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How do I change the temperature on this ruddy thermostat?

I think it lost the link to the boiler, If the batteries went a while back.

Call em back in!
I'm trying but after 48 hours the promised callback has not materialised and I haven't fancied hanging on for 85 mins on hold. But I'll give it a go tomorrow because this cold is killing me
They must have an emergency number for stuff like massive leaks and broken windows?
This surely is an emergency now as it’s not temporary.
The way you describe your thermostat is the way mine works anyway. You set the temp (in my case with a dial) and then the displayed temp drops back to whatever temp it is in the room. Are you sure the problem is at the thermostat end?
That too,
Maybe there's an interlock to stop children playing with it so you have to hold a button or combination of buttons so the current temp flashes and you can then change it up or down ... ?
The heating stopped working altogether a few weeks back and apparently this was down to the batteries running out in the thermostat control (really). Council bloke came around to replace the batteries but managed to break it so it won;t fit back on the wall, so it's now it's waiting for a replacement.

It's stuck on 15.5C and there's no way to alter that - you can press the up button on the right for an alluring glimpse of a higher temperature but there's no button to set it, so it just falls back to chuffing cold.

I've looked at the manufacturer's site but their version comes with handy buttons to set the temperature etc - why the fuck hasn't mine got that?

I've tried holding the button down for ages or pushing both together and every other possible variation to no avail.

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Mine is different make but has 2 arrows like that. When you press them it shows "desired temperature" but when you stop pressing them the display changes back to "actual temperature" after a second or do. If you quickly press an arrow again it shows "desired temp" again for a second. This did confuse me when i first had it.

No idea if yours is the same though.
Mine is different make but has 2 arrows like that. When you press them it shows "desired temperature" but when you stop pressing them the display changes back to "actual temperature" after a second or do. If you quickly press an arrow again it shows "desired temp" again for a second. This did confuse me when i first had it.

No idea if yours is the same though.
Like a saucy flasher, it keeps teasing me with 30C of desire but no matter what I do, the flat temp stays firmly stuck at the current temperature, which is currently 9C.
Maybe there's an interlock to stop children playing with it so you have to hold a button or combination of buttons so the current temp flashes and you can then change it up or down ... ?

I've tried every possible permutation I can think of and it's not happening.
There is apparently a dip switch on the back to lock the buttons. I did wonder if this had inadvertently been turned on
Please don't send an assassin, but are your neighbours in the same situation, no heating?
If it’s similar to mine, there is a box near the boiler where you can manually override the wireless thermostat to set the temperature. it’s not part of the boiler itself but a separate box attached on the wall adjacent to it.
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