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Have you ever travelled abroad just to see a concert?

Mates of mine follow their favourite bands all over the world. I invariably see Godspeed You! Black Emperor in Bristol when they tour here, but we did think this autumn it would be fun to go and see them again a few days later in France or Germany or somewhere. Might really do it next time they come over.
I have friends who went to see Fleetwood Mac in Berlin; they made a weekend of it

Might have been easier to get tickets
Not quite the same, but when we were on holiday in Bilbao in 2004 we saw Jonathan Richman was playing and thought 'why not', liking his stuff but not really being fans as such.

Absolutely amazing. We didn't really have expectations - just sort of assumed he'd do Egyptian Reggae and Roadrunner on his acoustic guitar or something. Didn't realise he spoke fluent Spanish and had a whole set of tunes in that language. The locals loved him. Also got introduced to a local custom where instead of shouting 'MORE!!' at the top of your voice, everyone engaged in fast-paced, syncopated clapping for the encore. I thought that was ace, although being a bit pissed I still shouted 'MORE!' and loads of people turned around and laughed at me.
The Stranglers - Dublin (Trinity College)
Bowie - Dublin
Squeeze - Dublin
Leonard Cohen - Paris
Tindersticks - Paris

My mate was well in with the Radio Stars -they supported The Stranglers - and we were on their guest list....
Went to Torhout in 87 primarily to see EATB, memorable in many ways, but having to take a shit in a cow field with angry farmers waving at me (ala Partridge) was a particular highlight.

Christy Moore seems to only play Ireland now (fair enough, he's getting on) and I must see him before you know what happens to one or the other of us. I tried to make it happen last year but dates were elusive. I will do it this year.

I was going to see RATM in Edinburgh in Jan but then they didn't do that so neither did I. Which is not very far abroad admittedly, but in a different country as far as I'm concerned :respectfully:

I think I'd probably only do it for bucket list bands/artists.
No but I would, as long as I didn’t have to fly there.

I’m waiting for Taylor Swift to announce European dates and I’d be willing to do Paris if I couldn’t get London. It’s probably about the same journey length as a northern date would be for me although more expensive obviously.
I went to Scotland to see Mudhoney in 1992. It's another country. I'm counting it.
By this logic Mrs Q has also travelled abroad when she went to Edinburgh to watch the Bay City Rollers. It was only last year following the death of Les McKeown that she finally confessed the dark secret she had been hiding from me.
That one of the teenage girls screaming themselves hoarse at their concerts had in fact been her.
Having recently been there for the first time, Montreal is a pretty amazing city, once you get over how disconcertingly French the place is.

I loved it so much I wanted to immigrate there but it's too much hassle. Its not as French as Quebec. I quite like the multicultural blend to it. It really gave me that I would be so happy living here vibe.
By this logic Mrs Q has also travelled abroad when she went to Edinburgh to watch the Bay City Rollers. It was only last year following the death of Les McKeown that she finally confessed the dark secret she had been hiding from me.
That one of the teenage girls screaming themselves hoarse at their concerts had in fact been her.
It's also this logic that allows me to tell the family we're going on a foreign holiday when we go to see my mum.
Yes - Holland and Germany several times for various bands and the chance to see one of the last outings of Jefferson Starship with a reasonably "classic" line-up was amongst my final motivators for going to New York.

And England, more than a few times - of course!
Christy Moore seems to only play Ireland now (fair enough, he's getting on) and I must see him before you know what happens to one or the other of us. I tried to make it happen last year but dates were elusive. I will do it this year.

I was going to see RATM in Edinburgh in Jan but then they didn't do that so neither did I. Which is not very far abroad admittedly, but in a different country as far as I'm concerned :respectfully:

I think I'd probably only do it for bucket list bands/artists.
Christy's always on in the Pool ;) Usually Irish music week at the phil. I get a box most times he plays as it's only another 3 quid each. I've seen him in Dublin too.
I've been to Way out west in Gothenborg a couple of times. First time was to see the Arctic Monkeys who were shit and managed to piss of most of the Swedish crowd. They always have a good line up.

I go to Ireland to gigs every year or so. Damien Dempsey and Christy. My dream gig would be to see Half Man Half Biscuit play Redrocks but I'm not sure Nigel has America on his radar.
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