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Lambeth Councillor resigns after arrest over porn allegations

Being arrested doesn't necessarily mean he is guilty of anything.

That is for the courts to decide, not you or anyone else.

You seem to be preaching to the converted. Despite there being some fairly cynical views on both sides of what is fair, no one here appears to be arguing that he is guilty of the crime.

The dispute seems to be whether he is entitled to privacy against reporting of the facts. The fact is that currently he is not entitled to that privacy. And there is certainly no law against speculation (or indeed gossip) which falls short of defamation, however ill judged.

The only people generally entitled to privacy are "alleged" rape victims. They are looking at extending that to the alleged perpetrators. As someone said earlier, mud sticks in relation to this kind of matter, so maybe it should also be extended to this kind of allegation. I imagine one problem with that is that the publicity is very helpful in finding evidence in some cases.
I don't know what Steve Reed's email said because I didn't get it - it may have been fine (which is why I said possibly) and yes I'm sure it's a tricky situation for him to be in too.

Just that TS has resigned for personal reasons at the request of the Labour Party and apologies for having to have a new election so soon after the last one.

It seems to be the "at the request of" bit that has upset some people but without knowing anymore of the facts I think it is probably speculation to suggest whether or not it was unreasonable.
Being arrested doesn't necessarily mean he is guilty of anything.

That is for the courts to decide, not you or anyone else.

Agreed. And I never said or decided that he was guilty of anything.

I said the things that have happened to him so far have happened for a reason. Whether those reasons amount to a guilty charge for a criminal offence is for the courts to decide, but once those reasons are laid out by the Crown Prosecution Service I will exercise my right to pass on those reasons to you and anyone else who reads my posts.

Being charged does not mean that you are guilty. It means that the CPS agrees with the police that you have a case to answer, that you will most likely be required to stand trial and that the evidence (if any) gathered by the authorities from and about you can and will be used against you in court.

I commented on the odds that he would be charged and registered my doubts that all this would go away any time soon. He was arrested. His home was searched. His computer was seized. He was questioned. The police are currently examining the contents of that computer. Being arrested means that the police think you have a case to answer in respect of something or other. They may be right. They may be wrong. If they are right and the CPS agrees then Toren Smith will be charged. If they dont agree then Toren Smith will not be charged.

Whatever the courts may decide, doors have been opened that can never be closed and doors have been closed that will never again be opened. There is no going back for Toren Smith. I didn't decide that. The police did. Steve Reed did. I didnt arrest him. I didnt search his house. I didnt question him. I didnt ask for his resignation as a councillor. The police did. Steve Reed did. They are the only ones here who have done any deciding at all about anything. If you don't like the decisions they have made so far then take it up with them, not me.
Agreed. And I never said or decided that he was guilty of anything.

It did sound a bit like you did, when you said -

He is not innocent of being arrested, having his home searched, his computer seized and his position as a councillor judged by his peers to be untenable.

Anyway, what seems a little strange is how adamant you are to make the point that if he's being investigated, there is a reason why he's being investigated.

Which is correct but also just stating the obvious... why is it that you're so keen to say this?

What is to be lost by letting it lie until they have, at least, brought charges against him (if they do)?
It did sound a bit like you did, when you said -

Anyway, what seems a little strange is how adamant you are to make the point that if he's being investigated, there is a reason why he's being investigated.

Which is correct but also just stating the obvious... why is it that you're so keen to say this?

What is to be lost by letting it lie until they have, at least, brought charges against him (if they do)?

What I'm adamant about is that he has a case to answer. That is the reason why he is being investigated.

What I am keen to do is to correct the impression you and other posters are spreading that being arrested on suspicion of child pornography offences is the end of the matter rather than just the start. What I am keen to do is to correct the impression that there is no reason to this, that the idea to arrest him just jumped into the police's head by magic. What I am keen to do is to correct the impression that we owe him a living and must contribute to his defence. We owe him a fair and thorough police investigation, a fair and through assessment of what charges (if any) to bring and a a fair trial if necessary. That is all we owe him.

