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Gavin Rose leaves Dulwich Hamlet and new interim coach appointed


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Appointing the interim guy has a whiff of a stitch up though, on reflection not many interims bring their own coaching team - why not just give it to him from day one?

Yeah, does feel a bit like it was planned this way from the start - as Roger D mentioned after Barnes came in, he was someone the club had had their eye on stretching back to last season at least:

This isn't a panic or rush decision. I was tipped off last season Paul was on Hamlet's radar and went to a couple of Guildford games. Whilst ultimately it didn't work there, I can see why he appeals.

Which would also make Ben Clasper's comments after Rose left a bit of a mockery:

"I have always been open and honest and whilst I know there is a harsh reality about what goes on behind the scenes in football as managers are unveiled within days or even hours of a departure that’s not me and I hope it’s not this football club."

So maybe the club have just used the interim period to test their choice - and as it's gone okay they've decided to stick with it.

Whatever, the majority of us who haven't got access to those at the club who could provide the answers will never know who else was in the picture and whether or not they were seriously considered, so time to get behind Barnes and hope it works out.
Odd game. But more good than duff. And that result meant a lot to everyone you could see. I think we're good enough to finish top of the bottom third!
Yeah, does feel a bit like it was planned this way from the start - as Roger D mentioned after Barnes came in, he was someone the club had had their eye on stretching back to last season at least:

Which would also make Ben Clasper's comments after Rose left a bit of a mockery:

"I have always been open and honest and whilst I know there is a harsh reality about what goes on behind the scenes in football as managers are unveiled within days or even hours of a departure that’s not me and I hope it’s not this football club."

So maybe the club have just used the interim period to test their choice - and as it's gone okay they've decided to stick with it.

Whatever, the majority of us who haven't got access to those at the club who could provide the answers will never know who else was in the picture and whether or not they were seriously considered, so time to get behind Barnes and hope it works out.

Paul Barnes was not approached until Gavin had gone. He is on record as saying he was surprised - given he was at step five it's extremely unlikely he was under contract.

Those at the top of the club are charged with succession planning. Paul was not the only name of interest this time last year. The reason I went to watch a couple of his games is as simple as I live in Aldershot, he was managing Guildford. One of the games was at Farnham Town, who I often watch. I was there today as it happens.

Edited to say whilst I am aware other managers were being watched at the same time as Paul, I don't know any other names. The reason I knew about Paul Barnes was I happened to mention him to someone at the club. They then told me the club knew about him etc. I should add it was a general conversation, about non league out my way, I didn't recommended Paul for a then non existent job vacancy
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Yeah, does feel a bit like it was planned this way from the start - as Roger D mentioned after Barnes came in, he was someone the club had had their eye on stretching back to last season at least:

Which would also make Ben Clasper's comments after Rose left a bit of a mockery:

"I have always been open and honest and whilst I know there is a harsh reality about what goes on behind the scenes in football as managers are unveiled within days or even hours of a departure that’s not me and I hope it’s not this football club."

So maybe the club have just used the interim period to test their choice - and as it's gone okay they've decided to stick with it.

Whatever, the majority of us who haven't got access to those at the club who could provide the answers will never know who else was in the picture and whether or not they were seriously considered, so time to get behind Barnes and hope it works out.
As somebody who had known Paul for a while, any previous mention of him was in relation to coaches who could help the club build its own Academy in the future, and help it to fulfil some of the future requirements to grow a junior structure and pathways, not as a Gavin replacement.

When the decision was taken regarding Gavin the club was left with no coaching staff which is why Danny & Jack took the next game.

Paul was somebody who was known by a few people from the discussions about building the club. He was asked to help out because he was not contracted to a club and was known to a few people, including quite a few of the players. Gavin leaving meant the club had no coaching staff and he had good contacts in the game, which was shown by pulling together a whole coaching team in days.

Paul told me he rang Gavin before taking the interim role.

On that basis I know Ben was 100% truthful in his comments.

I can state with certainty that the club really did have no names in the frame at all and no process for appointing a new manager when the board decided it had to act.

It was a bit of a leap of faith.
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As somebody who had known Paul for a while, any previous mention of him was in relation to coaches who could help the club build its own Academy in the future, and help it to fulfil some of the future requirements to grow a junior structure and pathways, not as a Gavin replacement.

When the decision was taken regarding Gavin the club was left with no coaching staff which is why Danny & Jack took the next game.

Paul was somebody who was known by a few people from the discussions about building the club. He was asked to help out because he was not contracted to a club and was known to a few people, including quite a few of the players. Gavin leaving meant the club had no coaching staff and he had good contacts in the game, which was shown by pulling together a whole coaching team in days.

Paul told me he rang Gavin before taking the interim role.

On that basis I know Ben was 100% truthful in his comments.

I can state with certainty that the club really did have no names in the frame at all and no process for appointing a new manager when the board decided it had to act.

It was a bit of a leap of faith.
I know I say this every time, but appreciate that liamdhfc.

One thing you mention is the future planning of the Academy - the legacy link to Aspire isn't something that I've seen commented on by the club as yet. Does that need to continue this season whilst Aspire affiliated sides are in their various competitions and addressed once they're done, or has that needed to be dealt with as part of Gavin Rose and Junior Kadi departing?
I know I say this every time, but appreciate that liamdhfc.

One thing you mention is the future planning of the Academy - the legacy link to Aspire isn't something that I've seen commented on by the club as yet. Does that need to continue this season whilst Aspire affiliated sides are in their various competitions and addressed once they're done, or has that needed to be dealt with as part of Gavin Rose and Junior Kadi departing?
Absolutely it has to continue this season as it is in place. I would expect the club will move to set up a number of new sides, especially once the new training facility is ready for use.
Nice article here:

Is Ben Clasper Vice President of the fitness company Peloton, or is that nonsense like the rest of the article?

