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Foxes and Chives

Hotel Chocolate

Well-Known Member
A quick question:

Is there any special affinity between foxes and chives?

I have my chives planted in a big plastic paint pot and they were doing marvellous. I'm doing some cooking, I had a recipe that needed some chives, so I went out back and all my chives had gone! all been ripped to bits! it's like someone had cut them down and the only thing I could think of is that the foxes may have eaten them? Is there any special affinity between foxes and chives?
A quick question:

Is there any special affinity between foxes and chives?

I have my chives planted in a big plastic paint pot and they were doing marvellous. I'm doing some cooking, I had a recipe that needed some chives, so I went out back and all my chives had gone! all been ripped to bits! it's like someone had cut them down and the only thing I could think of is that the foxes may have eaten them? Is there any special affinity between foxes and chives?

Chives (like other members of the allium family - onions, garlic, leeks etc.) are toxic to many animals including foxes, so I consider it unlikely that they are to blame.
It is bizarre it's like that some person had cut them all down. I'm gonna sound like an idiot now, but could could snails have eaten them.
I know that my dog used to eat "medicine" grass and then do a stringy **** afterwards I wonder if foxes are doing the same, the Chives are like medicine grass to them?

edit to add: I didn't see your post until I had posted mine. Cheers.

There is definitely a lot of slime lines, but they must have eaten the huge stems and all the flowers. :(

I've only started growing herbs for a few years now and I am starting to hate slugs and snails. They've eaten all of my dill and in the past they've eaten all of my Chinese chives little baby stalks.
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Plants done by slugs look all stringy where the leaves have been stripped from the stems :mad: some fucker had one of my flowers but that was just snipped off, no idea what that was.
I think squirrels are a bit more tolerant of them but I'm not sure they'd go for them if there's plenty of other food around - which this time of year there is probably plenty (especially with a lot of bird feeders available!) but that seems more of a possibility. Possibly rabbits also (in rural areas ofc.)
Hedgehogs you're right though, I think they'd avoid them as toxic
Our raised bed is full of slugs.
The chives and tomatoes are the only things they've not gone for....
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