There is nothing to be lost to Toren Smith by letting the matter lie. What would be lost to us is the opportunity to discuss the ins and outs and implications of a matter of public interest and political importance to the people of Lambeth. Politicians get arrested all the time for all sorts of things, but not often for this. Toren Smith's decision to remain silent on this matter is the right thing to do in the circumstances, but it is his strategy, not mine.

You are upset because of what all this implies about Toren Smith as a person. I dont what all this implies about Toren Smith as a person, apart from the fact that he is in a great deal of trouble. I dont have enough information to decide on that yet. If you wish to defend Toren Smith as a person then feel free to do so. I will give you that. I will however reserve the right to take an interest in what Toren Smith may or may not have done. As soon as I have more information on that I will share that interest with you.
What I am keen to do is to correct the impression you and other posters are spreading that being arrested on suspicion of child pornography offences is the end of the matter rather than just the start.

Who's said this? :confused:

What I am keen to do is to correct the impression that there is no reason to this, that the idea to arrest him just jumped into the police's head by magic.

Or this? :confused:

There is nothing to be lost to Toren Smith by letting the matter lie. What would be lost to us is the opportunity to discuss the ins and outs and implications of a matter of public interest and political importance to the people of Lambeth.

What's the point of having this discussion before we at least know what he's been charged with?

You are upset because of what all this implies about Toren Smith as a person. I dont what all this implies about Toren Smith as a person, apart from the fact that he is in a great deal of trouble. I dont have enough information to decide on that yet. If you wish to defend Toren Smith as a person then feel free to do so.

I had never even heard of Toren Smith before this thread popped up.
What I am keen to do is to correct the impression that there is no reason to this, that the idea to arrest him just jumped into the police's head by magic..
So you're saying that the police never make mistakes and if anyone is arrested then there must be just cause?

How awfully quaint.

The guy may be guilty, he may not be, but you seem to be pushing a real agenda to prejudge him here and it's beginning to look rather ugly.
So you're saying that the police never make mistakes and if anyone is arrested then there must be just cause?

How awfully quaint.

The guy may be guilty, he may not be, but you seem to be pushing a real agenda to prejudge him here and it's beginning to look rather ugly.

The simple fact is that if an allegation is of a serious crime the police have to make an arrest and begin an investigation regardless of what they feel about the allegation. I've been there. Somebody made a completely malicious accusation about me to the police, and I was arrested and my home searched, despite the police officers who arrested me telling me "we know it's a malicious allegation, but once it's in the system we have to investigate it properly". In my case the investigation took about 15 minutes after which it was conclusively proven that the allegation was false. However I'm not a public figure. If I had been it could well have been reported that I was arrested and investigated for a serious crime, and most probably wouldn't have been reported that I'd been completely cleared.

It's beginning to stink of the same Lib Dem attacks that followed Asuman Ozcan's arrest following false accusations a couple of years back. In that case the original allegations were made to the police by a Lib Dem activist at the same time as they were passed on the the SLP by a Lib Dem councillor, and followed up by loads of mud slinging by Lib Dem activists and fellow travellers here and in letters to the local press. Then when the investigation is dropped due to a complete lack of any substance to the allegations, not one word. Not a word of correction in the papers. Not a word of apology from the mud slinging scum.

I have no idea whether or not Toren Smith has done anything wrong. However I know this. Whilst there's a load of people suddenly emerging from the woodwork claiming to have no political axe to grind whilst frantically slinging as much mud as they can, I will assume it's just as likely to be the disgusting underbelly of Lambeth Libdemmery as it is likely to be anything else.
The simple fact is that if an allegation is of a serious crime the police have to make an arrest and begin an investigation regardless of what they feel about the allegation. I've been there. Somebody made a completely malicious accusation about me to the police, and I was arrested and my home searched, despite the police officers who arrested me telling me "we know it's a malicious allegation, but once it's in the system we have to investigate it properly". In my case the investigation took about 15 minutes after which it was conclusively proven that the allegation was false. However I'm not a public figure. If I had been it could well have been reported that I was arrested and investigated for a serious crime, and most probably wouldn't have been reported that I'd been completely cleared.

