Ted Striker
Foot's on the other hand
25.5??? Your case is 13.8 × 27.1 × 34.6 in according to the site. Edit: I think you mean 90 cm, which is 32.4 inches? How did you find out about that 'rule'? Do you know which airlines tolerate it?
I have couplers on my frame and have twice made a 26 x 26 x 10 'case' from cardboard and gaffer tape. I got no hassle from the airline but it wasn't very satisfactory because it was too crushable. I never worked out a way of bracing it. I tried to make some S&S-style mushroom things
but they really needed a sheet of plywood above and below to do much good.
How long does packing/unpacking take you, and do you use one of the methods on the S&S site?
Lovely bike btw.
You're right about the dimensions/rule though to further confuse us both, 90cm (/2,54) is 35.43in, so my case would theoretically fit.
Can't remember where I heard about the rule tbh, maybe here http://www.britishairways.com/travel/bagchk/public/en_gb# (click the 'size and weight of baggage allowances' link if the section isn't expanded). and Easyjet here https://getsatisfaction.com/easyjet/topics/outsize_hold_bags (reply is by an employee) looks on a similar line. Like all things though, you're at the mercy of the guys/girls at the check in desk.
It take a fair while to pack/unpack, though tbh it's so immensely satisfying I don't begrudge it at all! To think I can take my favourite bike away from home without (much) hassle is awesome and makes me feel all A-Team/James Bond!
To be honest, it sits (and will sit) in my garage for 99.9999% of it's natural life (and I'm not sure I can do Paris Roubaix next year ). I'm based in W10, if you ever want to borrow it (or view it etc), you're more than welcome to