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Ian Tomlinson CPS verdict: "no realistic prospect of conviction"

It's one law for them, and an entirely different set of rules for us.

Hey, that reminds me of something....

Differential access to and treatment by the law is a sad and long-lived fact of life.
There's something we can all do, though. The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers...
Remember his shrieks of "homophobic abuse!" when someone accused him of throwing a hissy fit not so long ago? I laughed so much I nearly shat myself at the barefaced twattery of the man.

Yes, I do remember. I try and be scrupulously polite to d-b, until such time that he is impolite to me. And then afaic it's no holds barred.

He made a blatantly sexist post back there, and no amount of "homophobic!!!!" distraction is going to alter that because I made sure that I quoted it.
Actually, what it IS, is institutionalised homophobia. Urban75 as an entity does not recognise and challenge homophobia in the same way that it challenges racism.


It also doesn't pull up on mysogyny as often. Although I'm not sure some of the things you've said were homophobic actually were ? (Drama Queen???? how is that homophobic?)
Have you ever noticed how people who suffix fact-light claims with the word "fact" are usually (but not exclusively) twats?


It also doesn't pull up on mysogyny as often.
I quite agree. It's cringingly "laddish" sometimes.

Although I'm not sure some of the things you've said were homophobic actually were ? (Drama Queen???? how is that homophobic?)
Because it was used quite deliberately, aimed directly at me, knowing that I had said that I found it offensive in the context. It was personal abuse and offensive in a homophobic way in that particular situation.

I did not say that "drama queen" is homophobic per se.
And, like the other thread, it is now apparent that the Cunt Collective have turned up and set up camp on this thread, engaging in their usual self-congratulatory circle-jerk, so I'm wasting my time trying to engage in any further sensible discussion. So I'm off.
And, like the other thread, it is now apparent that the Cunt Collective have turned up and set up camp on this thread, engaging in their usual self-congratulatory circle-jerk, so I'm wasting my time trying to engage in any further sensible discussion. So I'm off.

Good. Fuck off and don't come back this time you prick.
Casual homophobic abuse isn't acceptable.

Then it's a good job that Pickman's didn't do that then, isn't it?

In November 2009 "The F Word", a South Park episode aired dealing with the overuse of the word fag, along with its history and how it evolved from a 16th century slang meaning "old or unpleasant woman" to a homophobic slur into a general insult commonly used amongst American youth.[45] The four lead characters, all young boys, assert that the meaning remains an insult but refers to Harley motorcyclists and convince the town to officially change the meaning which is kept despite criticism from the rest of the nation.[46][47][48]


How do you feel about casual sexist abuse?
Lots of police officers have been charged. Some have been convicted. Most such cases get no significant publicity and so you should not fall into the old trap of believing that if you don't know about it it hasn't happened.

Utter Bullshit. Not one police officer has ever been charged for either death in custody or when they have killed people whilst on duty - Even in the most clear cut cases of police repsonsibility like Blair Peach, Harry Stanley, Cherie Groce, Charles De Menzies and Ian Tomlinson - no charges.
And - as far as I know - sgt smellie is the only police officer ever to charged with violence whilst on duty. And the judge made sure he was aquitted.

I challenge you to name any more

The coverups and whitewashes that occur in every single case are consistant and utterly blatant.
And - as far as I know - sgt smellie is the only police officer ever to charged with violence whilst on duty. And the judge made sure he was aquitted.

Meanwhile, the OB seem to take quite a tolerant line on offences committed outside of the line of duty...

More than 1,000 serving police officers in Britain have criminal convictions, the Liberal Democrats have reported.

More than half of the 1,063 convictions relate to speeding or other motoring offences; 77 officers have convictions for violence and 96 for dishonesty.

I really haven't got time to wade through all this but to come back to DB about 17 pages back :D

You still haven't shown, in any way, that the second and third pathologists findings would have to rely on the findings of the first pathologist. Only a medical expert could claim this, which you aren't. From what I've read they seem confident of their findings and that they could convince a jury.

