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Is there a fun VR gaming thing that isn't for hardcore gamers?


Member Since: 1985 Post Count: 3
Like the equivalent of a Wii but with good graphics and not simple baby games. I don't want impossible combat game, I just fancy doing some stuff I can't do in real life in one handy box that I can break out if I am bored.
Drive a car or something. . . I've never done that.
The new oculus quest 2 is basically that. Doesn't need a PC. Do need a phone to some set up though i think.
I have one. The graphics are good and it seems really responsive.
Not played a bunch of games yet but beat sabers is fantastic fun.
I got Moss too as I've seen people praise it but not got around to playing it yet.

Only downside is having the space. you do need something like at least 2m square of free space if you are standing.
You can do a lot of stuff sitting down which only needs you to be far enough from tables or lamps or any other thing you could smack your arms on.

It's about £ 300 if i recall correctly.

you can take a look at games here

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I thought it would be that but I have been presently surprised by what I have found.

It's still a bit experimental but you could say the same thing about the wii and motion controlers.

It does its thing quite well for what it is.
I did look into this stuff about 4 years back and then it was all freakishly expensive for the pro gaming stuff and the stuff you ran on a phone with a headset was rather dull and clunky.
This one has got the price liw enough and the tech good enough to make it work for me.
It's a bit low on great games but more and more are being made as we speak by developers who are getting the hang of this style of game.

Still a bit pricy for something that isn't a sure fire purchase but it is far from shit.

I got beat saber and the linkin Park song list then waved my arms like I was a young adult back in the early 2000s and those boxes had just blocked my napster account. Great fun.

Also I can lie to myself and say I'll use it for game development or something educational.

I also want to try half life Alex and star wars squadron. Just need to work out wher I can safely put the laptop.
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The new oculus quest 2 is basically that. Doesn't need a PC. Do need a phone to some set up though i think.
I have one. The graphics are good and it seems really responsive.
Not played a bunch of games yet but beat sabers is fantastic fun.
I got Moss too as I've seen people praise it but not got around to playing it yet.

Only downside is having the space. you do need something like at least 2m square of free space if you are standing.
You can do a lot of stuff sitting down which only needs you to be far enough from tables or lamps or any other thing you could smack your arms on.

It's about £ 300 if i recall correctly.

you can take a look at games here

OK sounds interesting, though I don't have a smartphone. Does it have to be a smart phone?
I at least have the space though, my front and rooms are basically empty squares that we we just plonk a coffee table in the middle of.
No, it's all shit. Nobody is investing the time and money into it because the powers that be have realised that nobody (relatively speaking) actually wants it.
It's going to go the way of 3D TV. Maybe it'll come back, maybe it won't, but at the moment, it's shite.
Oh so there is no popular option?
I assumed it would be loads of fun. DId a few games in the shopping centre and enjoyed it, I thought everyone would be at it, I just didn't want any intense gaming, because I don't really play games. All too hard. Last one I got was golden eye on the wii to re-live the N64 days, but it was waaaaay too hard, and I couldn't get off the first level. I think I might have even bought the controller.
The games don't look all that fun.
I was expecting more driving cars around VR environments or skiing or just exploring.

OK sounds interesting, though I don't have a smartphone. Does it have to be a smart phone?
I was looking at VR viewers last year and thought the Occulus might be interesting, but I don't have a smartphone too.
I was hoping for some flight or tank simulation vr experiences, but there don't seem to be any.
Space simulations might be good. I quite like the look of this:Screenshot 2021-03-25 at 11.52.00.png
No, it's all shit. Nobody is investing the time and money into it because the powers that be have realised that nobody (relatively speaking) actually wants it.
It's going to go the way of 3D TV. Maybe it'll come back, maybe it won't, but at the moment, it's shite.

Erm no. Against Gravity just got valued at $1.5B and they make just the one game (Rec Room). VR is having explosive growth right now
Erm no. Against Gravity just got valued at $1.5B and they make just the one game (Rec Room). VR is having explosive growth right now

It’s in a massive expansion phase right now, but the Rec Room thing strikes me as barking.

There aren’t many flight or driving sims on Quest but plenty that can be played via PC (with a Quest 2 headset wirelessly, or wired if your home network can’t manage it).

ATOMIC SUPLEX - I’m having a heap of fun with Population: One at the moment. Battle Royale game that would only work in VR and the community is really friendly.

I have over 50 apps on the thing - have properly got into it.

The one flight sim I can think of is pretty cartoony, but some of the user reviews are by furloughed pilots who say very good things about the physics/flight model.
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The Quest 2 is absolutely what you want. You need a smartphone to run the setup app, but after that it's self contained so you could just borrow a friend's.

The best things on it are Google Earth and Beat Sabre
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The Quest 2 is absolutely what you want. You need a smartphone to run the setup app, but after that it's self contained so you could just borrow a friend's.

The best things on it are Google Earth and Beat Sabre

And In Death: Unchained. Gorn is ludicrous fun too. And Pop 1 obv (lots of shooters on there). And the Exorcist - that just looks too scary for me (Lies Beneath was quite enough, thanks).

Thrill Of The Fight is the most exhausting thing I’ve ever played.
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And the ISS mission thing is def worth a look for frustrated astronauts (is free, too).
Have you seen the 'value' of Tesla and Bitcoin?

VR games are shit. Rec Room is double shit.

Rec Room is a free bit of trifling fluff (while they clearly have some monetisation ambitions), and market valuations are commonly irrational.
Still your post on VR will be a fun one to return to in 5 years time (which will likely not be the VR we are seeing now, which is just reaching the AOL point of the curve <with Facebook being the AOL in this story>).

Shame you weren't here in 1999 when we could have enjoyed your post about the internet being a busted flush and why can't people just buy an encyclopedia on a laserdisc?

Well, we could have enjoyed a photocopy of your letter.
Rec Room is a free bit of trifling fluff (while they clearly have some monetisation ambitions), and market valuations are commonly irrational.
Still your post on VR will be a fun one to return to in 5 years time (which will likely not be the VR we are seeing now, which is just reaching the AOL point of the curve <with Facebook being the AOL in this story>).

Shame urban wasn't going in 1999 when we could have enjoyed your post about the internet being a busted flush and why can't people just buy an encyclopedia on a laserdisc?
I knew where the internet was going in 1999. I had a good idea where it was going in 1984.
VR games are shit.
I knew where the internet was going in 1999. I had a good idea where it was going in 1984.
VR games are shit.

You're clearly well clued up on this but tech tends to incubate for surprising lengths of time before the right conditions for it to "pop" at which time growth is exponential. I'd say VR is right at the start of the hockey stick phase.

Tech doesn't tend to "go away and come back again" as you put it
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