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"Is Man Just Another Animal?" Professor Steve Jones says...

No, it's not that simple. It means you do not understand it...
Let me get this straight. The fact that I've asked you to give a brief definition of a term you've used is evidence that I don't understand that term, because someone who did understand it would never ask for a brief definition? :D:facepalm::D
I'll get you started here, gorski. (Here, I extend the definition so that it does not just include humans. There is no reason to limit the discussion to human society when so many other animals live in societies.)

Social Darwinism is the idea that the mechanism of natural selection outlined in Darwinism can be used to explain the way that societies of social animals develop, who thrives within those societies and who does not.

In its very narrowest sense, it can be taken to be a truism - those maladapted to survive in a given society are unlikely to reproduce, and so to pass on any traits that have their basis in genetics. This isn't really 'social Darwinism' as such, it's just simple Darwinism. One's evolutionary fitness includes one's ability to exist alongside one's conspecifics. Extended wider, its historical usage has been either as a justification for pre-existing power relations within human societies or as a guide to how to manipulate societies in order to improve them.

Scientifically, this wider usage is nonsense - in most instances where it is applied, insufficient generations have passed for such relations to be explained in any way at all by genetics; this is a simple case of looking in the wrong place for an answer. Politically, it is invariably hateful, bashing the poor. And nobody, absolutely nobody, on this thread or the last (with the possible exception of gorski himself!) has even hinted at thinking along these lines.
I gave you the chance to give a definition but you refused. Now either tell me what is wrong with my definition or tell me how, by that or a similar definition, certain posts on here betray a social Darwinist attitude.

You may not realise this, but to me and a lot of others, it is a fucking insult to be accused of this kind of thing.
Ok, I gave you a chance here. You didn't take it. I can only really conclude that you are in reality a very weird troll.

Bye then.
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Go back and read, OU... Listen to him, I am to give him everything on a silver plate. Who knows how many times, whenever he so pleases. Lazy and arrogant sod. Not just ignorant! Very efficient...

LBJ, WTF do you think you are? To be "giving" anything at all to anyone? You think that I am now somehow "diminished" or what? Go get your head examined.

And if you are really interested, as you say you are - we have already discussed it here.

Darwin reading Malthus "coming to an idea" (also given to him by Watson).

Go search, if you are that interested. But I suspect it's something else...

Your tone is telling, you know... Not to mention a little insulting.
I have done you the courtesy of repeating my question, and you should return such a courtesy.
It's not laziness just cos I think the question a taxonomic/scientific one, and making it into a philosophical one is a waste of time
gorski notice the increased hostility to you after you accuse everyone of "social Darwinism". No need for the hostility really. Just naughty step for antisocial behaviour.

Come back when you have something worth engaging with.
OU, suit yourself, listen to yourself only - but why do I have to care about your laziness? You don't even wanna go back in this very thread. Oych...

K, there is a whole branch of sociology, for instance, done in that fashion. Go figure...
Darwin reading Malthus "coming to an idea" (also given to him by Watson).

You're such an arrogant twat, assuming that nobody else knows what you know. I'm well aware of Malthus's influence on Darwin, how reading Malthus led Darwin to the idea that over-production of offspring was a necessary part of the process of natural selection. I presume that's what you're referring to. I've mentioned on here before that this is an aspect of Darwinism that is commonly neglected in popular discourse.

As ever your name-dropping sans context explains nothing. In particular it does not even begin to explain your comments regarding social Darwinism, leading me to a stronger and stronger suspicion that you had no idea what it meant when you first mentioned it.
He being, MM...??? You may have to check into a psychiatric ward, you know... Both of us met some people together, like frogwoman (hiya!), articul8 (he and many others who had something interesting to say just left this forum, sadly...) and so on.

Yep, psychiatric ward it is...
Ah, first we had 'scientism'. Now we have 'biologism'.

But I'm really done with you now. This has just been one long bluff on a subject about which you have zero understanding.
Have you seen how MM wrote in this thread alone about me, Danny? It's not far away, it;s in this thread.

Perhaps you should get your balls and spine where they belong and do this to him and his ilk when they do that FIRST?!?
Have you seen how MM wrote in this thread alone about me?

Perhaps you should get your balls and spine where they belong and do this to him and his ilk when they do that FIRST?!?

Do what when who does what when? Are you even capable of writing a sentence of comprehensible English? You're a fraud and a joke. You've been given every chance to explain yourself properly and you've just been a massive arrogant wanker to everyone. I think you're the one that needs to leave this thread.
Have you seen how MM wrote in this thread alone about me, Danny? It's not far away, it;s in this thread.

Perhaps you should get your balls and spine where they belong and do this to him and his ilk when they do that FIRST?!?
If anyone used disablist language like you've just used, I'd pull them up on it. I've just been through maomao's posts to check. He has said nothing at all even close to what you've just said. Your post is a complete disgrace and beyond the pale. You've crossed a line.
If you have any decency you'll apologise and delete.

Could you, please, let me be now?
Let you be??? ffs. I've been giving you chance after chance here to demonstrate that you're not just bullshitting. But you are. You are just bullshitting.

You attempt to give the illusion of depth, but that's just the reflection in the puddle.
gorski notice the increased hostility to you after you accuse everyone of "social Darwinism".

... which, if you think about it, is a pretty juvenile response. It's an intellectual discussion. Anyone who goes red and sputters 'This is an outrage!' if they see the words 'you are a social Darwinist' appear on their screen, is either manufacturing fake umbrage, or needs to examine priorities.
... which, if you think about it, is a pretty juvenile response. It's an intellectual discussion. Anyone who goes red and sputters 'This is an outrage!' if they see the words 'you are a social Darwinist' appear on their screen, is either manufacturing fake umbrage, or needs to examine priorities.
Except that that isn't really what happened. Just people asking him to explain himself. In my case, I did not believe, and still don't, that he knew what the term meant at the time of posting it, and he's been bluffing furiously ever since.
... which, if you think about it, is a pretty juvenile response. It's an intellectual discussion. Anyone who goes red and sputters 'This is an outrage!' if they see the words 'you are a social Darwinist' appear on their screen, is either manufacturing fake umbrage, or needs to examine priorities.
He didn't point to any posts, though. Despite being asked. He didn't name any names. Or even adequately explain what he meant. It was a vague slur against persons unidentified on occasions unspecified, of veracity undetermined.

Far from being "intellectual", it was a comment that had no depth, merit or substance. It was a context-free remark, and it displayed no understanding of either what had been said to him or what he was himself saying.
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