I want to flag up non-physical police brutality in the US. These terrrible murders of black people and other POC that are the focus of the protests, the physical beatings and assaults, these are only the loudest and most explosive examples. We mustn’t forget that.
This excellent piece of investigative journalism presented in a podcast digs down into the details around the case of Curtis Flowers, a black man tried six times for a multiple murder by a vindictive and corrupt white DA. It’s a good example of how easy it is for racism to prevail, and how hard it is for an innocent black man to be heard.
We investigate the case of Curtis Flowers, a Black man from Winona, Mississippi, who was tried six times for the same crime. Flowers spent more than 20 years fighting for his life while a white prosecutor spent that same time trying just as hard to execute him.
The Hurricane Tapes is another podcast that unwraps a similarly story.
Podcast downloads for The Hurricane Tapes
Etc etc etc.