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Feeding a pineapple


🇪🇸 my spirit is crying for leaving
Our pineapple plants seem to be a bit slow at the moment. They need a feed, I think. But I can't get pineapple feed here. Anyone got any ideas of how to feed pineapple plants?
I disagree with your sweeping statement earlier that sharp knives are safer. I have blunt knives and don't use them to cut anything hard. Touching wood of course, I think that's safest of all :)

My avocados are doing quite well they've enjoyed the last month.
I disagree with your sweeping statement earlier that sharp knives are safer. I have blunt knives and don't use them to cut anything hard. Touching wood of course, I think that's safest of all :)

My avocados are doing quite well they've enjoyed the last month.
This is a pineapple thread
Chinese internet reckons you should have put a base fertiliser in the pit you dug to plant it to start off with, bit late for that/ For top dressing they advise manure with a bit of calcium magnesium phosphate to encourage budding. Mix of urea, compound fertiliser and potassium around May time to encourage shoots. There's plenty more for other stages in the growth cycle.
What gives N P K that is readily available?
Any garden centre will sell you fertiliser/plant food. You just need to find one which has nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus in equal proportions. I think pineapples like a bit of magnesium, too, but only in trace quantities.
Any garden centre will sell you fertiliser/plant food. You just need to find one which has nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus in equal proportions. I think pineapples like a bit of magnesium, too, but only in trace quantities.
Unfortunately we don't have garden centres here in Spain.
If you can't buy fertiliser, the only alternative really would be to harvest some nettles and make compost tea with them on your balcony -though it's a stinky process and bit hit and miss in terms of plant nutrition and something I would only use on a garden scale - ditto diluted urine ...
My fall back in such situations is commercial tomato food - several makes/brands are available.
or a bog standard NPK granular fertiliser, sprinkle a few grains around the plant, rake in and then water.
[houseplant food, either liquid or granular would be an alternative if the pineapple plants are pot grown.]

An alternative to GG's nettle tea would be comfrey tea but is also a stinky process and the liquor needs diluting. The strength is a bit variable ...
UK garden centres would stock "Baby Bio" or "Miracle Gro" as branded varieties of liquid houseplant food - and there are some "sticks" you stab into the compost but I have no idea what's available where you are dessiato

Watering rates might also be a point ...

When were they last repotted ? - the fertilisers in the compost may be used up, which would explain the ralative lack of vigour, So, I might suggest re-potting, and into individual pots ...

Another potential reason is something nibbling the roots ... vine weevils or similar.
Pineapples are the sort of thing people used to devote whole hotbeds of manure for in stately homes.
Those pots are far too small.
The compost will be exhausted - as stoneroad said, the safest way to feed plants as they grow is to repot the plants in stages into bigger and bigger containers.
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