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Fred the Shred to be put in the dock?

would be nice, but chances are he'll skip the country before any warrant is issued...
Excellent if it comes off - thousands of workers who lost their jobs under his 'leadership' at various places might lift a wee glass in celebration if he gets sent down.
The thought of him living in fear of it happening is good news in itself. If it ever actually came to pass...couldn't happen to a nicer fella.
It would be pointless trying & convicting him unless the punishment was meaningful. I don't even mean jail. He would probably only serve a year or so anyway. The only worthwhile punishment would involve relieving him of every penny he has in the world & stopping his pension & I doubt that will happen. Whatever crime he has committed it is more one of negligence rather than deliberate fraud so not much jail involved. The best punishment would be to see him busted flat in a rented bedsit.
This is about more than one ex CEO of a bank ffs. Even in the unlikely event Goodwin ends up in clink then what? Nothing's changed.

Cameron's come out protecting the City (don't believe all this 'in the UK interests' bullshit) who are still looting away.

RBS is now advising investments in metals, including tinned goods and small calibre weapons.
I suppose there might be some assets worthy of consideration—precious metals, for example,” Mr. Hatheway said. “But other metals would make wise investments, too. Among them tinned goods and small calibre weapons.

The future's bright:


Any bonus in that trolley? :D
He's part of just about the biggest fucking fraud in history.
Well yes but unfortunately the law won't see it that way. Even if he was jailed, the reality it wouldn't be for that long. He would be tried in the UK not the US. The best punishment for him & his ilk is to be relieved of every penny they have in the world to help repay the taxpayers of this country.
Well yes but unfortunately the law won't see it that way. Even if he was jailed, the reality it wouldn't be for that long. He would be tried in the UK not the US. The best punishment for him & his ilk is to be relieved of every penny they have in the world to help repay the taxpayers of this country and then strung up from a lampost

post corrected.
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