"Clasper, vice-president of home fitness giants Peloton in his other life, became chairman in September 2018, meaning it has taken four years for him to oversee his first change of manager."
Testimonial planned then?
I hope so, as it would have happened in May 2020 without the pandemic. The abrupt manner of his departure and subsequent radio silence felt a bit awkward until now. It's good to see such a magnanimous and conciliatory tone in Gavin's comments, and interesting to hear him acknowledge that he should probably have gone earlier. That 3 year contract looks a big mistake in hindsight, as it placed a degree of obligation on both parties to see it through, but I can also understand his earlier stated aim to keep going until the ground redeveloped saga had concluded. I really hope Gavin and Kads can come back for a grand send off and remain friends of the club for good. Above all else, they deserve it.
The ball is firmly in Gavin’s court with regard to a testimonial and the offer remains, despite the acrimonious parting.

In terms of complaints about budgets, for somebody who supposedly understands the club I find the comments strange.

The business model that the board is following will never result in it having the biggest playing budget, as it refuses to spend more than it earns and allow outside ‘investors’ to become involved and plough in money.

Gavin also often complained about the lack of infrastructure and money has been spent to address the very concerns he raised with full time employees added and the training facilities acquired and developed.

However, there is also a constant stream of spending just to keep the current stadium open, mainly because of lack of investment from previous owners.

As for having a lower budget after promotion, that’s hardly surprising considering the promotion budget was set by Meadow who, as he well knows, withdrew the money and left the club on the brink of collapse. It was the money given by the fans that allowed the management and team to continue to be paid in full to the end of the season.

However, without the return to Champion Hill a massive cut would have had to come as gates at Tooting plummeted.

That was only possible because of the current chairman and a whole raft of new shareholders, plus the enlightened leadership of the Trust under the sadly departed Duncan Chapman.

Finally, if that is all the negatives after 13 years, I’d say that he was pretty well looked after.
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The ball is firmly in Gavin’s court with regard to a testimonial and the offer remains, despite the acrimonious parting.

In terms of complaints about budgets, for somebody who supposedly understands the club I find the comments strange.

The business model that the board is following will never result in it having the biggest playing budget, as it refuses to spend more than it earns and allow outside ‘investors’ to become involved and plough in money.

Gavin also often complained about the lack of infrastructure and money has been spent to address the very concerns he raised with full time employees added and the training facilities acquired and developed.

However, there is also a constant stream of spending just to keep the current stadium open, mainly because of lack of investment from previous owners.

As for having a lower budget after promotion, that’s hardly surprising considering the promotion budget was set by Meadow who, as he well knows, withdrew the money and left the club on the brink of collapse. It was the money given by the fans that allowed the management and team to continue to be paid in full to the end of the season.

However, without the return to Champion Hill a massive cut would have had to come as gates at Tooting plummeted.

That was only possible because of the current chairman and a whole raft of new shareholders, plus the enlightened leadership of the Trust under the sadly departed Duncan Chapman.

Finally, if that is all the negatives after 13 years, I’d say that he was pretty well looked after.
Not disputing any of the above. In agreement in fact.

But I think it’s necessary to consider the purpose of this interview which is for him to put himself in the shop window for other jobs.

We may know it wasn’t the case, and he may, but lots of other clubs and club chairmen (and thus his potential future employers) will still believe he had a bigger budget than he did, and that therefore he underachieved - and who would appoint an under-achieving manager?

I’m not after starting a “did he / didn’t he under or over achieve?” debate. I’m just saying the point of that article from his side is to emphasise his successes and to try to chip away at any negative perceptions, in the hope of getting interviews. Can’t blame him for that.

He’s done a decent line in PR there really. “I won a lot punching at or above my weight, took players and club up levels, stayed out of loyalty”. That’s more employable than “I went up twice as biggest / second biggest spenders but I couldn’t do anything when I was relatively poorer than most”.
As for having a lower budget after promotion, that’s hardly surprising considering the promotion budget was set by Meadow who, as he well knows, withdrew the money and left the club on the brink of collapse. It was the money given by the fans that allowed the management and team to continue to be paid in full to the end of the season.

I haven't read the article bc I have absolutely no interest in what he's got to say, but I would also point out that while the budget was small, he chose to spend it on an overweight Jacob Erskine and a Gavin Tomlin that openly admitted he wasnt the same player after his leg break. All this while repeatedly leaving a bloke that's now chasing promotion to the top tier of Scottish football on the bench. How much money did we waste on Banton? How much money did we waste on Pappoe? What about the complete mismanagement of Cook, who went on to play for Welling regularly? If he spent the meagre wage bill wisely and got absolute value for money, I'd have some sympathy but he clearly didn't.

And on the topic of budgets, what has he got to say about the season after where we had one of the biggest budgets in the division, and was only spared a relegation battle thanks to a pandemic?

I couldn't give a toss if he gets a testimonial, particularly if the rumours about what went on in the Tonbridge dressing room are true (I've heard identical accounts from 4 different people, and it is disgusting). The promotions were obviously great, but for me the consistent wasting of money, the incessant blaming of players, the absolutely horrendous brand of football we were playing by the end, the Carlisle debacle, the tantrums all sour what on paper is a successful era for the club. Personally - and I completely respect those that think otherwise - I got far more enjoyment from the much shorter and trophy-less tenures of Craig Edwards and Wayne Burnett.

I'm very much looking forward to life under Barnes.
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