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housing association verification


New Member
hi all i visited a housing association property yesterday to view and received an email from the council we are with saying we are verified then i've now received an email from the housing officer at the housing association saying this please see below.
Our Coordinator is speaking with Ealing and explains that this verification is not as simple as it usually is because they have said that they need to carry out some investigations before they can confirm any offer priority.

This is not relating to your verification necessarily, but to the whole verification request for this property.

I am sorry until I have a verified order I cannot proceed with an offer, but I will advise as soon as I am able to do this.

Please do not worry, I do not anticipate problems, but a complex case may take time (and you will appreciate that we are not provided with case history in advance). I may get it through today, it may take a few days – we cannot ask Ealing to go any faster unfortunately – but it should happen eventually"

not sure what they mean by the verification not being as simple as it seems or what further investigations need to happen .
ideas from anyone please ?

all the best
I work with verification officers , I have no idea what this means. Verification usually takes anything from few days to a week or more. It will depend on what you've said on the application , how much they need to check.
They check to see if you are registered as a property owner with the land registry and a credit check looking for mortgage payments.
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