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German poster campaign launched to find surviving Nazis

Didn't work, luckily. The fucker ended up a crispy critter at the Chancellery back yard, along with Eva. And his dog Blondi. Hitler had the poison he was going to take administered to Blondi first, to make sure that it worked.
BTW, probably derailing the thread but I've been meaning to recommend this book for a while: The young (Austrian) jewish refugee Ruth Maier's writings were preserved by her norwegian friend Gunvor after her tragic arrest by norwegian (nazi-friendly, since the country was occupied territory) police in 1942 led to her deportation on the ship Donau, whose passengers were sent directly to Auschwitz...

Maier was a talented, perceptive writer who had a profound effect on Gunvor, who later became a celebrated poet but went mad by the loss of her friend (and perhaps also because when she tried to submit Maier's writing to publishers she just got the reply that "they didn't need another story like that, since Anne Frank's diary had just been published"... ) Gunvor Hofmo was sectioned and went in and out of psychicatric hospitals for the rest of her life, but continued to publish her poems to critical acclaim. All of them revolve around the problem of evil, loss and death. She really believed that Maier's writings should've been known to the world, and regretted that they weren't. Now finally some of her writings have been published (and translated into english).
Ruth Maier was born into a middle-class Jewish family in interwar Vienna. Following the Anschluss of Austria in March 1938, her world collapsed. In early 1939, her sister having left for England, Ruth emigrated to Norway and lived with a family in Lillestrøm, near Oslo. Although she loved many things about her new country and its people, Ruth became increasingly isolated until she met a soulmate, Gunvor Hofmo, who was to become a celebrated poet. When Norway became a Nazi conquest in April 1940, Ruth's effort to join the rest of her family in Britain became ever more urgent.

Ruth Maier kept a diary from 1934 until she was deported to Auschwitz in 1942 at the age of twenty-two. Although she was only in her teens, she shows a sophisticated understanding of the political forces shaping Europe. Ruth is lyrical, witty and incisive and explores universal themes of isolation, identity, love, friendship, desire and justice. Most of all, she seeks what it means to be a human being.

http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ruth-Maiers-Diary-Jewish-Europe/dp/0099524244/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1375214228&sr=8-1&keywords=ruth maier
Saw an interesting program tonight on BBC4, Operation Crossbow
The little-known story of Spitfire pilots and Allied technicians whose work helped to thwart the Nazis during the Second World War. The programme reveals how stereoscopic 3D photographs were used to help interpreters map every contour of the enemy's territory, and uses personal testimony, computer-generated imagery and original wartime pictures to detail how the initiative was able to uncover some of Hitler's most dangerous secrets. Narrated by Samantha Bond

Towards the end it went into the hunt for the V weapons, initially at Peenamunda and then when they had been relocated it mentioned the underground production facilities at which 12,000 forced labourers and concentration camp prisoners from the Dora camp were killed producing the weapons.

Saw an interesting program tonight on BBC4, Operation Crossbow

Towards the end it went into the hunt for the V weapons, initially at Peenamunda and then when they had been relocated it mentioned the underground production facilities at which 12,000 forced labourers and concentration camp prisoners from the Dora camp were killed producing the weapons.


I watched the PBS version of that last week, called 3d Spies of WW2.

"....First was the knowledge of the crimes that had been committed since the war began, particularly since the invasion of the Soviet Union. This cold be as powerful motivating factor, as Heinrich Himmler well knew. So much so that he deliberately spelled out just what the SS had been up to when he spoke in Posen on 6 October 1943 to a gathering of senior Nazis. He told them explicitly that the extermination of the Jews was taking place and that by the end of the year the "Jewish question " would be "solved". Moreover he said, it had been necessary to kill Jewish women and children as well as men to prevent a race of "avengers" growing up and seeking retribution in the future. Significantly, as he neared the end of his speck, Himmler told his audience, "you now know about it".

-6 October Posen meeting. Heinrich Himmler, Geheimreden 1933 bis 1945, Bradley Smith and Agnes F. Peterson(eds), Frankfurt am Main, Propylaen Verlag, 1974, pp169 - 170
"Sharing knowledge of the mass murder of millions of people across the Nazi elite was an effective way of creating a communal sense of responsibility to fight to the bitter end. Just how potent this was can be gauged by the difficulties Albert Speer's presence at this 6 October meeting caused him in later life. After all, how could he portray himself as a 'good Nazi', someone who had sought to mitigate Hitler's call for the destruction of German infrastructure in the last days of the war, when in the autumn of 1943 he had been told all about the extermination of the Jews? Not surprisingly, Speer fiercely - if unconvincingly - persisted to his last breath that he had left the meeting early and never heard Himmler's words at Posen."

