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His Dark Materials - TV Series

Far too much intrusive, emotive music. As per the worst of Doctor Who...

But liked the Diesel Punk feel of the airships etc
Just finished the episode of Imagine about Phillip Pullman and him talking about the end of The Amber Spyglass and how he likes to think about what death is like has completely dissolved me into tears again.
Oh dear. I'm saving it for tomorrow, meant to say before kalidarkone :)
I did also think the preview for the next episode went on. Might as well have shown us the whole episode.
The preview was for the rest of the “season” rather than just the next episode, as far as I could tell. They’re only doing the first book in the first season of 8 episodes, with each book getting 8 episodes.

I enjoyed it, seemed quite close to the book with a few things compressed and simplified, which I sort of expected.

I can recommend the audio books, at least the unabridged ones I have on CD. Long but well done and interesting to hear it in Pullman’s voice.
Roger: she's special
Asriel: everyone's special
Rebelda: *sob*

The casting is great, I can't wait to see more of the gyptians. Aesthetically spot on for me so far.
Yep, 100% agree.

DO IT NOW :mad::mad:

Ignore me. I've loved these books for over two decades. I'm a bit overcome :oops::D
Massive fangirl here too :D

Did anyone watch the programme afterwards on BBC 4 about Philip Pullmans influences, inspiration and early life?
I enjoyed it.
No I didn't even know about it! Yay - will watch that tonight then!

Where are the audio books from? I need them in my life.
I remember staying up till 3am sobbing my heart out when I read The Amber Spyglass. The next day I felt bereft. :oops:
Same here. I sobbed my fucking heart out at the end, was inconsolable!
Didn’t really get the show but now *really* want to read the books :thumbs:
I’m sure you will understand much more by the next episode or two at the most.

it’s a credit to the quality of the first episode that people who haven’t read the books and understandably unclear about many things happening did still enjoy it :)
I’m sure you will understand much more by the next episode or two at the most.

it’s a credit to the quality of the first episode that people who haven’t read the books and understandably unclear about many things happening did still enjoy it :)
I'm very much this, but I did watch the previous telly thing - was it the Golden Compass? Where the badies nearly won, but the witches rode in and saved the day? I like witches riding in and saving the day. Or was that something completely different? I may just be a fan of witches, and pissed again. :hmm::oldthumbsup::oops:
I enjoyed the books but this is too like Dr Who production wise. I guess just a house style, I might get into it next episode
I don’t see that many similarities with Dr Who myself... both the CGI aspect and the look of the sets & costumes are much more polished off here IMO, and the HBO influence seems far more evident to me.

Dr Who is a national treasure but still retains a pedestrian made-for-TV feel-which is fine of course. This is not as high production value as the likes of GoT of course, but it’s still far more cinematic-looking.
I'm very much this, but I did watch the previous telly thing - was it the Golden Compass? Where the badies nearly won, but the witches rode in and saved the day? I like witches riding in and saving the day. Or was that something completely different? I may just be a fan of witches, and pissed again. :hmm::oldthumbsup::oops:

yes - golden compass was a film of the first book. it gets widely slagged off, but i dont think it did too bad a job. Nicole Kidman as mrs coulter was icily brilliant.
I thought Serafina Pekkala was the only thing that film got right. If the BBC stay true to the ending you're in for a surprise.
Except that the original director was replaced by a maniac uber Christian who took all the juicy stuff out and completely fucked up the ending.
I suppose having not read the book I had no expectations and enjoyed it for what it was.

Rest assured I will be watching the series :D
I saw the film and (having not read the books) all I can remember is Kidman wandering around haughtily in a cold glassy building, a polar bear and that the lass was called Lyra. Which implies it wasn't a great film.
Except that the original director was replaced by a maniac uber Christian who took all the juicy stuff out and completely fucked up the ending.
it was worse than that (sadly, i dont recall the film, but i do recall the controversy!). Tom Stoppard wrote the original script, which got thrown out, and xian man (Weitz) did a new one, with lots of the religion removed. Then he started directing it, got fired, and the second director took even more religious stuff out ('its about family') and then Weitz came back.

A complete dogs dinner.
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The preview was for the rest of the “season” rather than just the next episode, as far as I could tell.

Fucking hell really? I felt it gave away far too much - Lyra falling out with that woman, teaming up with the boat people, them teaching her how to use the golden thing, them all going up north together and so on. I'm not a book wanker (obviously) so presumably there's a lot more to it but I feel like I know a rough outline of where it's all going for a story I barely understand!
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