As things stand, EVERYTHING in the UK is based in EXCLUSION principle!
The country is divided into Humans [maybe 15% of the population - what do you think?] and Cattle [the rest of us] categories.
The Humans have sorted out the system for themselves rather nicely and groovy!
The Cattle live in shacks, eat crap, drink crap, get crap education, shite NHS, terrible public transport and so on and on and on... Their quality and culture of living is negligible, when compared to their counterparts in the comparable countries of EU.
The principles of Solidarity and Fairness have left the building long ago, blindly following the US, becoming America Light by the day...
The only way out is - EU, Social Democracy... Don't invent hot water...
As I said, tax the rich and corporations their fair share and that would mean properly funding it.
Then, put everyone into the system and make it work really well, as the politicians keep bullshitting everybody how NHS is greatest in the world, while EVERYBODY knows it's shite and NHS keeps sending people abroad for treatment etc.
In Sweden, for instance, greatest, huge majority [almost everbody!!!] goes to the same schools, hospitals etc. etc.
I mean, the Humans in the UK keep bragging how "this is 5th or 6th economy of the world" and whatnot - but they [the Humans] keep convincing the rest [Cattle] how the UK can't afford anything but a third world country NHS, for example - one could go on, to education, public transport, pensions etc. etc....
Blimey!!! How long are you guys gonna keep schtum [I no longer live there] and dance as the Humans expect you/tell you to?!?
Once everybody is in the same NHS system, kinda integrated NHS, to go to the sub-system in question now - so that the decision makers and "captains of industry" share the experience with those who make their profits and give them votes, short of going abroad every time they need an antibiotic or having a personal physician on call and at hand 24/7, as it were, the "haves" would quickly make the system run properly... [Unless they are all useless and crap at anything and everything... And I can see a few people willing to make that argument, actually...
It would also mean an END to docs working "on the side" - how can they, if they are doing PROPERLY their job in NHS, for the kind of money they are getting?!? - but really pulling their weight for EVERYBODY in the system.
Further to that, the country runs an aggressive, pro-health policies, away from being the second most-obese, drunk, sedated and/or drugged up to its eyeballs etc. countries in the developed world [blindly following the US, of course, as in everything else, instead of Sweden, for example!] - firmly going towards education, prevention and so on!
For all its weight, as a market, and all the investment in the fundamental research, the UK should get a better policy towards the pharma industry, too - favouring its citizens, for a change...
But: change nothing essential/structural = keep suffering! That's the issue here!!!