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Greece: Euro crisis


Lots of videos in this link: https://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1435284

The combination of water cannons and heavy rainfall made me so wet that I have shivers today, I have fever. Hundreds of thousands demonstrated yesterday in a massive demo against the new austerity measures that were finally voted by the parliament with 153 YES (of a total 300 MPs). Despite the heavy rainfall that thankfully stopped after 19:00 on the evening, the majority of the demonstrators remained in position. When the rain stopped it was the time to get sprayed by chemicals. For reason that I do not really know of the police started spraying with chemicals and violence escalated after that. The response of a number of demonstrators was to fight back, a number of petrol bombs were thrown at them and this is when the water cannon started throwing water at us. It was the first time that a water cannon was used in central Athens since the military dictatorship back in the 70s.... The police by using their usual tactics wanted to completely empty the square by spraying us continuously with chemicals as if we were flies, but the people remained. Not in the numbers that they were in the beginning but a lot returned to the square and remained there despite the fact that the atmosphere was very heavy as it had turned to a huge gas chamber. The police then started moving on the streets around the square and continued spraying in order to empty the whole city center. At around 20:30 the whole city center of Athens and not only the square was full of chemicals. The heavy rainfall that returned on about 21:00 was also an additional problem but at least the atmosphere cleared a bit.

I have to give credits this time to the HUGE PAME and KKE demo that was also present in the square even when the riots started. Their protection members not only they did not engage in any actions against the rioting demonstrators but on occasions they let demonstrators to have shelter inside the PAME block. Their block remained for very long in Syntagma square, they moved a bit because of the heavy chemicals but they returned back instead of leaving as they usually do. Of course they did protect their block with men carrying sticks as they normally do, but they did not engage at any time and as I said they helped people, especially people that got beaten up or had breathing problems. I hope that they will continue being like this for now on. What is also interesting is that when the police finally decided to chase the demonstrators in the streets they also attacked a part of the PAME block that was at Stadiou street, something that does not happen very often.

Videos of PAME demo
(after the 6th minute gets more interesting)
(PAME returns to the Syntagma square)

In order to answer a question about my pessimism on a previous post, I do not remember if that was in this thread or another. Lately we have had a number of general strikes and demos, but the most of them were disappointing. Not a lot of people were turning up, and there was no passion between the demonstrators as yesterday. Yesterday's demo was quite encouraging. Lots of people turned up, and remained in the square no matter the fact that the police quickly started spraying everyone with no real excuse. The water cannon made a lot of people angry although it was not used for very long, it seemed mostly as a practice rather than an effort to actually use the cannon in order to control the public. They will though soon enough.

Also something very encouraging from last night was the fact that you could see different blocks of people being next to each other something that you do not see very often in greek demos. After a point there were no real blocks formed, people from various left or trotskyist blocks were in the same place with PAME and so on with no real problems. UNITY IS OUR STRENGTH. So if this momentum continues yes I will be optimistic again, if we return to the previous demo appearances I will return to pessimism.

In total more than 100 detained, 3 arrested, 40 injured but thankfully only 3 more seriously, about 12 cops injured as well.

11th of November a gathering has been announced outside the parliament as the government will pass forward the new economic budget for 2013.

14th of November we join forces with all the rest of southern europe.

17th of November the annual polytechnic demo.


Greece's neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party has set up an Italian branch in the north-eastern city of Trieste, according to local reports.
Alba Dorata (Golden Dawn Italy) was founded by Alessandro Gardossi, formerly a member of Forza Nuova, a neo-fascist organisation that has ties with Greece's far-right party, Huffington Post Italy reported.
Gardossi said he has already registered the party's emblem, a crowned squared spiral on a blue-coloured background.
He is planning to keep in touch with Italy's far-right movements and parties, such as CasaPound - nicknamed Fascists of the third millennium.
The development came after Athens police announced they are investigating another xenophobic assault against a 28-year-old Bangladeshi man who has been stabbed in Greece's capital.


Pretty big demonstration in solidarity with Anarchist prisoners today, they're claiming 10,000 were present!

They shall never manage to beat us, because no matter how many forces of repression they enlist, they cannot choke resistance, dignity and solidarity. They shall never manage to beat us, because we are not one hundred, we are thousands. We are part of the world that struggles against capitalist barbarity, state terrorism and the fascist turn. Part of local and migrant workers, unemployed, students, those resisting in the neighbourhoods, persecuted and arrested people in struggle, who do not bow their heads. Along with them, we raise a fist of resistance just like at the moment of our arrest.
Shots fired at ND HQ this morning. PM's office hit. They say. Pasok and other offices firebombed. 17 in total over the weekend, including a Syriza office on Crete.
Please don't take animals on demos...

RIP Riot Dog.



To be able to brief my PM and parliament accurately on what went on in those interminable meetings, as well as to defend myself from the distortions and downright lies regarding my interventions (as well as of the lies of what the troika folks were saying to me), I began recording the proceedings on my smart phone.

Not wishing to keep this secret, I made this public in an interview with the New York Times – as a means of warning the purveyors of fake news that I could prove they were spreading lies. The reaction of the European Commission was one of fake outrage – but, interestingly, they stopped leaking!

Later, I published my memoir (ADULTS IN THE ROOM) which I based, to a large extent, on those recordings – thinking that it would be the end of the story.

Why am I bothering you now with this 5-year old story?

Because, for reasons I shall outline below, MeRA25-DiEM25 and I have decided that now is the right time to make the said recordings available to the public.

Might be of some interest. Due to be released around the 10th March.

Arrests over alleged corruption at the European Parliament are "very, very worrisome", the EU's foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has said...

...Among the arrested was European Parliament Vice President Eva Kaili - believed to be one of those charged.

Ms Kaili - an MEP for eight years - was suspended from her duties as one of 14 vice-presidents by president of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola.

She has also been suspended from the parliament's Socialists and Democrats Group, and expelled from the Greek centre-left Pasok party.

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