It's beginning to stink of the same Lib Dem attacks that followed Asuman Ozcan's arrest following false accusations a couple of years back. In that case the original allegations were made to the police by a Lib Dem activist at the same time as they were passed on the the SLP by a Lib Dem councillor, and followed up by loads of mud slinging by Lib Dem activists and fellow travellers here and in letters to the local press. Then when the investigation is dropped due to a complete lack of any substance to the allegations, not one word. Not a word of correction in the papers. Not a word of apology from the mud slinging scum.

I have no idea whether or not Toren Smith has done anything wrong. However I know this. Whilst there's a load of people suddenly emerging from the woodwork claiming to have no political axe to grind whilst frantically slinging as much mud as they can, I will assume it's just as likely to be the disgusting underbelly of Lambeth Libdemmery as it is likely to be anything else.

I agree that the current system whereby you are allowed to report allegations without reporting later that the charge is dropped simply because it is not juicy news is massively unfair. Without having given any consideration to the practicalities of application maybe it would be a positive move if it were to be deemed libellous to report allegations without later giving similar prominence to news that a case has been dropped. This would still allow freedom of the press but encourage some responsibility.

Would the Labour Party's response have been quite so swift and definitive if they suspected a case of "Libdemmary"? I do not know what other options would be open to them but could they not have simply suspended TS pending outcome of investigations?
From that article, it doesnt seem to be that serious, there seems to be a bunch of people jumping to the conclusion that its child porn or something equally nasty.

He probably just got forwarded a picture of titties or something?
Who's said this? :confused:

Or this? :confused:

What's the point of having this discussion before we at least know what he's been charged with?

I had never even heard of Toren Smith before this thread popped up.

The question of what the point is of discussing this matter (by 'this matter' I mean the implications for us of Toren Smith's arrest and what he is alleged to have done) is a good one. I said it was a matter of public interest and it is. It's important to understand and raise awareness of the risks and dangers to policiticians and the public that this case highlights, its important to understand the political implications and its important to learn the lessons for yourself. I dont take orders from politicians. I dont allow politicians or their hangers-ons to decide for me what aspects of their activities (alleged or otherwise) I can comment upon upon and I dont allow policiticians to decide for me what I can or cannot discuss.

Simply saying 'innocent until proven guilty' and refusing to discuss the matter for the next six to twelve months until Toren Smith is ultimately either cleared or convicted isnt good enough. And the fact that you've never heard of Toren Smith before isnt really that relevant. I would prefer to know about the risks and dangers for everyone now, especially for the Toren Smiths and other innocent, uncharged and unconvicted persons of this world, rather than 6 to 12 months from now. If you're not bothered then that's on you. No one is going to arrest you for listening to what I have to say.

As others have pointed out, there are a load of ways in which Toren Smith could be innocent. His computer could have picked up a virus, someone else could have been misusing it without his knowledge, some dodgy person in an otherwise legitimate chatroom or bulletin board could have spammed him and a bunch of other people, someone from his personal or political life could have stitched him up, he could be the victim of identity or credit card theft and so on. Councillors get hundreds of emails and messages a month. The dodgy email in my example could have sat there for ages without Smith noticing it. Or he could have seen a piece of spam, deleted it immediately and thought no more about it.

The point is about all the different ways an innocent person like Smith can get into trouble. How do you guard against that happening to you? Assuming (which the law says we must) that this happened to Smith, how did it happen? Arent you the least bit interested so that you can guard against the same thing happening to you? Is saying 'innocent until proven guilty' and putting a lid on it for the next 12 months really going to help you in the long run?

