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Is the future real?

I sense some history, here in this thread - but very little future...:D "read giving the poor fellah a time of day to learn, i.e. grow and change his tune..." :rolleyes::p:D
Your dictionary changes from moment to moment, or whenever it suits your latest mystical pronouncement. It's what makes discussions with you so utterly infuriating and pointless.

And I'm doing it now :mad:

*fucks off*
More word games Max? When are you going to take the drug that enables you to see that your supposedly 'deep' philosophical questions are simply playing around with words in a way that says bugger all about the Universe? If I had such a drug I would put it in the post to you :)
Your dictionary changes from moment to moment, or whenever it suits your latest mystical pronouncement. It's what makes discussions with you so utterly infuriating and pointless.

And I'm doing it now :mad:

*fucks off*

when i want to know what a word means, i normally use dictionary.com, and you can hold me to that about any post i have ever made
so time only exists if there are humans to experience it?
Sort of. Our concept of time only exists as long as there are humans to experience it. And since since our concept of time is the only such concept we're aware of... yeah.

Our concept of time - the one we most readily recognise and are most comfortable with - is a Newtonian invention: a series of neat, distinct blocks based on number (another human concept). It suffices for most purposes but is flawed in the sense that it measures changing states in a series of little leaps - time appears not to exist, and change not to take place, between the gaps in the numbering system. It's hard to shake off the idea that time (with its neat subdivisions of past, present and future) is something we impose upon the universe in order to measure and make sense of it, but that's precisely because it does make so much sense to us. But it's no more 'real' than any other human concept. Other advanced civilisations in other places may well divide up their worlds in ways that we'd find incomprehensible. For us, time is a useful conceptual tool, but it would be wrong to assume that it's something out there with a separate existence of its own.
this is a philosophy forum

what else do we have, besides words (and smilies), to play with?
Yes but some words convey interesting ideas. Yours convey nothing but the fact that you are unable/unwilling to define the terms you use, or unwilling to recognise the ambiguities in them, and this allows you to say anything you want while sounding 'deep' (to yourself and a few others).

I'll let you know when I find the right drug to help you out :p
The past is max asking is the future real

The future is the distant sound of heads hitting keyboards.

Ceilingcat sees all times:


(sorry, know it's a big file...maybe modz shrink ceilingcat's universe?)
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