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Ian Tomlinson CPS verdict: "no realistic prospect of conviction"

Still, it's good to see DB as consistently inconsistent and snide as usual on here. Whinging to the mods about being called things as harsh as a drama queen whilst at the same time grouping everyone else and hysterically tarring them as cunts in intolerant outburst after outburst. And then getting all precious in a grandstanding piece of moral relativism, alleging all kinds of homophobia ('you ethnics get it easy) and acting the hard done by soul. I don't recognise the distortion fwiw - yes, there are too many pathetic nomarks on here using 'ghey', but equally many have complained abojut homophobic comments in the past, stephj and myself included.

I guess we could do tit for tat reported post and end up with a banstorm every time DB pipes up again. Or perhaps, just perhaps, we can stop making allowances for this discredited pottymouth and treat him like another poster. And when he's like this he's the worst possible kind of poster, an abusive, myopic gobshite with little self control and a victim/knowall complex a mile wide
A few internet warriors, dyed-in-the-wool conspiracy theorists, ACAB-ers and the usual rent-a-crowd suspects is not "everyone" ... :rolleyes:

or 'concerned citizens and other members of the general public', to use a less pejorative expression

funny how you seek to disqualify half the adult population. is that how policing works?
Homophobically abusive post reported. (Not that anything'll be done about it - there's a well know hierarchy of diversity here - "nigger" or "paki" will get you banned but you can abuse the gays and the Muslims as much as you like ...)

beneath contempt you are
And, like the other thread, it is now apparent that the Cunt Collective have turned up and set up camp on this thread, engaging in their usual self-congratulatory circle-jerk, so I'm wasting my time trying to engage in any further sensible discussion. So I'm off.

hth with another flounce xxxx
He's "gone" now, so we can move on. Prehaps if we ignore him, and never utter that name again, he'll stay "gone".
No surprise to see that Vallee has totally ignored the HMIC report "Adapting to Protest", it's recommendations and the fact that very significant changes to the policing have protest have been built in to both police strategy and tactics
They have? Brian Spence, head of Public Order Training for the Met was recently asked what changed had been made to training since the G20. "None." And as a result of Adapting to Protest? "None."
Not one police officer has ever been charged for either death in custody or when they have killed people whilst on duty
Not true. Rare, but not none.


And - as far as I know - sgt smellie is the only police officer ever to charged with violence whilst on duty. And the judge made sure he was aquitted. I challenge you to name any more.
Not even close to true.


etc. etc.
I hope its temporary.

A little while back I was calling out some overt homophobia all over the place from the likes of derf, stoatie, etc and complaining did fuck all - was basically just told to challenge it. DB makes a meal out of something when being a cunt himself and Pickman's gets a ban, how does that work then?!

Who knows. Kinda getting accustomed to perverse decisions in the context of this thread.

Erm Crispy?

Be interested in why the double standards about DB. Pickman's comment, whilst idiotic, is clearly a South Park in joke from a very famous episode. Much more offensive comments have been reported, shorn of amusing context, and the offenders only tend to get a slap on the wrist at most. Seems a bit weird tbh
Fairly shit, isn't it? Maybe the mods just want folks to report posts like that, but I'd rather not tbh - it'd be better if the punishments were proportionate. For at the moment it almost seems that a signposted South Park jibe is taken as more offensive, apparently giving the recipient free reign to spout 75 cunts and a handful of sexist outbursts at a victim of his choice.

To be fair, some of the mods have tacked DB on his language before. Not that it's made the slightest fucking difference
TBH even Spy must know that he's on shaky ground here. Besides, given that a certain pottymouthed invulnerable can seemingly object to 'drama queens' and 'hissy fit' and take them as 'evidence' for wider homphobia, it's a bit telling that he'd use such phrases, no?
I have not been on this thread for quite a few pages. Can I make an educated guess as to progress? Has Detective Boy justified the killing of Thompson and called everyone cunts?
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