Exactly. However, that opinion is elicited by the ongoing farce of escalating costs in exponential scale. There may be many other rail projects such as Crossrail Project that have increased costs, and delayed in completion, and I am not making any comments. However, this project of Northern rail connection to London that has scope of future expansion kindled my interest. Mesmerized by the efficiency of some of the rail services in the east, it just gave me the idea if we can make them to run advanced rail services here in UK, and transfer all of the business risks to them. Of course, such a venture can go ahead only after the feasibility studies and project appraisals. On this transport service, the British government is not entering into any contract for future payments, like PFI of hospitals, and some other services. The entrepreneur has to find a demand, and supply for the consumers. It is up to them to appraise the project’s viability, and indeed satisfy the UK government. Of course, there will be legal, financial, environmental, and other controls imposed by the government on the foreign investment on infrastructure projects like that.