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Question Free - Playstation 1


Apologies if this is the wrong thread but the Brix Noticeboard seemed a bit general ... if anyone would like a working PS1 with two controllers and eleven games, just shout. Or it's being melted down into pegs.

Driver, Gran Turismo 2, Worms, Touring Car 2, Dino Crisis, Formula One 1999, Wipeout, Tomb Raider 1&2, Porsche Challenge, Resident Evil.
Apologies if this is the wrong thread but the Brix Noticeboard seemed a bit general ... if anyone would like a working PS1 with two controllers and eleven games, just shout. Or it's being melted down into pegs.

Driver, Gran Turismo 2, Worms, Touring Car 2, Dino Crisis, Formula One 1999, Wipeout, Tomb Raider 1&2, Porsche Challenge, Resident Evil.

Hi Damon. Whereabouts are you based? I might be interested in this but just need to check this evening.
I think shygirl looks for stuff like this for her work sometimes. She might have a young person who would be glad of it. Hope I've got the right person
I think shygirl looks for stuff like this for her work sometimes. She might have a young person who would be glad of it. Hope I've got the right person

Aw, that's really sweet of you, but I'm no longer working directly with young people :(, so will pass on it. I'm in Wales now looking after my mum.
im really tempted :facepalm:

i banned myself from computer games aroudn teh time this thing came out! im having a wobble!!
The first wipeout game is brutally hard compared to most games today. Many a happy hour was spent failing hard at this game. :)
I could take it and donate it to the youth project in Calais. damon_th ? :)
That kind of thing was my next port of call, I really don't want to take it to the tip ... If you could take it that would be superb.

While I'm here, anyone want a working Panasonic hi-fi? CD, Radio, and CASSETTE!
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