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Horror Movies for kids.


Small robot you know
I let my boy aged 8 years old watch Evil Dead 3 last week. He loved it, it's now one of his favourite films.

OK, I know it's a 15 but it really doesn't deserve that rating.Theres one swear word in it and some scary faces.:eek:

Any more reccomendations for horror films for kids? Nothing nasty now...
As a kid I used to like classic monster movies like the 30's Universial Frankenstein films and 50's sci-fi films like Them! 50's and 60's Hammer Horror films should be ok as well as long as it's not Lesbian vampire soft porn from the 70's. It's always good to encourage a liking for older film in children IMO.

The Gate was an 80's horror film for kids I used to like and the first Poltergeist film may be just about ok, nobody dies in it.
The Others. Quality throwback ghost film with zero gore, but still properly scary, and great twist.

...at least if you are 8 you may not guess the twist ;)

I think The Others would be a bit too intense and adult in its subject matter for small children.
The others would freak him out a little bit. He liked the slapstick of evil dead 3, everytime an evil zombie pops up it gets stomped in a very comical way.Hardly horror really.

I've been watching films with him before and all it takes is for the scary background violin to start buildin the tension and he's gets scared.I think the others would be a bit too creepy.

Might have to check out the gate, I remember one called House that was also pretty funny.I'd try him on older stuff but he has an aversion to black and white.
...at least if you are 8 you may not guess the twist ;)

I think The Others would be a bit too intense and adult in its subject matter for small children.

Interestingly, it only got a 12 certificate. However, I read an interview with the retired head of the BBFC (Andreas Whittam-Smith, I think?) who identified that as the only film whose certification they got completely wrong on his watch.

My school thought it would be a good idea to show it to us when we had a sleep over one weekend.

That sleep over involved sleeping in the school playing fields which had a number of old creepy looking trees around the edges.

So if you're looking for a film to scare the shite out of your younguns , Poltergeist it is.

Shakes fist at sadistic school teachers.
I wouldn't be letting an eight year old watch anything scarier than gremlins. I watched Poltergeist and the Exorcist when I was not much older, and they scared the living shit out of me.

My school thought it would be a good idea to show it to us when we had a sleep over one weekend.

That sleep over involved sleeping in the school playing fields which had a number of old creepy looking trees around the edges.

So if you're looking for a film to scare the shite out of your younguns , Poltergeist it is.

Shakes fist at sadistic school teachers.

I remember watching Poltergeist on video when I was around 13, and my little sis and her mate, who were 9 or so, kept coming into the room, even though I told them it would be a bit too scary. They wouldn't listen. Then the bit came on where the guy is washing his face and his face sort of dissolves and drips off into the basin. They both screamed and my little sis ran out the room and wouldn't watch it, although her friend (who at age 9 claimed to have seen all the original video nasties :eek: ) was made of sterner stuff......


Xtro is another 80s classic horror flick I remember being pretty scary at the time.

I watched both The Exorcist and TCM round the age of 12/13. Thought The Exorcist was just so funny but TCM really scared the shit out of me.
Sorry, couldn't be arsed to read the replies.

How about some good Japanese horror?

For an 8 year old ?

Not sure you even read the OP. ;)

I think the brief was slapstick and phoney looking monsters, not subtitled films about apparitions of child corpses, suicide, torture and psychotic parents who murder their children (which the likes of Juon, Audition, Kairo and Ring are about). When the new wave of Asian horror films came out in the late 90's they scared me shitless even though I was in my 30's then. Now repetition has taken the edge off them for me, but they'd still be fairly horrific for a small child to watch.

I watched both The Exorcist and TCM round the age of 12/13. Thought The Exorcist was just so funny but TCM really scared the shit out of me.

I think there is a big difference between a 13 year old and an 8 year old. There is no need to show kids films that are very far from being age appropriate. When I lived in the US I was always quite appalled to see parents taking small kids to see R-rated films like Se7en and Hostel, because they couldn't be bothered to arrange for a baby sitter.
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