The heating stopped working altogether a few weeks back and apparently this was down to the batteries running out in the thermostat control (really). Council bloke came around to replace the batteries but managed to break it so it won;t fit back on the wall, so it's now it's waiting for a replacement.
It's stuck on 15.5C and there's no way to alter that - you can press the up button on the right for an alluring glimpse of a higher temperature but there's no button to set it, so it just falls back to chuffing cold.
I've looked at the manufacturer's site but their version comes with handy buttons to set the temperature etc - why the fuck hasn't mine got that?
I've tried holding the button down for ages or pushing both together and every other possible variation to no avail.
It's stuck on 15.5C and there's no way to alter that - you can press the up button on the right for an alluring glimpse of a higher temperature but there's no button to set it, so it just falls back to chuffing cold.
I've looked at the manufacturer's site but their version comes with handy buttons to set the temperature etc - why the fuck hasn't mine got that?
I've tried holding the button down for ages or pushing both together and every other possible variation to no avail.
RET2001 Electronic thermostat
Room thermostats providing optimum control of room temperatures. Range also includes cylinder, frost, pipe and immersion thermostats.