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If God created everything, who created God ?

This passage from one of the classics should help clear up any confusion:

In the worlds before Monkey, primal chaos reigned.
Heaven sought order.
But the phoenix can fly only when its feathers are grown.
The four worlds formed again and yet again,
As endless aeons wheeled and passed.
Time and the pure essences of Heaven,
the moisture of the Earth,
the powers of the sun and the moon
All worked upon a certain rock, old as creation.
And it became magically fertile.
That first egg was named "Thought".
Tathagata Buddha, the Father Buddha, said,
"With our thoughts, we make the world."
Elemental forces caused the egg to hatch.
From it then came a stone monkey.
The nature of Monkey was irrepressible!
That's nice for them, then. Bypasses that firey smitey god. Not too friendly, that one.

How about fish and chips? A piece of cod which passeth all understanding.[

how many gods does it take to change a lightbulb?

none faith makes the light
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Thanks to the wonders of the inscrutable Trinity, we know the answer must be Mary, Mother of God.

Who else could it be?
The BB theory has a similar conundrum. What existed before the universe from whence it came?
Important difference being that cosmologists are willing to admit that they don't know. There are a bunch of hypotheses, ranging from there being no "before" the Big Bang (much like how there's nothing North of the North Pole), to a previous universe, to the multiverse. Nothing definitive given the lack of evidence, meaning that further investigation is needed.

Clergymen and theologians on the other hand don't bother with that "backing up your claims" nonsense.
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