Tell me about guys like me ted, in full detail. you can give me a detailed description of my day if you will as well as my humour influence through out
yeah ted cos you know me ...
It has zero to do with hero worship and everything from understanding the vein of comedy which bolye does... what his schtick is... and you're right its obvious and transparent. he's clearly going at all times for the shock humour factor which within comedy is still the purest type of laugh you'll get, as most comics agree. The Ha return from the laughing into horror into guilt is the most effective at getting ones point across...
Thats his aim every time, and unlike most he's surprisingly quick and accurate at doing so, and genuinely doens't give a fuck if it misses the mark or upsets people. The cache for that kind of joke is, is it funny? if it is all other things are secondary to this, as they should be, if it's shocking secondly then all the more funny, people will lauch and then feel guilty about laughing at something which they've then been made complicit in and they'll go away and think about it ... and it works look at your cow like reaction to it... moo horrendous, moo disgusting, moo a thousand other knees a-jerking, moo boyles done something it's outrageous and unfunny, moo he's really repulsive, moo, anyone who disagrees that he's not the most offensive thing on the planet is a shill, a stooge, or just hero worshiping, moo...
Well done bovine boy, go and get milked now eh... you clearly don't understand comedy, how it's written or the standards (not as in kite mark as in traditional modes of) the art form...
but rest assured for you, mr ted, the joke is over...