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Is Brexit actually going to happen?

Will we have a brexit?

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South African fash had a three-arm swatika that looked like the Manx flag, but that’s not it, definitely the Manx symbol.

Weirdly I had Radio 4 on in the car yesterday and there was some posh bloke from the Isle of Man on Any Answers pushing a no deal exit, didn’t sound like a native. I’m guessing some moneyed types hole out there with their cash and want to be further beyond the reach of EU tax haven legislation.
Looks like it's going to be a much closer run thing next week. Either way it goes the margin will be small. Not sure what the desirable anticapitalist outcome is now. Rejecting the deal a 3rd time leads to lengthy extension. Accepting it will damage the UK and strengthen the EU's hand. Seems like whichever it goes now, the EU wins.
You are missing the point. Can you make a sound defence of the EU that will appeal to someone with socialist values? That fact that the pro-EU arguments are so weak has motivated me to think more about whether leaving is really that bad.

There is no defence that can be made, that could appeal to someone with socialist values, because the EU is neoliberalism par excellence. It always has been, and it sees no other way to operate because people do not matter, as they might do in a socialism-inclined institution.
There is no defence that can be made, that could appeal to someone with socialist values, because the EU is neoliberalism par excellence. It always has been, and it sees no other way to operate because people do not matter, as they might do in a socialism-inclined institution.
Yeh there could be a socialist body called the European Union. But the thing we have is formed of aggressively capitalist countries. So it is to say the least unlikely something formed by capitalist countries could ever be socialist.
That there are serious flaws is obvious to most, probably. But fucking hell, being a woman, especially a working class woman, at the mercy of Jacob Rees Mogg (for example)? Jesus.

I really don't want to imagine that ballsack in power, even as a working class male, so in a position of relative privilege compared to working class females.
Reports in the telegraph today that labour will whip for the kyle/Wilson amendment on tuesday: I dont think they'll get the numbers, but it certainly raises the temperature...

Even if it were a socialist European union, its inevitable exclusion of that-which-is-not-European would be, by nature, racist.

Always. The dynamic for any power bloc is always to have some force to be in opposition to. That also happens internally, with people from each nation-state attributed with very reductive stereotypes. I was talking with a Hungarian mate who said that back in the day, all Poles were secret Nazis, Russians were drunkards, Czechs were sex-mad, Romanians were all thieves, etc.
With some - perhaps most - Euro nations, it's always been a "fear" of the east, and the south. Basically a fear of MENA people and "Turks", so Islam, too.
Even if it were a socialist European union, its inevitable exclusion of that-which-is-not-European would be, by nature, racist.

In the Brave New World of rad-lib "socialism", there will no be no more cultures, nations, or any other distinct geographical identities. The entire planet will be divided up into equally-sized portions labelled with a "logical" sequence of letters and numbers, devised purely for administrative purposes. Any and all objections to this are of course racist.
Because race is determined by where you currently live?

Where did I say that? I said a European Union which excludes non-Europeans is racist. Fortress Europe is racist and still would be if the internal politics of the EU were more socialist than they are now.
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