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Jesus Myth Theory

The depraved Herrods still have their opulent Knightsbridge department store.
Why did Allah, Moses and Christ all come from a relatively small part of the Middle East? It’s clearly bollocks. We’re all going to die, meaning in life is entirely subjective and that’s about it.
Allah is the spirit, or God the Father in Christianity.
If memory serves the dispute between the Abrahamic religions is who’s the messiah right? Judaism doesn’t think he’s turned up yet, Christianity’s money is on The Christ figure and Islam’s is on Mohammed. But it’s how many angels on the head of a pin right? It’s all bollocks.
Why did Allah, Moses and Christ all come from a relatively small part of the Middle East? It’s clearly bollocks. We’re all going to die, meaning in life is entirely subjective and that’s about it.
Well, they were all prophets within the same broad tradition, so naturally they came from the same fairly large geographical area. Bit like how most of the prominent figures in early Confucianism all came from the heartlands of Han culture.
Well, they were all prophets within the same broad tradition, so naturally they came from the same fairly large geographical area. Bit like how most of the prominent figures in early Confucianism all came from the heartlands of Han culture.
Yeah. It's just culture and fear of death really. Massive geographic element. Someone said to me once that religion was humanity's first attempt at science. That hit a nerve. If you haven't seen it have a look at the documentary The God Who Wasn't There. Debunkes most of this stuff.
Why did Allah, Moses and Christ all come from a relatively small part of the Middle East?

It was the New York of its time. You might as well ask why aliens, superheroes, monsters and vampires keep turning up in New York.
It was the New York of its time. You might as well ask why aliens, superheroes, monsters and vampires keep turning up in New York.
Yeah! God needs publicity apparently. I think turning up in French Polynesia would have been a better option though. More pilgrim dollars.
If memory serves the dispute between the Abrahamic religions is who’s the messiah right? Judaism doesn’t think he’s turned up yet, Christianity’s money is on The Christ figure and Islam’s is on Mohammed. But it’s how many angels on the head of a pin right? It’s all bollocks.
Muslims actually believe that Jesus was the messiah, and that he will return. They believe that Muhammad was the main prophet, but not the messiah.
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