In terms of what happened before the video took place you said
I am simply pointing out that things could have happened that may have amounted to justification for some use of force
. Well yes, anything could have happened. Ian Tomlinson could have been waving an uzi around while tattooing ACAB onto his knuckles. But it's unlikely. So we have to go by probability. If Ian Tomlinson had done anything at all that could have justified use of force, one way or another the police would have let us know about it and so would the media, but there has been absolutely nothing to suggest that, so I think it's fairly safe to say that he didn't do anything to justify any use of force at all.

On your point about common assault stopping further charges Paddick doesn't seem to agree with you:

They could have summonsed for common assault within the six months' time limit and carried on their inquiries into the manslaughter charge.

Has this already been put up:


The Guardian has learned that Matthews refused to allow investigators from the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) to attend the first postmortem, two days after Tomlinson's death at the G20 protest in April 2009.

Furthermore, it was alleged today that the coroner did not tell the Tomlinson family of their legal right to attend or send a representative to the postmortem, nor of its time and place.
On your point about common assault stopping further charges Paddick doesn't seem to agree with you......

Paddick said:
They could have summonsed for common assault within the six months' time limit and carried on their inquiries into the manslaughter charge.

So why didn't they?

I'm not expecting you to answer that btw, One_Stop.

However, along with other apparent inconsistencies in carrying out due process, it seems a little odd, if the pursuit of transparency and honesty is to be taken seriously. Ahem.

A criminal barrister rang in to Any answers yesterday afternoon, and I didn't get to hear all he had to say, but I think he may have alluded to something similar. I wish I had a better grasp of the law and how it's applied.
Utter Bullshit. Not one police officer has ever been charged for either death in custody or when they have killed people whilst on duty - Even in the most clear cut cases of police repsonsibility like Blair Peach, Harry Stanley, Cherie Groce, Charles De Menzies and Ian Tomlinson - no charges.

This is not true - officers were charged after the John Shorthouse shooting, as they were after the non-fatal shootings of Cherry Groce and Stephen Waldorf (though each one was found not guilty, somewhat astonishingly so in the case of Waldorf). Police officers were also charged after the death of Christopher Alder. Admittedly none have been been found guilty since the death of David Oluwale (though if you extend "killed people whilst on duty" to include road traffic offences then there have been several convicted of causing death).
This is not true - officers were charged after the John Shorthouse shooting, as they were after the non-fatal shootings of Cherry Groce and Stephen Waldorf (though each one was found not guilty, somewhat astonishingly so in the case of Waldorf). Police officers were also charged after the death of Christopher Alder. Admittedly none have been been found guilty since the death of David Oluwale (though if you extend "killed people whilst on duty" to include road traffic offences then there have been several convicted of causing death).

Reported in The Guardian just recently that more people are killed by speeding police cars, than people killed by guns in the UK.
Oh look - he's done a flounce whilst delivering a storm of foul mouthed abuse.

Pompous, self important and an apologist for murder and corruption.
DB has applied law in retrospect before leading to baffling doublethink. In the case of the girl who was hit by a speeding cop car up in the NE of England (he didn't have his lights or siren on - copper recently convicted and jailed) he claimed that police had to chase criminals in cars, even if it made them driver faster and potentially kill someone because "It gave all criminals a red light to get away". He then went on to say that "Killing a pedestrian or other car driver was never justified in a police chase".

Like this topic he likes to invoke "They didn't and couldn't know that at the time" retrospection....He might know the law but he doesn't know common sense.
I see that Pickman's has been banned.

I hope its temporary.

A little while back I was calling out some overt homophobia all over the place from the likes of derf, stoatie, etc and complaining did fuck all - was basically just told to challenge it. DB makes a meal out of something when being a cunt himself and Pickman's gets a ban, how does that work then?!
It's entirely possible I've missed much but has anyone seen any comment on the CPS decision by any member of the political class - pref the Coalition of the Willing but actually any politician ?
DB makes a meal out of something when being a cunt himself and Pickman's gets a ban, how does that work then?!
DB would probably claim that there's no evidence of any causal link between his reporting of PM and the subsequent ban. 'He could have been banned for any number of reasons you cunt thick bollocks etc.'
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