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How powerful a (basic) electric shower should I buy ?


I hummus, therefore I am ...
I seem to have plenty of head of water and 7 litres a minute (so I'm hopefully covered for supply variations ...)
And brand - Mira ?
Dunno I'm afraid, but the MCB marked shower in my place (I don't actually have a shower though) is 40 A.
I'm a tad confused because the 40 A MCB is the one connected to a downstairs ring main which seems to have blown after the power cut. Must have been some spike because it blew an LED light and the top half of a light switch in the kitchen.
Oh. Is this temporary or for the final thing?

If getting a combi, just plumb directly from that.

Electric showers are wank. Unless your water is great, their performance diminishes from the moment they are installed

OH is convinced we have an electric shower because it's really good - no it's just off the combi boiler.
Now our boiler is a bit on its last legs tbf and whatever it is that switches the heating on sometimes seems to stick, but it does generally seem to manage hot water (touch wood).
OH is convinced we have an electric shower because it's really good - no it's just off the combi boiler.
Now our boiler is a bit on its last legs tbf and whatever it is that switches the heating on sometimes seems to stick, but it does generally seem to manage hot water (touch wood).
Yeah, that's a common thing. It's, uh... a diverter valve. They get sticky over time, and it will fail eventually. Ours failed mid-way so we had lukewarm CH and lukewarm water, neither really suitable for purpose. Unless there are other boiler problems, it's probably worth a repair rather than replace since they're a known problem point.
Assuming I finish this project and have a boiler and radiators fitted, anyone in the future wanting to go for a different sort of shower will need to do a massive revamp...

I've been told to get this 9.5kw one :-

From the other thread your prepping for sale right. I'd just go for something cheap and cheerful ot anything your nephew (think I have the right relative) wants to install. You don't need anything fancy or bombproof to get you through 12 months let the buyer worry if they want a really fancy shower!
OH is convinced we have an electric shower because it's really good - no it's just off the combi boiler.
Now our boiler is a bit on its last legs tbf and whatever it is that switches the heating on sometimes seems to stick, but it does generally seem to manage hot water (touch wood).

Yeah it took a lot of getting used to a combo boiler when we moved in and we still turn the water down when not getting in for a full shower.

We used to have electric in last rented and it was fine but if you turned it off and then on it took 5 minutes for the water to warm for some reason. It was also barely fixed to the wall after the landlord sent some useless fucks to replace a broken one and they bodged it to the wall
Switching electric to boiler fed was the best thing I did in this flat. So much better. Bit flow dependent of course, though my boiler/system certainly isn't anything special. I believe landlords like electric because if there's a boiler fault the tenant still has washing water. Also 'easy' to replace if the unit fails (though see above on bodged units/see me in a pub for a long rant on the state of construction in the UK). Obviously also fairly cheap, so this is more a generalised post than 'don't do it gg'. Though don't fuck about, make sure regs are strictly adhered to, get someone insured to sign off etc.

And yeah Mira are fine.
From the other thread your prepping for sale right. I'd just go for something cheap and cheerful ot anything your nephew (think I have the right relative) wants to install. You don't need anything fancy or bombproof to get you through 12 months let the buyer worry if they want a really fancy shower!
See also: magnolia paint :D
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