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If Nietzsche Was Alive Today...

... he'd have more than 100 years of additional thought and knowledge to build his ideas from, and wouldn't be building his philosophy mainly on the works of Schopenhauer.
... and subjunctive please. If Neitzsche were alive today...

I think you'll find it's Nietzsche actually.

The question was prompted by reading Curtis Cate's biography, which seems to make the case for the proposition in the OP. You need to know Nietzsche quite well to see what he's getting at, but many people here do, or at least claim to...
He wouldn't be a Christian but he'd have little time for the 'pale atheists' of the Dawkins variety
Having stopped writing in German and moved to French, at the beginning of a WWI (as he mused that "what interests a German sausage-maker is diametrically opposite from what I had in mind with 'Will to Power'"), then moved on to English, having seen through the power-driven French (who fell badly for his writings via Heideggerian misinterpretation of Fritz!) at the beginning of WWII, then abhorring English via America (no need to explain...), he would have found the self-fulfilment idea of his was closest to reality in a Scandinavian type of society, that listens to kids and allows them to flourish without violence and giving them, across the wealth gap - if any serious gap is found - a very real opportunity to thrive and develop all their potential, to their max...

And sooooo, having had the time to finally study Marx (and not only "know of him" in a second-hand manner), N. would have seen the light, understood and appreciated Karl's talent and hard work on non-artistic stuff he didn't wanna do - but would have learned to appreciate that which he lacked! - and would have now written in Swedish, called himself Frederik, would have become a better composer and wouldn't have had problems with syphilis or losing his mind, not with all the plethora of luverly-jubberlies from the Pharmaceuticals, never mind the street corner... :rolleyes:

He would have been a throwback, properly Western Hippy and his interest in Orient would have been quashed by actually being acquainted with all that empty, individuality-killing nonsense...

Agnosticism would have been much closer to his heart, having grown up a bit, as a Man, and having closed a chapter on fighting the dying breed of "Tarantulas"...

He would have had a go at the "fundamentalist Islamists" as sociopathically violent power-grabbing eejuts, using and abusing others to achieving it...

All in all, an artist with his heart in the right place, having evolved a bit... after all those years... :D
Having stopped writing in German and moved to French, at the beginning of a WWI (as he mused that "what interests a German sausage-maker is diametrically opposite from what I had in mind with 'Will to Power'"), then moved on to English, having seen through the power-driven French (who fell badly for his writings via Heideggerian misinterpretation of Fritz!) at the beginning of WWII, then abhorring English via America (no need to explain...), he would have found the self-fulfilment idea of his was closest to reality in a Scandinavian type of society, that listens to kids and allows them to flourish without violence and giving them, across the wealth gap - if any serious gap is found - a very real opportunity to thrive and develop all their potential, to their max...

And sooooo, having had the time to finally study Marx (and not only "know of him" in a second-hand manner), N. would have seen the light, understood and appreciated Karl's talent and hard work on non-artistic stuff he didn't wanna do - but would have learned to appreciate that which he lacked! - and would have now written in Swedish, called himself Frederik, would have become a better composer and wouldn't have had problems with syphilis or losing his mind, not with all the plethora of luverly-jubberlies from the Pharmaceuticals, never mind the street corner... :rolleyes:

He would have been a throwback, properly Western Hippy and his interest in Orient would have been quashed by actually being acquainted with all that empty, individuality-killing nonsense...

Agnosticism would have been much closer to his heart, having grown up a bit, as a Man, and having closed a chapter on fighting the dying breed of "Tarantulas"...

He would have had a go at the "fundamentalist Islamists" as sociopathically violent power-grabbing eejuts, using and abusing others to achieving it...

All in all, an artist with his heart in the right place, having evolved a bit... after all those years... :D

I think he would have given up on language, and would have started miming his philosophy.
Given nietzsche was mad at the time of his death on 25/8/1900, I would set little store by any of his subsequent opinions. You might: but then i've never cared much for your opinions.
Get a room, the pair of you. :rolleyes:
And I could be homeless by the weekend but you don't see me moaning about it
Sweetie, you need to learn to discern the difference between statement of fact and moaning.

In any case, homelessness can be reversed; what I'm looking at can't.</onedownmanship>
Thanks, and I hope that you either get to stay where you are or soon find somewhere as good or better.
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