I'm not sure it's a "cost of doing business" to them - I suspect that Vennells is genuinely hating every moment of this (and bloody rightly so). I don't think she's such a good actor that she can be putting it on, and her manner is more misery than contrition.
I've met a handful of these sorts of people, and status and reputation is IMPORTANT to them. In Vennells' case, it's a kind of moral status, which makes it even worse - if she was just a pure business person, then yeah, there's a certain amount of shrugging and "ah well, there you go" can go on. But she's a licensed priest, FFS, and expectations on people like that are higher, no matter how unjustified. This is, almost literally, a fall from grace.
And she has to be seen to be paying a heavy price. She SHOULD be in prison, although I do wonder whether that might just enhance the martyred line she seems to be pursuing. She SHOULD be pilloried in the street. She SHOULD find it impossible to ever do any kind of job that relied upon integrity, morality, honesty or decent management.
If she doesn't get imprisoned (spoiler alert: she won't), she'd do well to do a Profumo and just quietly go and dedicate her life to good causes. Ideally without any kind of decision-making power over anyone else's lives, ever again.