No pasaran!
Horseshit is a lot more useful that the fetid bile that you seem to purvey on here.
"Fetid bile"? Fuck me, what a heavyweight wordsmith you are.
Btw, you never produced evidence of corruption- did you?
Horseshit is a lot more useful that the fetid bile that you seem to purvey on here.
"Fetid bile"? Fuck me, what a heavyweight wordsmith you are.
Btw, you never produced evidence of corruption- did you?
Jasper? That one has not ended yet.
like the poor Urbanite who put 400 quid on Ken to win ?
They're all in the top RH corner of the compass now.
LOL!!! You are truly pathetic.
Maybe you'll think differently when the accountants have been through KL's books.
Not sure I could bring myself to vote Tory at a General Election. Voting Tory to remove the scumbag Livingstone is one thing but I'm not sure I really want to see Prime Minister David Cameron.
All the things that you've said about KL have all come from those papers; you have merely regurgitated them. That means that you're incapable of independent thought.
No there's aren't
Now stand in Q to tell me to fuck off...
I'm sorry it seems if your a Tory supporter on here that's treatment you get.
While the hate rags bleat constantly about the "PC liberal conspiracy" ...I was going to ask where this came from but the "quote" button has brought up the url: Great site!
I think this demonstrates how focus group politics and the chasing of "key demographics" has led to the narrowing of choice in the political arena, and--as the site says--reduces the voting criteria to "managerial competence".
What's odd about this country is that while a plurality of the population seem to group around a centre-left-ish, mildly liberal viewpoint we never seem to be able to elect a govetment on that basis.
If you think that the Tories will be better on Green issues, you have been conned by their propaganda. 'Vote Blue and get Green' was just a slogan they invented to pick up Green voters. Sadly Labour is not particularly green in practice, but don't believe the Tories, they just want your vote. The Tories don't care about ordinary people once they get elected; they represent the rich and powerful and that is all.
like the poor Urbanite who put 400 quid on Ken to win ?
They're all in the top RH corner of the compass now.
an interesting two axis graph but I think communism would be in bottom left hand corner as most left and most libertarian- on th eother hand we're used to coming bottom and being left out (makes crap attempt at humour but hey at least I'm trying
Surely communism would be top left? I'm pretty sure that's were it's been shown to be on other political compasses.
Problem is, that as Labour stay in with their current form, then there's very little chance they'll move back to the left. Of course it's still probably quite unlikely that they'll move back to the left if they do get voted out, but at least there might be more of a chance of a shake up in the party. I guess that shake up could always go in the other direction and make things worse though.arrgh!
this is a current pet subject...
people might *say* "there's no difference between N Labour and the Conservatives", and it might be true that Cameron seems to be very charming and electable, but...
But ffs!
Things would be so much worse under a tory government.
NuLab haven't solved the problems of the NHS or education, true - but can you imagine what a tory govt would do to them? or to benefits?
NuLab took us into iraq - a fucking travesty - but how far up america's arse do you reckon Cameron is going to climb?
That's without all the unapologetic cosying up to private business that is the raison d'etre of any tory govt...
Why? Because they don't care about the poor and New Labour do? Because they'll privatise stuff and New Labour haven't? Because they'll sell off peerages to the highest bidder and feather their rich mates' nests?Things would be so much worse under a tory government.
Why? Because they don't care about the poor and New Labour do? Because they'll privatise stuff and New Labour haven't? Because they'll sell off peerages to the highest bidder and feather their rich mates' nests?
Why will it be "worse"?
You work in education, don't you? Do you still think that just by throwing money at things (and the NHS) it makes it better? More money for consultants and private contractors, perhaps. More profits as a direct result of subsidies certainly. But us plebs? we won't see it, our managers will.because they will cut spending on public services.
as i said, in the bit of my post that you cut.
As it happens I think the education system was better under the tories. Crap, but better - kids were certainly happier.
You work in education, don't you? Do you still think that just by throwing money at things (and the NHS) it makes it better? More money for consultants and private contractors, perhaps. More profits as a direct result of subsidies certainly. But us plebs? we won't see it, our managers will.
As it happens I think the education system was better under the tories. Crap, but better - kids were certainly happier.
Well I never voted for them, any of them, but it makes me smile when people try to get a rizla between the two.