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General Dulwich Hamlet chat

When it comes to attendance since I assume there was no bar money in either place. All that matters to me is how much revenue is down on the gate.

It may be down less since a lot of the attendees at Champion Hill didn’t pay or were concessions. It may be down more since a larger proportion of our gate are season ticket holders.

As for sustaining the squad on the current turnout. Not going down 4 0 in 30 minute in the cup may well have helped with that.
The cup defeat is a total red herring. Cup money should NEVER be budgeted for. It's 'bonus money', to be added to the pot.

I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that we as a Club didn't budget for any revenue from cups...so here's hoping for a Trophy run!

And at least we've been drawn away in the FA Youth Cup again. Home draws lose quite a bit, as we have to hire the ground from Tooting, with gate money barely covering the expenses of the three match officials.
The cup defeat is a total red herring. Cup money should NEVER be budgeted for. It's 'bonus money', to be added to the pot.

I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that we as a Club didn't budget for any revenue from cups...so here's hoping for a Trophy run!

And at least we've been drawn away in the FA Youth Cup again. Home draws lose quite a bit, as we have to hire the ground from Tooting, with gate money barely covering the expenses of the three match officials.

Lots of clubs speculate to accumulate. We may have budgeted to include them, we may have budgeted to include fans we weren’t likely to attract.

But I’m not criticising the budget setters I would have done the same thing.

But if our current crowds can’t support the existing budget then something must have been speculated that we haven’t obtained to accumulate.
Always good for The Hamlet to get a mention anywhere... But he mentions 'taking a couple of hundred off our gates' with regard to home attendances being played in Mitcham. In fact our gates are DOWN by 40.48% for home league games so far, which is almost half of what we were getting at Champion Hill. I would say we are a Club in deep crisis, and being the eternal pessimist I'm not sure how much longer we can sustain our current squad on the income we are getting while we're not at Champion Hill.

Unsurprisingly only Truro City have a substantially bigger drop in home gates, down 60.77%, with their lowest 'home' crowd at Torquay United being 86. Many have suggested this is the lowest ever gate for a National League game, and though I haven't got time to find out I am sure someone like redbridge mist have come close when the were in Conference South.

The piece also mentioned us going out of the FA Cup too early to receive prize money...this accumulates and increases rounf by round, so we did win some money by beating Tonbridge Angels in the 2nd qualifying round, where we came into the competition.

Not disagreeing with a word you say. But I read his “take a couple of hundred away” as him guessing what would happen if the 3pm blackout ended, not him saying what has happened now we play at Tooting.

“The recent friendly against Crystal Palace gave us much needed income after going out of the FA Cup too early to receive any prize money. Match-day income is the life blood for non-league clubs and with an attendance of between 1000 and 1500 each game, take a couple of hundred people away from that and you’re losing a significant sum. If you end the blackout then you will see some of these clubs go to the wall.”
Ah, yes, I will conced that. I actually don't think it would that many who would stay away from us/non league....

I agree with that too.
I think now that it’s very rare a “big” Prem team plays at 3pm anyway, that the blackout could be withdrawn and no one would really notice. It’s from an era when everyone (pretty much) kicked off at the same time.
I do still miss the announcement of what was going to be the live radio game at 2pm or so on the Saturday afternoon. They should bring that back.
meanwhile at Barnet

Appreciate this is short notice but a reminder that the Under 18s are playing their FA Youth Cup First Round tie at Maidenhead United this evening, kick off 7pm
I will take one and pass it onto Jan next weekend when I'm in Hamburg

As Charlton is league football, it was very easy to purchase the zine online from Europe... :cool:

Thanks a lot, Scolly, but I've already read it. It's an excellent read, darryl!

But I'm sure, someone at Altona will be very happy to read it, if you'll bring over another spare copy. (I'll collect my copy...)
I don't know about the current stadium, it's not clear if that's floor space + showers etc (you would assume not).

But looking at the extant, plans the dressing room for the away team in the 'new stadium' wouldn't be compliant (16.38sqm) but the match officials might be ok as you have two dressing rooms of ~4.62sqm.


Something to think about!
Grades- A-C all have the same requirements and the 18sqm does indeed exclude 'the shower and toilets areas'. There's also interesting wording in the documents surrounding the need to demonstrate the potential to expand the grounds capacity to 4000 (5000 at NL level).

Ground grading
From what I've read elsewhere, these regulations were introduced some time ago but the FA hasn't enforced them until now. Maybe the National League has already ensured all its clubs are compliant? It's a long time since I've been in the changing rooms at Champion Hill but I'd be surprised if they aren't large enough. (Don't fancy Hitchin's chances if theirs are the same size as 20 years ago.)

Our ground was specifically designed with the potential to increase capacity if needed. There's a big space between the main stand and outside bar where more seats could be added, and there's enough space on the other three sides to build up the terraces. I'd say it clearly has the potential for capacity to be increased to 5,000 regardless of any issues with the lease or funding improvements.
To mark our months in exile - a limited edition yellow ribbon has been produced (to support 12th Man scheme and available from the 12th man stall)

The yellow ribbon being a sign of "homecoming"

I'm glad we'll have the Saturday home game. I draw the line at congratulating Woking with their dismal Football League mentality and bottle-sniffing level of "security". I hope they get a crap away draw in the 2nd Round and get stuffed out of sight!

Never mind congratulating Woking, I’d give Tamplin my last Rolo if it meant we got back to the Hill.
Never mind congratulating Woking, I’d give Tamplin my last Rolo if it meant we got back to the Hill.
No! Never be overly grateful to dickheads for making small concessions that cost them next to nothing. That's why we usually have governments that work for the few, not the many.
No! Never be overly grateful to dickheads for making small concessions that cost them next to nothing. That's why we usually have governments that work for the few, not the many.
That’s quite a leap...
Tamplin wouldn’t’ve wanted the Rolo anyway. He prefers kitkats.
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