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Hundreds of Post Office workers ‘vindicated’ by High Court ruling over faulty Post Office IT system

I have a feeble hope that the criminal investigations will result in at least some prosecutions for those in a position of power over this entire fiasco....
Hillsborough doesn't provide much hope on this, at least successful prosecutions.

The whole thing, like Hillsborough, takes you into a timeline of naivety. You reach a certain point where the story is pretty clear and there's public acknowledgement of who is entirely innocent and, on the other side, the appalling actions of the post office/fujitsu. You think you've reached a point - which would be at least 5 years ago in this case - where the post office would just have to give in and co-operate, given the various investigations and acknowledged facts. But no, scum being scum, neoliberals and managers utterly unable to emerge from defending the company mode. And here we are. Appalling.

By the by, I haven't seen the tv drama, but there's a decent documentary on BBC Sounds by the jouno who broke the story.
By the by, I haven't seen the tv drama,

It's worth a watch. There are things in it that are so outrageous you sit there thinking 'whoah, this must be libellous' or 'this must be biased, how can they put this on TV?'

But it's not libellous. It's not biased. It's just this story is so one-sided as to beggar belief, the Post Office so corrupt, so criminal, that it's almost one of those things where you'd say "yeah but you couldn't write that in a drama, that requires too much suspension of disbelief."

There's a reason 1,000,000 people have now signed that petition.

One gets the impression that the "justice" he has pledged will be very similar to the "justice" that he has managed to deliver to the victims of the Grenfell Tower massacre and the victims of the 'Windrush scandal'.
There were various points he could have done his showboating, calling for her gong to be withdrawn. For example, from her wiki page:
On 14 June 2020, Vennells's handling of the Post Office scandal and the relationship with her role as a priest were highlighted by the BBC's Sunday morning religious radio programme. A convicted former postmaster called for the Bishop of St Albans to strip Vennells of office, Labour MP Chi Onwurah said she must be held accountable, and journalist Nick Wallis reported "real anger" that Vennells appeared to have been protected by "the establishment" including the Church of England.
Of course there wasn't an election in the offing then.
If she has any sense, she'll give up the CBE voluntarily.

AFAIC she can keep the gong. What she shouldn't be keeping is her liberty, tot up the total sentences handed out to the wrongly convicted, double it and that's what she should serve. Or a single penny she has ever made from the Post Office. But the shiny thing the queen gave her, she can keep it, let every other cunt with a gong know the filthy pool in which they swim.
AFAIC she can keep the gong. What she shouldn't be keeping is her liberty, tot up the total sentences handed out to the wrongly convicted, double it and that's what she should serve. Or a single penny she has ever made from the Post Office. But the shiny thing the queen gave her, she can keep it, let every other cunt with a gong know the filthy pool in which they swim.
Agreed; I think the fact that state awarded her the honour for services to the corporate entity of the PO should stand as a clear example of the values that are to be honoured in this country. Have to say I do wonder what the faithful at the Church of St Owen, Bromham, Bedfordshire now think of all the through the eye of a needle sermons they listened to from the blessed Paula.
Pretty sure there's already a Keir Starmer thread.
Actually quite enjoying the continuing curse of the coalition for davey, if I'm honest; seeing the desperate vermin attempt to blame him for the entire horizon crimes is pretty much the only funny thing about the whole issue.
AFAIC she can keep the gong. What she shouldn't be keeping is her liberty, tot up the total sentences handed out to the wrongly convicted, double it and that's what she should serve. Or a single penny she has ever made from the Post Office. But the shiny thing the queen gave her, she can keep it, let every other cunt with a gong know the filthy pool in which they swim.
There's lots of years and fines to go round, though. The fines (with court costs) should be shared out proportionately between everyone who knew about the problems with Horizon and still carried on with the accusations.

And yes, assuming she could actually feel embarrassment she's hardly going to enjoy the gong with a million people having signed the petition. I wonder how her fellow Godly ministers feel about it all.
She also resigned from the Church voluntarily, or have I made that up?
Indeed: from Wiki

In 2019, she became chair of the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust in London but in December 2020 left this role early. In April 2021,[3] following the quashing of 39 of the subpostmasters' convictions, she resigned – under pressure – from her duties as an Anglican priest,[4] and from directorships at retailer Dunelm and at supermarket chain Morrisons.[5]
Back in the 90's there were a number of independent software packages that subpostmasters could purchase and install on their own PC to help them balance their office accounts. Some continued using this as a back up even when Horizon rolled out as they didn't trust the new system. The only problem with these packages were that they couldn't communicate with POL and therefore were never accepted for the submission of the weekly accounts.
the bitch with the cbe should be in the dock along with everyone else who knew and covered up along with people from Fujitsu or handed a stiff drink and the mess webley :mad:.

she could always "volunteer" to spread the gospel to North sentinel island:rolleyes:.

In the UK as long as your rich or the establishment you can kill ruin and destroy the lives of little people safe in the knowledge you will never be personally held accountable for your actions:mad:
What she shouldn't be keeping is her liberty, tot up the total sentences handed out to the wrongly convicted, double it and that's what she should serve.

:D Would be nice but as you know, that's not how it works.

What is Venal's criminal liability and what can be proven? At the moment the only people to have been interviewed under caution are 2 Fujitsu employees, both for suspicion of perjury. If the tv show was accurate she lied to a potential employer but didn't commit perjury, though the other woman (played by Katherine Kelly) probably did.

The current police investigation seems to be based on possible fraud by the PO, in that they kept some or all of the money "recovered" from postmasters. If they did that knowing that the postmasters didn't really owe it, there's clearly a criminal case to answer.
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:D Would be nice but as you know, that's not how it works.

I know :(

What is Venal's criminal liability

A skilled CPS could rustle up some fraud and perverting the course or justice if they really wanted to. But they don't, the extent of this has been known for years and it's only cos it's been on TV that any of these cunts has been stirred to pass comment, the news cycle will move on and it will return to the back burner.
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