Once again, assuming Smith either missed it because he was too busy answering other more high priority messages or because he saw it as spam and immediately deleted it, would that stop him from being charged? And how long would it take for the police to search his computer and find the truth? Dont forget Operation Ore where the combination of credit card theft, sloppy and incompetent police work and public pressure on the police to nail alleged child pornography consumers resulted in careers, reputations and lives being destroyed. What are Smith's options if the police find something which he didnt know was there, but cant prove intent to possess (because there were viruses, because he either didnt open it or immediately deleted it etc)? If the police pressure him to accept a caution (as happened with innocent people caught up in Operation Ore) where does that leave him?

Then there is the political issue. How did Lambeth Council and Lambeth Labour Group allow one of its leading (and innocent) members to get into trouble like this? What were they doing? What does this say about all the computers currently issued to councillors and council officers (assuming for the sake of argument that it was a Council computer that the police seized)? What steps are being taken by the Council and Labour Group in the wake of this affair to prevent other innocent people innocently getting into similar trouble? What are the ethics of telling people words to the effect of 'please wipe anything you think is dodgy off your council computer immediately'?

And look at what Steve Reed did. Given the loads of different ways in which Smith could be innocent (he is innocent now, but its the way he is that matters here), did Steve Reed cut him loose too soon? Or should he have said "its okay everyone. Toren Smith is innocent until proven guilty. Please dont discuss this in public, please carry on as if nothing had happened"?

And if he did, what does that say about the way Lambeth Labour operates? Are people really saying that we should wait 6 to 12 months to find out the answers to those questions? What lessons can other Lambeth politicians learn from this? Are we really saying that the public isnt entitled to know how its elected representatives operate, particularly in times of crisis?

There is also the human aspect for me. I am sorry for Toren Smith. He was not one of my favourite politicians, but I wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy. This is a terrible, terrible way to go. But We're both human beings and although I sympathise with him I also need to know what happened, because the fact that there are a thousand million ways in which ordinary human beings can screw up (by getting arrested) or be screwed over by others, including by people you've been working alongside for years and thought were your friends is a lesson in principle that is worth learning over and over and over again.

Is that enough point for you?
You seem to have changed your tune somewhat - first you were talking about your right to defend the way TC has been treated by police/colleagues -

Why is it okay for other posters to question the propriety of TS's treatment by the police and his former colleagues in the Council and not okay for me to defend it?

Now you seem to be more interested in protecting TS at the hands of those same people

The point is about all the different ways an innocent person like Smith can get into trouble. How do you guard against that happening to you? Assuming (which the law says we must) that this happened to Smith, how did it happen?

It doesn't seem like you're saying much more than "we should know what happened here" which I agree with, but we can find out about all the stuff you mention above in 6/12 months, when more of the picture is in the open. It's preferable to go into it then because a) more information will be available and b) TS will or won't be charged, and, if he is innocent, getting a lot of public attention will be less harmful to him once he has been proven innocent than it would be now with a question mark hanging over him and people's tendency to assume the worst.
You seem to have changed your tune somewhat - first you were talking about your right to defend the way TC has been treated by police/colleagues -

Now you seem to be more interested in protecting TS at the hands of those same people

It doesn't seem like you're saying much more than "we should know what happened here" which I agree with, but we can find out about all the stuff you mention above in 6/12 months, when more of the picture is in the open. It's preferable to go into it then because a) more information will be available and b) TS will or won't be charged, and, if he is innocent, getting a lot of public attention will be less harmful to him once he has been proven innocent than it would be now with a question mark hanging over him and people's tendency to assume the worst.
You obviously havent read properly or in full what I wrote. I'm sorry it wasnt enough point for you.

You may honestly think that its better to wait 6-12 months to discuss this issue. You are mistaken. By then it will be too little too late and the only people who will benefit from that are those politicians and their apparatchiks hoping to put as much distance between them and Mr Smith as possible.

