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how to improve brixton - not an anti-"gentrification" thread, honest!

Ol Nick said:
Tish and pish. And tiss and piss.
That has reminded me of the woman in Brixton who is a real aficionado at peeing standing up. :eek: I always think of her as Martini because she pees anytime, anyplace, anywhere :eek:

Actually, Ol Nick, those links are a revelation and an inspiration. I have GOT to learn how to do that. :cool: :cool: :cool: .
IntoStella said:
That has reminded me of the woman in Brixton who is a real aficionado at peeing standing up. :eek: I always think of her as Martini because she pees anytime, anyplace, anywhere :eek:

Really? Who's that? Do you actually see her pishing then?

Ol Nick - would look at those links but boss is hovering :rolleyes:
I have started a thread in the health etc forum about peeing standing up for girls. Giving Ol Nick full credit, of course. ;)
Mrs Magpie said:
They got it in and sold very little and were chucking most of it away.....they didn't tell people it was there I don't think, which may have been the big flaw, I certainly didn't know they'd got in real ale........

Do you know how long ago that was Mrs M, that the Albert last had real ale?
I know that at times they used to have Flowers Original back in Pat's day, but are you talking about more recently?

I'm not there all that often so I may have missed it. If they gave it another go, I would join with Anna Key in promoting it round these forums.

Just needs the right advertising and the right beer. Would agree that three different kinds at once (as I not all that seriously suggested last night) would be pushing it a bit :oops:
William of Walworth said:
Do you know how long ago that was Mrs M, that the Albert last had real ale?
I know that at times they used to have Flowers Original back in Pat's day, but are you talking about more recently?
Yes, more recently, when I said "Moan, moan, there's no real ale."
NewPat said "I got it in and no one was drinking it, and I chucked more away than got drunk."

Had I but known, I would have organised a mass word-of-mouth number and also a Mrs M, BL, Stig & WoW real ale evening....I reckon the 4 of us can polish off a barrel, no problems :D
Mrs Magpie said:
Had I but known, I would have organised a mass word-of-mouth number and also a Mrs M, BL, Stig & WoW real ale evening....I reckon the 4 of us can polish off a barrel, no problems :D
It's a shame there's no local brewery who could deliver and publicise their own beer locally. Surely it's about time someone here started one up. You only need a boiler and an empty bath (and a bit of help from Richard from Cheers in North Cheam).
Ms T said:
I'm so sorry to lower the tone with my poor spelling. Will repeat twenty times before bed. Licence...licence....licence....


As my English teacher used to say about "practice"/"practise" (and it holds for "licence"/"license") - "You can 'c' a noun, but you can't 'c' a verb". ('C' = 'see'. Geddit?)

Now, to drag this thread tediously back on topic, you'll all be pleased to know that those lovely Lambeth types have now mowed most of the grass in Windmill Gardens, leaving only a little ornamental space for (I believe) the cultivation of daffodils. Millie had a great time this morning bounding through the soon-to-be-hay cuttings. Ahhh!
lang rabbie said:
Not sure that would work - if you can sell Alexander Fleming House at the Elephant, you can sell anything in the current property market, and remember the flats would have been built to Parker Norris space standards. e.g.

"High rise living in edgy Brixton. Spacious luxury apartments in funky retro-1960s towers with easy motorway access to Brighton for the weekend."

Or, alternatively, the Lido could be turned into a huge members only bidet, and if any space remained from "developing" the park into an "exciting" gated community, it could be coverted into a polo pitch.

However, alongside all these suggested "luxury" changes, what could be done to maintain (the illusion of) "edgy, vibrant Brixton"? Maybe the most "problem" residents could be "decanted" into a sink estate, around which a Berlin/Palestinian type wall could be erected. But the difference would be: make it of bullet-proof perspex. That way, the denizens of "nu-Brixton" could peruse their "streetcred"-enhancing neighbours at play without the irksome travail of an actual face-to-face with them.
Beer, Mmmmmmmm

Mrs Magpie said:
Had I but known, I would have organised a mass word-of-mouth number and also a Mrs M, BL, Stig & WoW real ale evening....I reckon the 4 of us can polish off a barrel, no problems :D
Well I would fully support a real-ale-for-the-Albert campaign! Much as I love the Albert, there's only so much Guinno and Boddingtons I can drink.....

In fact, making Brixton a lager-free zone would surely get rid of all the yuppies, dontchathink? Can you imagine:

Tallulah: What do you want to drink Ralph?

Ralph: Hmm, I can't see Asahi anywhere. And they don't even do Budvar!

