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    Lazy Llama

Ice Rink / Brixton Market decision day

So this largely seems to be about preserving a car park for food shoppers?

That will be a hard sell to globally-warmed grandchildren in 50 years' time. Or in terms of health and fitness, when we, according to some reports, have the fattest population in Europe.

Amongst those who opposed the Planning applications there was some difference of view about making car parking the main issue.It can come across as the only one. As I have posted before at the PAC the more detailed look at the applications did not happen. There were many other planning issues apart from the parking one.

Also the Council did originally say that once the car park was demolished the land , for meanwhile , would be used as a ground level car park. So there would have been less spaces than the multi storey one. When people say car free I take it as petrol free. There could have been space for part of it to be a "Car Club". Also even if people dont use petrol cars they could use electric, hybrid , electric cycles etc.

Funnily enough the Labour Cllrs were using this argument. That this would be an "oppurtunity" for the market to develop a green delivery service once the multi storey car park was gone. This was not used at PAC by officers or Labour Cllrs due to Porden road application. As Porden road residents pointed out in there objections putting a car park on Porden road contradicted Council Policy on more parking in that area.
Sounds like Tesco threatened to pull out altogether if they didnt get their way. It must be difficult for councillors who understand the need for new housing but get nowt from the govt and have to go cap in hand to the likes of Tesco.
In the long term Brixtons market and shopping centre is of huge importance to Brixton not neccessarily Streatham or the rest of Lambeth. Does anyone know if Lambeth council have any written policy or plans for the future of the centre of Brixton ?

They did, as the dance groups and Cllr Kazantzis pointed out. Then, when asked if they would ever pull out, Tesco's rep said that he couldn't imagine it ever happening...
There was more than one invoice for £500 with a Clapham Common bandstand letterhead in Keith Hill's expenses. What got my goat on Wednesday was Ling prefacing her remarks with something like "as a professional journalist..." when all of the "South Circular" newsletters she wrote/edited(?) for Hill at the taxpayer's expense were (IMO) poorly laid out and leadenly written (if grammatically correct).

Lexis says she wrote for the London Evening Standard - and it looks like she did something as press officer for some satellite company, Inmarsat. Unless there's someone else of that name.
Sounds like Tesco threatened to pull out altogether if they didnt get their way. It must be difficult for councillors who understand the need for new housing but get nowt from the govt and have to go cap in hand to the likes of Tesco.
In the long term Brixtons market and shopping centre is of huge importance to Brixton not neccessarily Streatham or the rest of Lambeth. Does anyone know if Lambeth council have any written policy or plans for the future of the centre of Brixton ?

See here:


I did take part in the consultation for this Masterplan. Along with other residents and businesses.
Sent to most newspapers yesterday, we have not given up!

Save Skating In Streatham- Press Release 27th January 2011
This week-end saw the 80th Birthday Anniversary of Streatham Ice Rink the second oldest rink in the UK, unfortunately none of us were able to celebrate in the knowledge that it will be demolished before it’s time, it could survive another 20 years or more but we have been sold out by Lambeth to Tesco’s purely to let them have their 60,000sq ft Megastore 2 years earlier, on the basis that an equivalent temporary rink for 3 years is built in Brixton 3 miles away. That is where the lie begins, it is not equivalent in any way, yet the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government the Rt Hon. Eric Pickles MP has been duped into non-intervention because his department fell for these lies and believed local democracy would ensure PPG17 Equivalence would be applied, not so.

None of the bodies that endorsed this flawed rink had any backbone, blackmailed into believing the manna tomorrow promise of the new Olympic Rink as part of the replacement leisure centre in Streatham Hub fearing that something is better than nothing, falsely believing that this temporary rink would meet our collective needs, for this temporary period of 3 years not so! (Is that temporary? seems like a lifetime to kids) It is hard to accept that an ice pad of 56m length can be fitted into a maximum of 60m (which includes the pavement up to the kerb in Brixton Station Road, is this legal to remove the pavement on this narrow road?) requiring 1.5m minimum space around the ice pad and the width of the fabric of the building) this is an impossibility. Will the English Ice Hockey Association shut their eyes when they find out the rink ice pad is shorter than 56m and still allow Ice Hockey to be played?

