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Gerry Adams exposed , his lies demolished at brothers rape trial

It depends if its somehing like op grapple the yugoslavia mission it was vast numbers of troops and or formed units.
If its a stand about And try to look important say the un cyprus commitment thats now done by the TA .
A hilarious jeremy kyle epsiode " my man would rather go to war than be with me":D
The irish army take lebannon very seriously not sure what they get out of it apart from extra pay lots of hazards cant effectively fight back both hezbollah and the idf seriously out gun them and the un has no back up worth anything :(
Unionists in Ireland are very much in the minority . Plus the Irish have artillery these days, and unless the Brits gave them some, they don't . The fact is when they went on the mass rampage they couldn't even take the tiny nationalist enclave of short strand despite it being surrounded in a sea of orange . Sarajevo it was not .

Threat and bluster by bullies is one thing, realities another . We had an almost identical threat and posturing in south Africa from Terreblanche and his AWB , people many of our unionist brethren identified with and idolised .Armageddon and end of the world type of threats . Ended up as fuck all when they tried it on .
Not really an awful lot and back in the 70s the irish army made a pigs ear of setting up a casuality clearing station :facepalm: .
7,500 odd all told maybe 10,OOO with reserves etc. The British put 30000 troops plus police and UDR during the troubles.

UDA had 40,000 members in 71:eek:
So the idea that the south could afford or control the statelet is a joke sunningdale failed because the unionists said no the fact that was moronic and wrong headed doesnt help.
Not really an awful lot and back in the 70s the irish army made a pigs ear of setting up a casuality clearing station :facepalm: .
7,500 odd all told maybe 10,OOO with reserves etc. The British put 30000 troops plus police and UDR during the troubles.

UDA had 40,000 members in 71:eek:
So the idea that the south could afford or control the statelet is a joke sunningdale failed because the unionists said no the fact that was moronic and wrong headed doesnt help.
the first parsgraph has no bearing on the second
Not really an awful lot and back in the 70s the irish army made a pigs ear of setting up a casuality clearing station :facepalm: .
7,500 odd all told maybe 10,OOO with reserves etc. The British put 30000 troops plus police and UDR during the troubles.

UDA had 40,000 members in 71:eek:
So the idea that the south could afford or control the statelet is a joke sunningdale failed because the unionists said no the fact that was moronic and wrong headed doesnt help.

Tell us about this pigs ear
Remember reading a post from one of the soldiers setting it up running about trying to find enough buses to get to the border the idea that they could have crossed the border and done anything was laughable.
The british deployed an air mobile brigade in 24 hours with fast jets on call.
The free state army never had the slightest Intention of crossing the border . And they certainly wouldn't have been in buses either if they had .

Plenty of people did go across the border, and did plenty too With next to no equipment and barely any training. Had the free state army gone into border towns like Newry, Derry and strabane they'd have had the support of the entire populace . Not a shadow of doubt about that . You'd have had to level those towns to clear them . And the people in them .
Have I just seen Gerry Adams defending a ban on Frankie Boyle from whatever festival on the grounds of inclusivity because he's prejudiced against people with Downs syndrome?
Pearse McAuley one of the IRA bank robbers who murdered Garda Gerry McCabe is back in prison.

He brutally stabbed his ex wife 13 times during a 3 hour assault and brought their two children down to say goodbye to their mum.

Surprisingly Martin Ferris wasn't available for taxi duties this time and McAuley didn't get a lift from a SF MP to prison.

And amazingly some SF election candidates still won't consider the cold blooded murder of a man a crime

Sinn Fein walks an excruciating line between McAuley the hero and McAuley the villain
Continuing the tale of SF woe, Adams defending of Slab Murphy

Tom Murphy is not a criminal. He's a good republican and I read his statement after the Manchester raids and I believe what he says and also and very importantly he is a key supporter of Sinn Féin's peace strategy and has been for a very long time

Aside from organising much of the IRAs campaign including the bombing campaigns in Britain, Murphy had a alledged torture chamber in his house, and has just been convicted tax avoidance after amassing a reported £40 million through smuggling.

Thomas 'Slab' Murphy, former IRA commander, accused of tax evasion
Aside from organising much of the IRAs campaign including the bombing campaigns in Britain,

Which would indeed make him a 'good republican'.

Murphy had a alledged torture chamber in his house

and indeed hid it so well it was never found by any of the hundreds of Gardai or FS soldiers that searched it. The Sunday World also had a double-page spread on his secret underground bunker in the midlands where his legions of university-educated Provos played the stock market in front of giant screens.

Tax 'avidance is not a crime in any jurisdiction AFAIK.

Tax 'evasion' is. But it is also a national sport in Ireland.

after amassing a reported £40 million through smuggling.

And yet they have never produced any evidence of the whereabouts of this 'fortune', even during his trial. Maybe he has it hidden under a huge pile of steaming bullshit?
Have I just seen Gerry Adams defending a ban on Frankie Boyle from whatever festival on the grounds of inclusivity because he's prejudiced against people with Downs syndrome?

You did , because he's an opportunist wanker that counts the likes of Tony Blair as a friend . And who welcomed Charles Windsor to Ireland a heartbeat after telling frankie Boyle to stay away.

Needless to say nobody listened to Adams and Boyle packed out the west Belfast event . Which was a roaring success .
Tax 'evasion' is. But it is also a national sport in Ireland.

Sadly so is child sexual abuse, and covering it up to protect reputations .

Tax evasion is a national sport in every country in the world , particularly for the rich. Regarding it as a " bit of sport " though doesn't exactly compliment the provie assertions that they're going to rigorously root out the gombeenism, greed and corruption rife within the free state political culture . Sending out the message that " sure everyone does it , and it's ok if one of ours does too " hardly marks one out as an alternative to the likes of FG and FF . It's just more of the same . Just more greed and corruption no different from the rest .
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