The only issue that will become clearer in 6-12 months is the issue of Toren Smith's guilt or innocence. That isnt the issue for me right now. The issues for me right now are how did this mess come about, what does it say about how Lambeth politicians and people go about their business and how do I prevent something like this happening to me. Most of these issues will be clarified the second we find out the prosecution's case against TS and what made Steve Reed demand TS's resignation.

I havent changed my tune. I still believe TS will be charged. I still strongly believe in my right to discuss what those charges are about. I was merely reconciling the contradictory messages you and others were putting out about me, about the case and about why I want to talk about it.
So you're saying that the police never make mistakes and if anyone is arrested then there must be just cause?

How awfully quaint.

The guy may be guilty, he may not be, but you seem to be pushing a real agenda to prejudge him here and it's beginning to look rather ugly.

I never said there was just cause for his arrest. In fact I have been making a great effort not to say that. I said that he was arrested for a reason, that I want to know what those reasons are and that it is in the public interest (not the interest of politicians) to know what those reasons are as soon as possible. Saying that he may be guilty, may be innocent only gets you so far. You have to explain why he may or may not be guilty. There is too much at stake here just leave it at that.

My agenda is to find out what is going on and correct the various incorrect impressions about me, about what this all means for the Council, for the people of Lambeth and for Toren Smith himself. I have only said one judgemental thing about Toren Smith himself and that was a comment on the issue of whether he has no enemies and is universally liked. That comment would not go towards his guilt and was not meant to go towards his guilt or innocence but would go towards where guilt might actually lie.

I agree with you about what a distasteful subject it is, but its importance as an issue for the people of Lambeth and politicians generally means that we have to put our distaste to one side for now. If we dont we will never be able to have a proper discussion about those issues that dont relate to Toren Smith's guilt or innocence.
The simple fact is that if an allegation is of a serious crime the police have to make an arrest and begin an investigation regardless of what they feel about the allegation. I've been there. Somebody made a completely malicious accusation about me to the police, and I was arrested and my home searched, despite the police officers who arrested me telling me "we know it's a malicious allegation, but once it's in the system we have to investigate it properly". In my case the investigation took about 15 minutes after which it was conclusively proven that the allegation was false. However I'm not a public figure. If I had been it could well have been reported that I was arrested and investigated for a serious crime, and most probably wouldn't have been reported that I'd been completely cleared.

It's beginning to stink of the same Lib Dem attacks that followed Asuman Ozcan's arrest following false accusations a couple of years back. In that case the original allegations were made to the police by a Lib Dem activist at the same time as they were passed on the the SLP by a Lib Dem councillor, and followed up by loads of mud slinging by Lib Dem activists and fellow travellers here and in letters to the local press. Then when the investigation is dropped due to a complete lack of any substance to the allegations, not one word. Not a word of correction in the papers. Not a word of apology from the mud slinging scum.

I have no idea whether or not Toren Smith has done anything wrong. However I know this. Whilst there's a load of people suddenly emerging from the woodwork claiming to have no political axe to grind whilst frantically slinging as much mud as they can, I will assume it's just as likely to be the disgusting underbelly of Lambeth Libdemmery as it is likely to be anything else.


I also have no idea whether or not Toren Smith has done anything wrong. So far I have not seen any public mudslinging whatsoever against Toren Smith. Every single single media outlet that has reported on TS's arrest has done exactly that and only that - report that Toren Smith was arrested. Not one Lambeth politician, Labour, LibDem or otherwise - has made any public comment that grinds any axes or slings any mud. No one is commenting on this. No one. Especially not in this thread. Every single person (including me) has expressed support for Toren Smith personally and wishes him well during this terrible time for him.

There is nothing underbelly about me. I was not responsible for his arrest. I was not responsible for him being questioned, his house being searched, his computer being seized or his decision to resign from the Council. If you wish to direct your disgust at someone over these events then direct them at the police and Steve Reed, not at me.