Will the National Ice Skating Association be happy when the uptake of their “Learn To Skate” programme fails to attract sufficient numbers to make it pay, as without a party room where will all these new pupils come from, how will they get bitten by the bug to skate? Will the fire brigade allow the 400 spectators to stand in the free space on this one sided rink or will it be less, if so how will any management company break even with so few customers, will they be forced to put prices sky high to make it pay, or will it fold like many of our teams and clubs will without adequate close proximity parking and will this temporary rink close early or will Tesco and Lambeth poor money into it to keep it limping along , what kind of continuity is that?

Will this then give Tesco’s an out, to say an ice rink is no longer needed? We know that Tesco’s had no intention of building the scheme they signed up to in 2008, they will wriggle to get what they want, whatever that turns out to be, the communities of Brixton and Streatham will find out to their costs as the years tick by.

Planning Law is in a complete mess, the section 106 is not worth the paper it is written on, it can be varied by the developer at any time, Eric Pickles needs to urgently put conditions in place that prevent developers from playing the long game, after the Mayor of London and DCLG planning department outline conditions that need to be met, before a scheme can proceed, only for the developer pressurising local authorities into submission to change those conditions after nothing has happened for many years to get what they want under the threat of pulling out from the scheme. This is a weakness UK wide, one where these developers can afford their Queen’s Council barristers to bludgeon local authorities into giving in, this must stop! Tesco’s will use this ploy time and time again, as will the other large supermarket chains, against the communities wishes and without local peoples consent, we were not listened to by either Tesco’s or Lambeth, surely devolution of powers to local authorities must have a higher authority to protect them from these sharks. This has to be addressed urgently or we will lose much of our heritage to these large companies with the power to destroy our local communities with impunity.

We attach a number of photographs showing the kids that will be impacted by this decision most, showing their distrust in the promises made by Tesco’s and Lambeth Council, special needs youngsters travelling from a wide area to attend the only special needs Ice Hockey Club in the country.
Amongst those who opposed the Planning applications there was some difference of view about making car parking the main issue.It can come across as the only one. As I have posted before at the PAC the more detailed look at the applications did not happen. There were many other planning issues apart from the parking one.

Also the Council did originally say that once the car park was demolished the land , for meanwhile , would be used as a ground level car park. So there would have been less spaces than the multi storey one. When people say car free I take it as petrol free. There could have been space for part of it to be a "Car Club". Also even if people dont use petrol cars they could use electric, hybrid , electric cycles etc.

Funnily enough the Labour Cllrs were using this argument. That this would be an "oppurtunity" for the market to develop a green delivery service once the multi storey car park was gone. This was not used at PAC by officers or Labour Cllrs due to Porden road application. As Porden road residents pointed out in there objections putting a car park on Porden road contradicted Council Policy on more parking in that area.

If they were using this argument then it was very naughty.

Transition Town Brixton have been working on a 'low carbon' (i.e. bicycle) delivery service from the market for a while now. It is completely unconnected to the closure of Popes Rd. The council may see it as a handy way to divert some flack over the car park, but that is not what the low carbon delivery project is all about.

"We have fought Tesco through the planning system, making an overwhelmingly strong case, backed by lawyers. Our objections clearly outlined how opening this Tesco store would pose a threat to public safety. But at a packed planning committee meeting it became astonishingly clear that the council were too fearful of the financial implications to refuse Tesco permission to go ahead. Our community is well known for having people who, if they are silenced, will act in a way that will ensure they will be heard."

Not just Lambeth Council who buckle under the might of Tesco.

