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Johnny Depp Libel Case


Ready to move into the light
Posting in here because it's against The Sun and in the UK courts.

Anybody else in here following? As I posted in The Guardian thread. The media really have a done a job going to town doing a job on him. Virtually all the evidence points to Amber Heard being the abuser in this relationship.

I've been following the case very closely this week and it looks quite likely that the Johnny is about to get result he wants and deserves.

Murdoch news shitting themselves and no doubt preparing for a big smear in the Sundays.
Posting in here because it's against The Sun and in the UK courts.

Anybody else in here following? As I posted in The Guardian thread. The media really have a done a job going to town doing a job on him. Virtually all the evidence points to Amber Heard being the abuser in this relationship.

I've been following the case very closely this week and it looks quite likely that the Johnny is about to get result he wants and deserves.

Murdoch news shitting themselves and no doubt preparing for a big smear in the Sundays.

Was talking to my mum earlier today and she mentioned this but only due to Jeff Bezos of all people somehow involved.

Something about someone who worked for Depp saying that Bezos would occasionally turn up to visit Depp’s wife - but only when Depp wasn’t there:hmm:
Was talking to my mum earlier today and she mentioned this but only due to Jeff Bezos of all people somehow involved.

Something about someone who worked for Depp saying that Bezos would occasionally turn up to visit Depp’s wife - but only when Depp wasn’t there:hmm:

Apparently nights were spent with Elon Musk and ANother. I'm less interested in the tabloid side of it.

I believe Johnny is innocent of any physical attacks and there's enough evidence to suggest the reverse is true. I don't really care that he is one of the "Hollywood privilege" Nobody male or female deserves to be domestically abused and then victim blammed while the abuser is put on some kind of pedistal.
I haven't really been following in detail but I did think he had to be pretty sure of himself Depp to take this case in the first place. I will be interested to see the result.

I agree with you. Some quarters are attacking him for airing his dirty laundry but I'm pretty sure for him he wants the truth to be told and to clear his name and hopefully save his career.
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I've been following it closely and the picture emerging is of a man who drank and took too many drugs and did violent things to his wife, who stood up to him, tried to defend herself, inflaming the situation. I find it incredible that he denies attacking her but admits drinking/drugs binges and apologising to her (by text) after a couple of incidents. (There were 14 mentioned, in total, iirc)

I mean, how doesn't he even doubt his actions when he was so wasted he could have blacked out? Anyone who's been in an abusive relationship involving drugs knows the Jekil and Hyde character scenario. She didn't even take his money after divorce. All gone to charity. He's so entitled, deluded and sees himself as a victim, he doesn't think he'd do such terrible things. But I'm betting he has. Because that's what happens, time and time again. Being rich and famous doesn't make people immune to it.
Well that escalated quicky.
I've been following it closely and the picture emerging is of a man who drank and took too many drugs and did violent things to his wife, who stood up to him, tried to defend herself, inflaming the situation. I find it incredible that he denies attacking her but admits drinking/drugs binges and apologising to her (by text) after a couple of incidents. (There were 14 mentioned, in total, iirc)

I mean, how doesn't he even doubt his actions when he was so wasted he could have blacked out? Anyone who's been in an abusive relationship involving drugs knows the Jekil and Hyde character scenario. She didn't even take his money after divorce. All gone to charity. He's so entitled, deluded and sees himself as a victim, he doesn't think he'd do such terrible things. But I'm betting he has. Because that's what happens, time and time again. Being rich and famous doesn't make people immune to it.

Both of them took drink and drugs so your point there is mute.

The so called evidence that he was physically abusive has been debunked AFAIK. She even appeared on UK TV one day after she claims she was beaten black and blue looking "photoshop perfect"

By all accounts the reports from the court this week show her changing testimony to have more holes in than swiss cheese.

Then of course there are her admissions that she assaulted him. Recordings of her taunting him for always running away when she gets violent are freely available in the public domian. Police testimonies that she was seen assaulting one of her ex's in publc. The new video of her sister talking about them fighting it goes on and on.
I gotta love the people posting in this thread to show just how little they care. Yeah right, you cared enough to make a post, didn't ya? You're not fooling anyone but maybe yourselves.

If it's true that Depp has been subject to domestic abuse, then I hope he finds justice or at least recompense. And fuck the Sun.
Always fuck the sun.

Is his Harry Potter spinoff any good?
They are a bit like what the Hobbit films were to the LOTR films were, though not as bad, just unnecessary. While he's set up to be the main antagonist, Depp doesn't really have a lot of screen time in the two films made so far. He's ok, but his various addiction issues seem to have caught up with him, it's like the light has gone out.
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I gotta love the people posting in this thread to show just how little they care. Yeah right, you cared enough to make a post, didn't ya? You're not fooling anyone but maybe yourselves.

If it's true that Depp has been subject to domestic abuse, then I hope he finds justice or at least recompense. And fuck the Sun.

It would be great if he was telling the truth. However, the vast majority of domestic abusers are men. Isn't it 4 women in the UK alone get killed every week by men? (more in the US). When I hear his evidence and hers I feel hers rings true, it feels much closer to reality than his.

It was clearly a toxic relationship, but women tend to be more verbal in their abuse. Even if she was cheating, and apparently so was him, the physical violence is not justified. I can't believe he even got away with all these assaults without getting arrested but that's a whole other story.

She has admitted hitting him when she was scared and defending herself. Any woman who's been in a situation like that knows how terrifying it is dealing with someone under the influence of drugs, but there comes a point you have no option but fight back.
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Well that escalated quicky.

Both of them took drink and drugs so your point there is mute.

The so called evidence that he was physically abusive has been debunked AFAIK. She even appeared on UK TV one day after she claims she was beaten black and blue looking "photoshop perfect"

By all accounts the reports from the court this week show her changing testimony to have more holes in than swiss cheese.

Then of course there are her admissions that she assaulted him. Recordings of her taunting him for always running away when she gets violent are freely available in the public domian. Police testimonies that she was seen assaulting one of her ex's in publc. The new video of her sister talking about them fighting it goes on and on.

Mute - silent. Moot - the word you wanted.
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