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Industrial animal farming has caused most new infectious diseases and risks more pandemics, experts warn

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Seems to me that people are the reason the coronavirus has spread so widely and so rapidly. Factory farming people in big cities. Millions of them, cramped into tiny spaces. Is it any wonder the virus spread so readily.
Yes, we did. More of them, in fact, because people back then tended to keep animals in cities a lot more than now.

Of course that doesn't stop someone using the current pandemic - which originated from a wild animal - to ride their favourite hobby horse, even if it as tasteless as unsmoked tofu.
Why are the authors of these reports being as' tasteless as unsmoked tofu'?

And why shouldn't people talk about the source of viruses during the current pandemic? Why would you want to silence such scientific research when it's clearly something that almost everyone has an interest in?
Why are the authors of these reports being as' tasteless as unsmoked tofu'?

They're not, unless in addition to reporting their findings, they're pushing for everyone to convert to veganism.

And why shouldn't people talk about the source of viruses during the current pandemic? Why would you want to silence such scientific research when it's clearly something that almost everyone has an interest in?

Who said anything about silencing research? Not me. I do think though that it's pretty dishonest for non-scientists to use this coronavirus outbreak - which I remind you ultimately originated in a wild animal - as a propaganda tool in spreading their religion.
They're not, unless in addition to reporting their findings, they're pushing for everyone to convert to veganism.

Who said anything about silencing research? Not me. I do think though that it's pretty dishonest for non-scientists to use this coronavirus outbreak - which I remind you ultimately originated in a wild animal - as a propaganda tool in spreading their religion.
A wild animal. Kept with other animals. For food.
A wild animal. Kept with other animals. For food.

It's my understanding that the precise vector for the virus is unknown; in an open-air wet market with poor hygiene standards, there's a wealth of them to choose from. A bat flying over and taking a crap somewhere in the vicinity would do it.

Sorry, who is "pushing for everyone to convert to veganism"?

And why shouldn't "non scientists" discuss the important issues raised by this research?

I'm sorry, I must have imagined all those vegans who are outspoken in their belief that humans shouldn't be eating other animals.
It's my understanding that the precise vector for the virus is unknown; in an open-air wet market with poor hygiene standards, there's a wealth of them to choose from. A bat flying over and taking a crap somewhere in the vicinity would do it.
I'm fairly sure we do know that it wasn't factory farming that brought it about.
I'm sorry, I must have imagined all those vegans who are outspoken in their belief that humans shouldn't be eating other animals.
Can you point them out in this thread please or are you just fighting some sort of imaginary army of vegans that exist solely in your head?

No one has mentioned vegans apart from you. Everyone else is attempting to have a discussion about the issues brought up by the research cited in the OP. Which doesn't mention vegans.
Can you point them out in this thread please or are you just fighting some sort of imaginary army of vegans that exist solely in your head?

No one has mentioned vegans apart from you. Everyone else is attempting to have a discussion about the issues brought up by the research cited in the OP. Which doesn't mention vegans.

You mention "dramatically cutting back on animal exploitation" - sounds like you want more vegans to me.
You mention "dramatically cutting back on animal exploitation" - sounds like you want more vegans to me.
That is absolute horseshit and you know it. You're embarrassing yourself. You don't have to be vegan - or even veggie, FFS - to want a dramatic cut back on animal exploitation.

Now, about this 'religion' you were on about earlier. Who was that supposed to apply to?
They're still "exploiting animals". I don't think that will satisfy the wannabe abolitionists.
Which wannabe abolitionists in this thread? Where? Or are you just shouting at that imaginary army of vegans that exist solely in your head again?
Because I'm in a room with other people. It's rude.
Then wait until your on your own and listen to it. Creating that podcast was a lot of work, part 2 is an hour long. So please understand that I'm not going to type a summary of it. And before you complain that the podcast is 'too long' please understand that the average podcast is an hour and half in length.
That is absolute horseshit and you know it. You're embarrassing yourself. You don't have to be vegan - or even veggie, FFS - to want a dramatic cut back on animal exploitation.

The fact that you framed the issue in terms of "animal exploitation" gives you away. Not in terms of controlling disease, or of public health, or anything sensible like that.

Now, about this 'religion' you were on about earlier. Who was that supposed to apply to?

Anyone who takes up veganism as part of some wider philosophical position - for example the vegans who don't eat honey, even though the relationship between a beekeeper and their hives is a symbiotic one.

Then wait until your on your own and listen to it. Creating that podcast was a lot of work, part 2 is an hour long. So please understand that I'm not going to type a summary of it. And before you complain that the podcast is 'too long' please understand that the average podcast is an hour and half in length.

Guess your deaf audience is out of luck.
Then wait until your on your own and listen to it. Creating that podcast was a lot of work, part 2 is an hour long. So please understand that I'm not going to type a summary of it. And before you complain that the podcast is 'too long' please understand that the average podcast is an hour and half in length.
An hour? Sorry but I wouldn't even listen to an hour of something that I think I might be interested in.
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