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Films and TV shows in films and TV shows


Did do all Google car mistakes
I imagine this thread may well have been done already, but can't see any obvious contenders. Anyway, obviously you have a fair amount of film and tv that's directly about film and tv, your Networks and Thirty Rocks and Bojack Horsemans (Horsemen?) and so on. And often they're great, but was thinking more of stuff that's just there in the background as part of a fictional world. Stuff like Invitation to Love, Los Dias y Las Noches de Monsignor Martinez, Sick Sad World, Society Tomorrow, Thunder Gun and indeed Terrance & Phillip, Itchy & Scratchy, etc etc. Anyway, what are your favourite films and tv programmes that don't exist?
Oh, just seen this, which looks like a pretty massive listing:
There’s tonnes in Rick and Morty, because they’re always watching multidimensional cable. I enjoyed this season’s “Cake or Fake”, where they cut into what may be a sentient talking cake or, alternatively, a real person.
There’s tonnes in Rick and Morty, because they’re always watching multidimensional cable. I enjoyed this season’s “Cake or Fake”, where they cut into what may be a sentient talking cake or, alternatively, a real person.
Oh yeah, not caught up with the new season but the original multidimensional cable episode is possibly my favourite one?
ATN in Succession with its rolling news headlines:

I smiled at her by the photocopier. Now I’m facing chemical castration.
Gender fluid illegals may be entering the country ‘twice’.
Why are so many of our older celebrities dying?
China hack could see 40M Americans entombed in their electric cars.
Deep state blunder: classified docs displayed on NBA jumbotron.
Christopher Moltisanti's 'Cleaver'

same as I posted in this thread

I imagine this thread may well have been done already

if we did books in books we'd be here for ever...
Christopher Moltisanti's 'Cleaver'

same as I posted in this thread

if we did books in books we'd be here for ever...
:oops: well, at least I was right in saying I thought this thread had probably been done already.
ATN in Succession with its rolling news headlines:

I smiled at her by the photocopier. Now I’m facing chemical castration.
Gender fluid illegals may be entering the country ‘twice’.
Why are so many of our older celebrities dying?
China hack could see 40M Americans entombed in their electric cars.
Deep state blunder: classified docs displayed on NBA jumbotron.
I have sometimes been tempted to set my tagline as "Is every Taylor Swift lyric secretly Marxist?" Although I think that one's from a website headline.
I was going to suggest Friends' Joey Tribbiani's role as Drake Ramore in Days Of Our Lives, but apparently it's a real show (but not a real character). He did also have other roles in other shows - Mac & C.H.E.E.S.E. is the only one I can remember - pretty sure that's not real, but daren't check
Climbing for dollars. Featured in the movie ‘The Running Man’ - I’d love to see this on TV. Maybe with attention seeking dickheads like Nigel Farage as contestants.

Oh and in Red Dwarf there are series of Red Dwarf set between Series 8 and Back to Earth that people on Earth have watched.
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