Myth #1: Wales is too small to survive as an independent nation
Myth Busted: Wales, a country of 3 million people, is not too small to survive as an independent country. It is a fact that there are over 100 other independent countries in the world that are smaller than Wales. In fact, of the top 10 wealthiest countries in terms of GDP per capita, 9 have a population of less than 5 million, and 7 of those have a smaller population than Wales.
Of the countries of the European Union, some of the most prosperous are small countries:
EU Member State - GDP per head (in PP) - Population
Luxembourg - 58,900 - 0.5m
Netherlands - 29,5001 - 6.3m
Austria - 28,900 - 8.3m
Denmark - 28,600 - 5.4m
Belgium -27,700 - 10.5m 1
Key Facts and Figures about Europe and the European Union (Office for Official Publications of the European Union)
Economic prosperity is no longer secured through being a large country or empire nor by using military force to gain access to markets.
There is no longer a link between the size of a country and its economic success.