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Independence for Wales?

Would you vote for an Independent Wales?

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Shit you must be deep into that bollox to present that as a counter, its a collection of highly biased opinion pieces not in any form is it a breakdown of financial reality
(Yea sorry I only just found the time to read that shit, wish I hadn't wasted my time)
Welsh independence be fucked.
Shit you must be deep into that bollox to present that as a counter, its a collection of highly biased opinion pieces not in any form is it a breakdown of financial reality
(Yea sorry I only just found the time to read that shit, wish I hadn't wasted my time)
Welsh independence be fucked.
Don't worry about it. Nobody takes your drivel seriously, anyway.
Shit you must be deep into that bollox to present that as a counter, its a collection of highly biased opinion pieces not in any form is it a breakdown of financial reality
(Yea sorry I only just found the time to read that shit, wish I hadn't wasted my time)
Welsh independence be fucked.
Wtf, have you got anything that backs up your claims other than 'opinion'
I always imagined if Scotland achieved independence that the appetite for it in Wales would suddenly increase dramatically. Given the SNP's troubles at the moment I guess there's not much hope of that.
Shit you must be deep into that bollox to present that as a counter, its a collection of highly biased opinion pieces not in any form is it a breakdown of financial reality
(Yea sorry I only just found the time to read that shit, wish I hadn't wasted my time)
Welsh independence be fucked.
Are any of the claims in the booklet incorrect? If so, which ones?
Will you back up your post or is this another hit an run ignorant comment that you see so much of on local news facebook pages etc?
Shit you must be deep into that bollox to present that as a counter, its a collection of highly biased opinion pieces not in any form is it a breakdown of financial reality
(Yea sorry I only just found the time to read that shit, wish I hadn't wasted my time)
Welsh independence be fucked.
I could listen to you, or I could listen to the experts in the Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales who concluded that Independence for Wales is a "viable" option.

I’m voting no, but would switch to a yes if the independence campaigners promised to join the EC and offer citizenship to anyone with a Welsh grandparent, Irish-style. As long as there wasn’t a citizenship test that required any knowledge of the language.
Er, thank you. I won’t bother just yet, as by the time citizenship of an independent Wales is a realistic prospect, we’ll likely be able to download any language we want to our neural implants.
I’m only suggesting learning a handful of phrases. It’s easy. I’m not even Welsh and I know a few simple phrases. I bet you already know “bore da” and “Iechyd da”: they’re common knowledge in the UK.
I’m only suggesting learning a handful of phrases. It’s easy. I’m not even Welsh and I know a few simple phrases. I bet you already know “bore da” and “Iechyd da”: they’re common knowledge in the UK.

Preparing for the rise of Alt Cuilt from the depths of time? Like it...

I learnt a bit of Welsh from rellies as a kid - sadly they're all long dead now, so I only use describing/geographic Welsh when I'm looking at a map, because the names of hills tend to describe their physicality, as in Gaelic.
I’m only suggesting learning a handful of phrases. It’s easy. I’m not even Welsh and I know a few simple phrases. I bet you already know “bore da” and “Iechyd da”: they’re common knowledge in the UK.
I recognise lechyd da but no idea what it means, I can pronoucnce heddlu properly though and not bad with the lls :D I like languages though
I know a reasonable bit but still not enough to follow programmes on S4C though. I do worry about the language's future though. I know they're hoping to get to a million speakers by a certain date but I haven't seen any specifics about what standard. Given the way politicians massage figures I'm sure if it looks like they're not going to make it then the qualification criteria will suddenly become fairly simple.
could listen to you, or I could listen to the experts in the Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales who concluded that Independence for Wales is a "viable" option.

Ooh Kirsty Williams is a Commissioner.

She lovely. One of the few Senedd members who talked to civil servants like human beings rather than lackeys.

What expertise does Dr Rowan Williams offer? Whether God would be cool wid it?
You'd rather be forever tied to englund?
Any actual decent reasons?
englund? oh witty (in a patriotic anti - the other sort of way, thats the thing with you enlightened types who call anyone with a differing view names like bigot, sometimes the mask slips eh?
To answer your question, I'm not into Nationalism, tend to look more on the practical side of things.
Most Welsh Nationalists are more about elitism and separation from the other than self determination.
englund? oh witty (in a patriotic anti - the other sort of way, thats the thing with you enlightened types who call anyone with a differing view names like bigot, sometimes the mask slips eh?
To answer your question, I'm not into Nationalism, tend to look more on the practical side of things.
Most Welsh Nationalists are more about elitism and separation from the other than self determination.
where have I called you a bigot?
An independent Wales will be a welcoming place for people of other cultures and nationalities, as it should, doesn't have to be nationalist
What's impractical about independence then?
An independent Wales will be a welcoming place for people of other cultures and nationalities
Saying that sounds great innit, but its just some (imo mistaken) belief or hope with absolutely fuck all to back it up
Your full of it matey
Saying that sounds great innit, but its just some (imo mistaken) belief or hope with absolutely fuck all to back it up
Your full of it matey
Takes you a while to come back doesn't it
Why mistaken?
what is your actual issue, spit it out now

What am I "full of"?
Less of the matey bollocks too
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