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Labour leadership

Not a paper in sight. Corbyn's "green baize" thinking?

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It looks like he's explaining the rules of Soggy Biscuit to an amateur dramatics society which has accidentally double-booked the village hall with the local stroke support group
just logged in to youtube and top of the homepage the promoted video is this

That's extraordinary! It reaches the level of piss poor election commercials in America. It has production values of a conspiraloon video too, all sinister etc. Coupled with the sun headline yesterday I'm surprised by how desperate and yet how hysterical and weak the attacks are this early on.

In other news Osbourne's come out and said the appointment of McDonnell has broken decades of economic consensus. That's quite an admission to make!
She did say it was a joke but it was delivered to camera in a very straight face. It's not surprising it can be misinterpreted.

All I can picture in my head is of the times that I got gobby with my Mum when I was a teenager. She would instantly call me on it & I'd retort like a fucking tool, 'I WAS ONLY JOKING!'
no, more subtle than that. they think that economicly, Corbin has an attractive message - whether its viable or not is entirely another matter, and not really part of this - there are lots of people who's living standards have gone into reverse, lots of middle England who fear for the ability of their children to ever buy their own home, and lots of people (and not just of the Corbyn-ite left) who feel completely ripped off by privatisation and PFI. there are large parts of Tory England that do not believe that saying 'long term economic plan' endlessly means that either you have one, or that its any good for them.

they think however that Corbyn's weakness - in terms of being in tune with the public - on defence, foreign policy, interesting causes abroad, NATO mebership, Trident, immigration etc.. will probably more than counter-act the popularity of his economic message, and they also - from bitter experience - know that divided parties do not win elections.

they think that Corbyn will lose the next election on his own merits, but not being idiots they aren't going to bet the farm on it, so they want a plan 'B' - and plan 'B' is having the Labour party self-distruct over the above issues. Labour will probably implode over those issues anyway as they are big, important issues and opinions on them are dearly held and not easily compromised over, but the tories take the veiw that a little poke might help the timing of that.

they also take the view that having Corbyn fall in the first 18 months or so, and having his energised, social media savvy supporters wander off into the political desert having got their fingers burnt on the fire of parliamentary politics would be no bad thing..

Yes, remember the Tory election poster on Labour's Defence Policy in the 87 election, I think, with a image of a soldier surrendering, it had a massive impact. Foreign and defence policy used to have a major impact on voters, something the CND'ers(I never was) had no awareness or interest in, it could have again, I have already heard people calling JC a 'Putin lover', etc and worrying about the Russians buzzing our airspace.
The look on those faces doesn't instil much confidence

In Corbyn or his shadow cabinet?, Corbyn has a huge mandate to change the party which was remodelled and hollowed out in the last twenty years: apparatchiks, blairites, parachutists, time servers, and even much of the soft left are not going to like it.
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