Yes it is true that the LibDems will have no regrets that Toren Smith is no longer a councillor. That does not in itself prove that they had anything to do with Toren Smith's arrest, nor does it reflect upon Smith's guilt or innocence and I am sure they are as concerned about the implications for politics in Lambeth as you are. Politicians rise and fall and some fall further and faster than others. The nature of Toren Smith's fall is going to make everyone involved in politics in Lambeth look over their shoulders.

Of course I have political views, but I havent told anyone here what they are (apart from not allowing politicians to tell me what I can and cannot discuss), they aren't relevant to the issues I am interested in and they're none of your business anyway. Yes I am one of those people who have come out of the woodwork, but not for the reasons you think. If you want to declare war on the LibDems then go ahead but leave me out of it. I just want the facts.
I never said there was just cause for his arrest. In fact I have been making a great effort not to say that. I said that he was arrested for a reason, that I want to know what those reasons are and that it is in the public interest (not the interest of politicians) to know what those reasons are as soon as possible. Saying that he may be guilty, may be innocent only gets you so far. You have to explain why he may or may not be guilty. There is too much at stake here just leave it at that.
No, he is entitled to behave and be treated as if he is innocent until it is proven otherwise. That's the way it works.
Lambeth Tories have added a little more detail to the Tulse Hill situation.

"Voters demanded an immediate by-election after a newly re-elected unmarried Labour councillor was arrested and bailed, by a specialist unit of the Metropolitan Police, on allegations of downloading material from pay-for-view child abuse pornography web sites."

Unmarried? Relevance? :rolleyes:
No, he is entitled to behave and be treated as if he is innocent until it is proven otherwise. That's the way it works.

Note how upset ellmann164 gets at the (speculative) allegation of being a Lib Dem activist. Yet it's OK for ellmann, Tricky Skills, and all the other "I'm not a Lib Dem" Lib Dem cheerleades to continue to keep trying to sling more mud at Toren Smith whilst trying to pretend they aren't. Quite frankly it looks like the worst kind of juvenile and amoral student politicsl. The sort of thing done by people who take absolutely no responsibility for their actions and who want to pretend to be doing something important.

It's precisely the sort of thing that puts the public off politics just as much as it gives the sleazier political pond slime the hots.
Note how upset ellmann164 gets at the (speculative) allegation of being a Lib Dem activist. Yet it's OK for ellmann, Tricky Skills, and all the other "I'm not a Lib Dem" Lib Dem cheerleades to continue to keep trying to sling more mud at Toren Smith whilst trying to pretend they aren't. Quite frankly it looks like the worst kind of juvenile and amoral student politicsl. The sort of thing done by people who take absolutely no responsibility for their actions and who want to pretend to be doing something important.

It's precisely the sort of thing that puts the public off politics just as much as it gives the sleazier political pond slime the hots.


Actually its not okay. Its extremely frustrating not knowing the full facts, not being able to report on the case properly and walking this tightrope of sub judice.

I am an anonymous blogger hiding under an assumed name. As are you. We are all part of the same failure to take responsibility.

I am upset at the accusation of being a LibDem activist/stooge/plant/whatever because I take my reputation seriously. I dont ask to be liked. I ask that my views be taken seriously. I have a policy of full and and rapid rebuttal, so when someone accuse me of being a political stooge that policy will kick in big time.

I havent slung any mud at Toren Smith. I pointed to the mud that was already there. There is nothing pretend about it. Other people want to keep people's attention on what he is (or was). I don't think you can talk properly about what or who Toren Smith is until; you find out what he he is alleged to have done and what is alleged that others have done to him. If you seriously believe that he is the victim of a LidDem smear then arent you interested in finding out how they did it?

The police slung the mud when they arrested him, questioned him, searched his house and took his computer. If you are this upset about it now, how upset are you going to be when he's charged and the prosecution lay out their case against him?