- 'Hitler's Charisma', Laurence Rees, Pantheon Books, 2012; pp277 - 278.
Wouldn't supprise me, how is it down there at H.B.Gary? Starting early today?

Anyway, talking about valid contributions, are you just here to tell people how wrong they are....(goes back the last 5 pages)...oh yes, it looks as though you are here telling everyone just how wrong they are. Butchers has once again, spoken!! [/thunderclap]
Has the secret state restricted you to only looking back five pages - five pages where i've not been posting btw. Nor have most previous participants, due, i suspect to jc's google-bombing.
You tell me if the state has restricted me to only look back 5 pages, probably be somewhere in your files.
Here you go "constructive poster who doesn't go round ALL DAY telling people how wrong they are and thinking that he's actually being constructive"...
I went back a bit further...
What country are you posting from and what people are you posting on behalf of?

You have absolute faith in them. Or you could not post your latest pomposity.

Sometimes you just have to admire the idiocy.

Maybe the weight of evidence doesn't rely on eye-witnesses and them being alive? Or do you think the holocaust is harder to prove as each day goes by? Three odd posts.

No it doesn't. Please, don't be a historian. Please do learn how and what eye-witness testimony works and how that feeds into the writing of history.

And what did I find? What, exactly what I thought I was going to find? A pompus FUCKING CUNT telling everyone how wrong they are.
Why do you ruin every single thread about fascism or nazism that you post on with your catch up Google nonsense?

I waited to post those quotes because the book I'd recently read them in was at home, and my earlier posts on the topic were made from elsewhere.

While I was able to paraphrase the ideas from memory, I think it's worth it to give the exact quotes, with the cites.
Here you go "constructive poster who doesn't go round ALL DAY telling people how wrong they are and thinking that he's actually being constructive"...
I went back a bit further...

And what did I find? What, exactly what I thought I was going to find? A pompus FUCKING CUNT telling everyone how wrong they are.
Yearly assessment is today then xes? I've made 28 posts on this thread (not including engaging with your hissy fit) - all of them have been on topic and making a point about the subject of the thread, you know contributing to it - as is the post that you quote above that concerns historical and legal inquiry and the basis on which it may be carried out. As you'd know if you'd read the thread, but no, you're above that, it's far more important to attack people for what you think is them attacking people.. You have made 5 posts in total - each one attacking and abusing another poster, nothing on thread subject - zero, zilch, nada. So as i said earlier, thanks for the contribution. Good luck with the assessment, i have a feeling that you're going to need it.
Oh, is it my yearly assessment, you know, sometimes it's very handy having someone with such a comprehensive filing system around.

basically, BA, I don't like bullies. You are a bully. (and a massive cunt) Out of your 28 posts on this thread, I counted 5 where you were actually helpful. the rest were you telling people how wrong they were, and how stupid they were to be wrong. Fuck you, you fucking bully cunt.
6 posts now containing nothing but unimaginative empty abuse and complaints about non-existent abuse. You should contribute to the history threads more often xes.
Oh, is it my yearly assessment, you know, sometimes it's very handy having someone with such a comprehensive filing system around.

basically, BA, I don't like bullies. You are a bully. (and a massive cunt) Out of your 28 posts on this thread, I counted 5 where you were actually helpful. the rest were you telling people how wrong they were, and how stupid they were to be wrong. Fuck you, you fucking bully cunt.

So you've noticed too.
Yes, you're doing the same thing that the scholar did to the author: you're disbelieving her, and the testimony of the survivors who were raped or otherwise sexually abused, or who witnessed these things.

I'm not suggesting that you're a misogynist, but you appear to be taking an inflexible and doctrinaire approach to a topic that has been either downplayed or overlooked, and which is now finally receiving the attention it deserves.

I neither believe nor disbelieve. I merely (to repeat myself yest again) see less evidence available to support the author's argument, than supports the current historical narrative.

You, on the other hand, have obviously abandoned any attempt to "read" this piece of historical enquiry neutrally - or as neutrally as possible.
The Germans murdered and tortured their way across Eastern Europe. It doesn't seem much of a stretch to realize that they also committed rape and other sexual violence on a widespread scale. As the author says, and as we've seen in other more recent examples, genocide and rape/sexual violence go hand in hand.

The Soviets murdered, raped and tortured their way through Ukraine, Poland and most of the eastern and central European states, as well as Germany. Arguably, as a matter of military policy (to utterly subjugate), as well as perceived "vengeance" against states that either welcomed the Nazis, or "allowed" themselves to be conquered.

As for your genocide and rape claim, there's a fairly obvious factor that sets the post-WW2 instances apart from WW2. Do you know what it is?
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