The rioting in Stokes Croft last night is the result of a community being entirely ignored – there are people who are more than willing to break the law to remain true to what they believe.
Did you hear R4's take on it? They kept mentioning the damage to Tesco as if it were incidental to the riot and not the cause of everything. Very odd script decision, unless they were waiting for some kind of credible source. And even then, by those standards, it would prove difficult.
Got this email from FB today. Really annoys me that FB has ended up being used a tool of Tescos rather than helping the local community improve Brixton.

By the way this smaller rink does not provide continuity provision as its smaller than the rink at Streatham, has limited parking, less spectator space, smaller changing rooms. It is possibly not right size for competitive hockey matches . Its also not right size for competitive ice skating training as it will be to small.

Tesco got what they want because the are a powerful multinational. So much for a Cooperative Council.

Dear Future Brixton mailing list

Works to begin this week on a temporary ice rink for Brixton

The final important documents have now been signed off by Lambeth Council and Tesco which will allow works to begin on the building of a temporary ice rink in Brixton.

Preparation works ahead of construction on the temporary ice rink are due to begin this week. The temporary ice rink is due to open in the New Year. The temporary ice rink makes sure of continuity of ice facilities in Lambeth as part of the multi-million pound Streatham Hub development. The rink will be decommissioned in early 2014 by which time works on the main Streatham Hub site will have been completed.

Ice hockey matches, ice dance practice and public skating will all be possible at the temporary rink which will operate from a site next to Brixton Recreation Centre on Pope’s Road. We are also working to provide an additional temporary car park in Brixton for the duration of the temporary ice rink’s existence.

You can find out more at www.lambeth.gov.uk/futurebrixton.

Best wishes

The Future Brixton team

TESCO’S top brass bagged more than £38million last year despite admitting the firm wasn’t firing on all cylinders.

Details of the boardroom bonanza, a bewildering mix of cash and shares, emerged as new boss Philip Clarke unveiled plans to tackle the thorny issue of executive pay.

The biggest winner was outgoing chief executive Sir Terry Leahy who pocketed more than £12m.

This included more than £5m profit from share options and £2.6m from two different long-term bonus schemes.

The firm also put another £2.5m into the 54-year-old’s pension fund, swelling it to £18.4m.

This will be more than enough to pay Leahy £1m-a-year when he retires in just three years.

Tesco’s annual report also revealed that Leahy’s replacement, Philip Clarke, had his basic salary boosted from £832,000 to £1.1m in March to reflect his promotion.

And Tescos said they could not afford to do the Streatham Hub scheme as originally planned.
Blimey. It's going up VERY fast!


Tesco Project Manager said:
It is scheduled to be complete by 13th December. Although the dates are still subject to change, the current plan is for the temporary rink to open before Christmas, with the permanent Streatham Hub rink and leisure centre opening 23 months later in November 2013.

It has been possible to make the temporary rink building slightly bigger and its internal layout has been adjusted. The number of seats has been increased to 162 in two tiered rows.

I also hear that apparently they already have a buyer to take the building away and recycle it as an ice-rink elsewhere! So Brixtonians shouldn't get too attached to it when it opens.
I had a look yesterday. It's a lot of work for a temporary structure

What happens to the site afterwards?

The site plus the Rec is owned by Lambeth Council. After the temporary use of the site its up to the Council to decide the sites future. It is included in the Brixton Masterplan. The Masterplan , if kept to, is to have a coherent development of Brixton.

The Council may decide to sell to a developer as long as developer works within Brixton Masterplan guidelines.

However that's not definite.
Just in via Streatham Ice Skating Action Group

The Brixton Temporary Rink will be open on Monday 19th December from 2 to 4 pm, with a full timetable running from Tuesday.

A holding web page is now live at http://www.brixtonicerink.co.uk/

The address of the rink is
49 Brixton Station Road

If you put just the postcode into Google maps you get a slightly inaccurate location. To get the correct location at the corner of Pope’s Road and Brixton Station Road put in the address i.e. 49 Brixton Station Road.

You can the location very clearly (no 20) on the Brixton Explorer Map
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