I understand how it may look to you. That is because of the circles you run about in. As I have made clear several times, I do not run around in the same circles that you do and I am not required to modify what I say about Lambeth Labour councillors in the way that you appear to be.

Be careful how you use the word 'morality'. I never mentioned morality in relation to Toren Smith and if you are defending him its probably not a good idea to start lecturing others on their morality given the alleged reason he was arrested. Lets just stick to the facts for now shall we? Plenty of time to discuss morality later when we know exactly who did or didnt do what.

Also probably not a good idea to look at this in terms of juvenile pranks or student politics. A well-liked (by some) politician has lost his job and career in distressing circumstances. Lives have been wrecked. Political administrations have been seriously embarassed. Criminal charges may be filed. This is about as grown up and adult as it gets.

I disagree that this thread will put the public off politics. This is nothing like the expenses scandal. This scandal will however (rightly or wrongly, accurately or misleadingly) put the public off individual politicians, two in particular.
Just to add in passing. I've had a look at the Lambeth Conservatives article:


It alleges "downloading from pay per view websites".

Putting aside for now the big big question of whether there are really nowadays such things as child porn sites that are pay per view, we should remember how how in Operation Ore people were accused of accessing child porn for supposedly entering portals that in fact were not explicitly advertised as being for child porn and which contained a range of sites that werent child porn at all.

On top of which, payment details for both consumers of illegal child porn and consumers of other types of legal porn were taken and (in that case) stored together in ways that made it less than straightforward to distinguish who had paid for what.

In other words, be careful about what you read.
Lambeth Tories have added a little more detail to the Tulse Hill situation.

"Voters demanded an immediate by-election after a newly re-elected unmarried Labour councillor was arrested and bailed, by a specialist unit of the Metropolitan Police, on allegations of downloading material from pay-for-view child abuse pornography web sites."

Unmarried? Relevance? :rolleyes:

Yes its sick making. The Tory article says that voters demanded a new election. "Unmarried"-this is like going back to 1980s.
Lambeth Tories have added a little more detail to the Tulse Hill situation.

"Voters demanded an immediate by-election after a newly re-elected unmarried Labour councillor was arrested and bailed, by a specialist unit of the Metropolitan Police, on allegations of downloading material from pay-for-view child abuse pornography web sites."

Unmarried? Relevance? :rolleyes:

Also article says that Labour party has lost "moral authority" in Tulse hill.

Truly nauseating the way politicos use someone elses misfortune in this way.

"War Hero" Twat
I remember Toren Smith replying to a few of my emails about planning stuff a few years ago when I lived in tulse Hill - seemed like a decent chap. I remember the tories hated him too for some reason. I'm pretty sure he helped when some of us posters on here started a successful campaign to prevent a footpath at the bottom of Tulse Hill being closed off for a luxury flats development.
I remember Toren Smith replying to a few of my emails about planning stuff a few years ago when I lived in tulse Hill - seemed like a decent chap. I remember the tories hated him too for some reason. I'm pretty sure he helped when some of us posters on here started a successful campaign to prevent a footpath at the bottom of Tulse Hill being closed off for a luxury flats development.


They and the LibDems hated him for his alleged briefing against them, particularly (its been alleged) recently during the election.

In person I saw him as reasonably polite and affable, if a little slippery in the sense that he made it clear he wasnt prepared to offer his support to the cause we were discussing at the time until he was sure that enough other people were supporting it at as well and the cause was going to be successful.

He was a smart guy, which makes the question of how he got into his current situation an even bigger one than before.
Got this lovely circular through the letterbox this morning, from the Liberal Democrats.

No mud-slinging going on here, then!


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That's really unpleasant. I can't believe the Lib Dems don't have someone in place to check on this kind of thing before it goes out - I find it hard to believe that the powers that be higher up in the party would think it's okay, or that it sends a good message about their values, to send that out to the public on party material. Blergh.
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