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Kazakhstan: New troubles bought on by fuel price hike


This has been going on since at least Jan 2nd and quite possibly longer:

Kremlin warning against 'outside interference'


Simon Pirani writes some good stuff on that part of the world.
There are a few threads from quite some time ago which is why i started a new one. this one may be relevant (from 2011):

Curious timing with Ukraine - could hardly be more convenient for the West or more inconvenient for Putin. If it is intelligence work, it is rather well done.
Yeah, thousands of people rising up for a whole host of reasons, inc. mismanagement of fuel price increases by the State. Must be the CIA. :hmm:

Did you even read the articles, or know what's been going on there at all, or are you just making a know-nothing speculation?

Following a few online accounts actually. This chap, who I'm not 100% sure about to be perfectly honest, has some thoughts:

It is not looking good. The government has resigned (leaving Tokaev in sole control) and the protestors, while scoring some victories overnight, are now getting gunned down.
The army is going in, and Russia is sending their own troops to help.
(expand the whole twitter thread here)

Meanwhile Kazakh army firing on civilians in Almaty
Curious timing with Ukraine - could hardly be more convenient for the West or more inconvenient for Putin. If it is intelligence work, it is rather well done.

Of course, rising fuel prices have never been known to fuel political unrest anywhere in the world ever.

Yellow Vests were paid by Putin to launch a colour revolution against Macron. Where else could they have got funding to buy banners? Someone on YouTube said they saw a Russian in Paris once and it was backed up by this guy on Twitter so 100% verified FACT.
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Following a few online accounts actually. This chap, who I'm not 100% sure about to be perfectly honest, has some thoughts:

Can you name any protests in the last 15 years in a country which isn't allied with with West which haven't been dismissed as colour revolutions? Are we to believe then that only Western Europeans and Americans are capable of organising their own protests without being tools of foreign agents?

Sounds kind of racist to me...
Of course, rising fuel prices have never been known to fuel political unrest anywhere in the world ever.

Yellow Vests were paid by Putin to launch a colour revolution against Macron. Where else could they have got funding to buy banners? Someone on YouTube said they saw a Russian in Paris once and it was backed up by this guy on Twitter so 100% verified FACT.
Yes and it's a well known fact superpowers are very friendly and have a live and let live attitude to small countries with vast natural resourses
Can you name any protests in the last 15 years in a country which isn't allied with with West which haven't been dismissed as colour revolutions? Are we to believe then that only Western Europeans and Americans are capable of organising their own protests without being tools of foreign agents?

Sounds kind of racist to me...
What does the "dismissed as colour revolutions mean?"
Yes and it's a well known fact superpowers are very friendly and have a live and let live attitude to small countries with vast natural resourses

Of course various powers will take an interest in it but you can't just magic up a protest.

Places where there have been open US support for rebel groups have tended to backfire in fact - such as Afghanistan and Syria. Which shows that they don't have such control over when protests occur or how they develop.

This worldview is kind of like claiming that the IRA were simply pawns of Libya, or that the Miners Strike was caused by Soviet interference.
Baikonur is just down the road from Almaty ( these things are all relative ) , still under lease to Russia and an income generator for Russia these days.
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Boot on the other foot here, not CIA but islamists:

(use the translate button on the quoted tweet)
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