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Ian Wright

One of the best Desert Island Discs in recent years.

I watched him play when he was at Palace once or twice, I was just old enough to go. Never knew why he left in 1991 after Palace had finished third in the old first division. Ron Noades what a cunt.

South London lad and as said above a decent and genuine guy. On DID he was also willing to own up to when he’d been wrong in the past - which takes class.
always been very disappointed george graham didn't sign mark bright at the same time

Condolences to Ian Wright on the passing of his mother, Nesta, who has joined the ancestors at the age of 94.
There was a guy called Aaron who was called in as an expert for an fa cup game during the week who would make a great replacement for wrighty.
It was a shame when he left the MOTD Top Ten shows, as his replacement, Micah Richards (35), can't always remember the early days of the Premiership. At least Wrighty and Shearer played in it from the start, and Lineker was punditing almost from the start, once he got back from Japan.
It was a shame when he left the MOTD Top Ten shows, as his replacement, Micah Richards (35), can't always remember the early days of the Premiership. At least Wrighty and Shearer played in it from the start, and Lineker was punditing almost from the start, once he got back from Japan.
Yep. Football started in 1992.
He was one of the very first footballers to speak out against racism, as I remember, back at a time when nobody in football was speaking out and w@nkers like Ron Noades could be openly racist.

Jaw-dropping revisiting what Noades said back in 1991. A long way to go still, but we have come some way in the last 30 years.

I watched him play when he was at Palace once or twice, I was just old enough to go. Never knew why he left in 1991 after Palace had finished third in the old first division. Ron Noades what a c@nt.


Channel 4 broadcast a documentary in September 1991 during which the Late Ron Noades, who was then chairman of Crystal Palace FC, made the following comments:

“The problem with black players is they’ve great pace, great athletes, love to play with the ball in front of them ... When it’s behind them it’s chaos. I don’t think too many of them can read the game. When you’re getting into the mid-winter you need a few of the hard white men to carry the athletic black players through.”


Ian Wright left Crystal Palace FC for Arsenal FC before the end of the same month.
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