Tallulah: Well, it looks like they've got "Old Leghumper" , "Bishop's Nob Rot" , "Wierd Willy's Wanky Ale" or "Barry's Bastard Ballistic Brew"

Ralph: GOD, this place is so....like.....1970s!!

Tallulah: Yeah, let's go somewhere real for a real drink. Let's go to Living [sic] or something....
isvicthere? said:
However, alongside all these suggested "luxury" changes, what could be done to maintain (the illusion of) "edgy, vibrant Brixton"?

bring back the cabaret corner, that'd be a start... enough of these young funky rock'n'roll bands!
zubaier said:
bring back the cabaret corner, that'd be a start... enough of these young funky rock'n'roll bands!

If you are being sincere, I thankyou very much. I put a great deal of commitment and energy into making the cab corner into the success it became.

If, on the other hand, you are being sarcastic, well done. You must have got a real frisson in an otherwise uneventful day by sneering at me.
Mr Retro said:
Is there any news on a new Cab Corner?

What's occurring is this: In the summer I'm working with Road, SP, Vaygas and Andy on the Albert sessions: it's an open-mic night, with some booked acts every Saturday till September in the garden. I'm also involved doing something with Michael Groce on a monthly basis.

When the summer's over I'm going to try to set something up. This time I'm going to try and get a place more central so we can get across-the-river people in on the tube.

Thanks for asking. I'll post up on these boards as soon as I've got something going.
isvicthere? said:
If you are being sincere, I thankyou very much. I put a great deal of commitment and energy into making the cab corner into the success it became.

If, on the other hand, you are being sarcastic, well done. You must have got a real frisson in an otherwise uneventful day by sneering at me.

nah vic, i did actually quite enjoy the cab corner on the two occasions i happened upon it at the windmill.. i went with the intention of seeing bands but on the most part had a good time there when your night was on instead.. personally i prefer live music, but a change now and then is always good.....

as for 'sneering', well thats something of course you haven't been guilty of to certain groups of people in recent times now is it?... :p
zubaier said:
nah vic, i did actually quite enjoy the cab corner on the two occasions i happened upon it at the windmill.. i went with the intention of seeing bands but on the most part had a good time there when your night was on instead.. personally i prefer live music, but a change now and then is always good.....

as for 'sneering', well thats something of course you haven't been guilty of to certain groups of people in recent times now is it?... :p

a) Sorry, I thought you were being sarcastic. Many apologies, honest.

b) Sneering? No, I really don't think so
isvicthere? said:
What's occurring is this: In the summer I'm working with Road, SP, Vaygas and Andy on the Albert sessions: it's an open-mic night, with some booked acts every Saturday till September in the garden. I'm also involved doing something with Michael Groce on a monthly basis.

When the summer's over I'm going to try to set something up. This time I'm going to try and get a place more central so we can get across-the-river people in on the tube.

Thanks for asking. I'll post up on these boards as soon as I've got something going.

Good luck getting it set up.

I reckon something more central would be brilliant because even though I live in Brixton, I was only there 4-5 times. I tend to be on deck pretty early in the mornings so the location did put me off a bit.
IntoStella said:
:D What is the point of that??? :D It's just a funny shaped toilet!!

It would take me longer to use that than to use a normal loo! :D

On the other hand, perhaps Mrs Magpie could have one installed in her handbag. ;)

These are found in The Netherlands whenever lots of people are around (like Queens Day).

They are supposed to be unisex! Have fun ladies. :D

BootyLove said:
These are found in The Netherlands whenever lots of people are around (like Queens Day).

They are supposed to be unisex! Have fun ladies. :D


Aren't they the same as the ones in the West End?
BootyLove said:
Oh they've got 'em there now? I'd never seen them before 2 weeks ago.

Great invention (for blokes anyway)

:rolleyes: They've had them since last year. They pop up and down into the ground :D
isvicthere? said:
What's occurring is this: In the summer I'm working with Road, SP, Vaygas and Andy on the Albert sessions: it's an open-mic night, with some booked acts every Saturday till September in the garden. I'm also involved doing something with Michael Groce on a monthly basis.

When the summer's over I'm going to try to set something up. This time I'm going to try and get a place more central so we can get across-the-river people in on the tube.

Thanks for asking. I'll post up on these boards as soon as I've got something going.
oh yaaay! go to it isvicthere! :)
Now Windmill Gardens are fine. Similarly, the little triangle of garden in Bonham Road has been totally mown, where we go for shorter walks.
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