by not exploiting the matter. How wrong. Sleazy, bigotted and lacking in intelligence. The level at which these individuals operate is quite astounding.

I really hope that no campaigners from any of the parties come knocking on my door. I will be sending an email too.

I am a little surprised that Labour have put forward an Abbeville Village candidate. Shouldn't make any difference really but it leaves them open to accusations of being very detached. One of my favourite quotes which comes up on a Yorkshire blog when Googling Ruth Ling is "...sadly I have been exiled in London for many years." Hmmm. Doesn't sound very passionate about her home. Surely there must be a quality candidate within the ward itself? Or maybe anyone decent has been put off from standing by the low personal standards of those already involved.

IIRC Ling is standing in Tulse Hill because she lost her Clapham Common ward last month, and Lambeth Labour prefer having known quantities on the council.
Eh? I imagine they concentrate on child porn because of the child victims! A totally different issue from consenting adults.

Things are never that simple.

The police thought they were dealing with abuse in the Spanner case but it was just "deviant" consenting sexuality. They still pursued it.

The definition of child porn in law means u could get done even if the images were totally fabricated or the person was over the age of consent but looked younger.

Sexuality is a prime area for Moral Panics and hasty legislation.
Got this lovely circular through the letterbox this morning, from the Liberal Democrats.

No mud-slinging going on here, then!

What does the back page say ?

In fairness - even if it does have an absurd 1970's-stylee picture of a cop on the front, the above just quotes a number of newspapers. Hence why I'm keen to see what was on the back.

Is there more to it, or is it just newspaper quotes ?

EDIT : sorry Teuchter, just seen the scans you helpfully posted above.

In fairness, whilst that leaflet was distasteful and naughty, I don't think quoting what newspapers have printed without comment is worthy of over-reaction. Were there complaints when the papers said it in the first place ? I doubt it.
In fairness, whilst that leaflet was distasteful and naughty, I don't think quoting what newspapers have printed without comment is worthy of over-reaction. Were there complaints when the papers said it in the first place ? I doubt it.

Missing the point; we've come to expect our newspapers to be full of shit, but it's depressing when the major political parties join in with this.

What is the point of this mud-slinging? To suggest that Lambeth Labour are all paedophiles? It's absurd; and hasn't even been proved in the case of Toren Smith.

Mind you, Lambeth Labour party are so happy to play this game themselves that they deserve all the retaliation they get, but it's deeply depressing trying to work out who to vote for in Lambeth now.
Missing the point; we've come to expect our newspapers to be full of shit, but it's depressing when the major political parties join in with this.

What is the point of this mud-slinging? To suggest that Lambeth Labour are all paedophiles? It's absurd; and hasn't even been proved in the case of Toren Smith.

Mind you, Lambeth Labour party are so happy to play this game themselves that they deserve all the retaliation they get, but it's deeply depressing trying to work out who to vote for in Lambeth now.

Exactly. These are the people we have to choose from to represent us politically at council level. This kind of playground campaigning is corrosive and displays a lack of respect for the local electorate.

Missing the point; we've come to expect our newspapers to be full of shit, but it's depressing when the major political parties join in with this.

What is the point of this mud-slinging? To suggest that Lambeth Labour are all paedophiles? It's absurd; and hasn't even been proved in the case of Toren Smith.

Mind you, Lambeth Labour party are so happy to play this game themselves that they deserve all the retaliation they get, but it's deeply depressing trying to work out who to vote for in Lambeth now.

I can't find anything in these leaflets that alleges that "Lambeth Labour are all paedophiles".

This Lib Dem material, while rather tabloid in tone, seems to me fairly innocuous, given that it is simply quoting what has already been in local papers, the Evening Standard and on the BBC web site. The back page makes the valid point that the Labour candidate claims to "live locally" but in fact lives in fashionable Abbeville Road, Clapham where she was a councillor for many years but got booted out in May - in contrast with the Lib Dem candidate who has lived in Tulse Hill for 50 years, and is an active local campaigner and community activist. Tulse Hill shouldn't be seen as a shoe-in for rejected Labour councillors looking for a safe berth.
I'm at a loss why anyone would try and make excuses for that unpleasant leaflet tbh. 'Rather tabloid' in tone is a gross understatement

The LibDems can go fuck themselves
Tulse Hill shouldn't be seen as a shoe-in for rejected Labour councillors looking for a safe berth.

yes, I agree with that. But while the blue tory has nothing to say except that he likes going abroad to kill people and all the orange tory can do is mudsling that just means none of them are fit to be elected.
I can't find anything in these leaflets that alleges that "Lambeth Labour are all paedophiles".

This Lib Dem material, while rather tabloid in tone, seems to me fairly innocuous, given that it is simply quoting what has already been in local papers, the Evening Standard and on the BBC web site. The back page makes the valid point that the Labour candidate claims to "live locally" but in fact lives in fashionable Abbeville Road, Clapham where she was a councillor for many years but got booted out in May - in contrast with the Lib Dem candidate who has lived in Tulse Hill for 50 years, and is an active local campaigner and community activist. Tulse Hill shouldn't be seen as a shoe-in for rejected Labour councillors looking for a safe berth.

I think the implication of a shoe-in is relevant to the campaign and probably justified although the handling of it is poor - very Daily Mail. I am surprised Labour risked this.

I cannot see how Torren Smith's predicament is relevant to the campaign unless they are implying (without clearly stating) a relationship between his alleged wrongdoings and any other Labour candiadate's ability to carry out the job. Which would be ridiculous.
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