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Hard West


Fuck it, it's fine.
Hard West was released today. A very brief summary is Xcom with demon cowboys but it's actually loads more clever than that. You can interact with the scenery and create better cover. You can shoot people who you only know are there cos you can see their shadows and you get cards which give you abilities - and you can combine them into poker hands.

I've only played the first scenario but so far my dad has run off, I've sold my soul to the devil and I've killed a fuck of a lot of Mexicans.

I also have a pistol with 16 barrels.

XCOM Alternative | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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Looks great tommers. What's the gameplay like?

I really like it. The tactics side of things is decent, it's all about cover which lowers the chance of being hit and also cuts damage - but it's not massively complicated. You have a luck stat which lowers if you dodge a bullet and once that gets to 0 then you will be hit next shot (but your luck goes up again once that happens). You get cards which give you abilities (like being invisible in shadows or being able to shriek or get food from bodies or get demon strength) and those abilities also cost luck to use.

You have different items you can use to heal yourself, or get extra aim or better luck and there's a reasonable selection of guns you can use which range from a standard six gun right up to a quad shotgun or a revolver where every chamber is another revolver. They have different capabilities but they don't vary that much, which is a bit disappointing.

Out of combat you have separate scenarios with different characters and separate stories. There is one line with a persistent character in it and then some others with different people. You get different locations appear as you go through the story and you choose an action in each one. So you might meet a blind hermit sat in front of a pile of gold with a cocked revolver, or a town full of drunks - and you pick what you do in each situation. That can then influence the rest of the scenario cos you get cursed, or you meet a new gunslinger or you get a new gun or whatever.

The scenarios are different enough to keep your interest - so far I've been a guy trying to avenge his own death, a mad scientist trying to fix a local outbreak of insanity and an undertaker who's on a quest to get rid of a curse.

The atmosphere, though, is what really makes it. The narrator is classic western drawl and it has the classic western stuff in it. Three of you walk into a town full of villains and clear it out. Add in the supernatural stuff as well and it works really well.

It's not massively difficult once you get used to it but there's a difficulty choice in there that you can change if you want. Lots of reviews said it was buggy but I've only encountered one, and that was just that it gave me the wrong rifle once. They're patching as well since it's been released.

I'm a sucker for all this stuff but I'm really enjoying it.
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