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Farmers' market in Brixton

Or perhaps it might just encourage some Claphamite-types who are normally reluctant to come to Brixton at all to visit the place and make them realise that it's not the crime-infested hole part of the media would have them believe..

and having gone to the market they'll plan to have a bite to eat at franco manca having read all about how fantastic it is and not realise that it's closed on sundays
and having gone to the market they'll plan to have a bite to eat at franco manca having read all about how fantastic it is and not realise that it's closed on sundays
So they'll have to eat somewhere else in Brixton = win for local cafés/restaurants.

I noticed that the Hive was really busy today and I dare say other local businesses might benefit.
That's a really weird argument, you know. If people have the time and inclination there's no reason why they won't do both.So they'll have to eat somewhere else in Brixton = win for local cafés/restaurants.

I noticed that the Hive was really busy today and I dare say other local businesses might benefit.

it's the time part though - lots of people don't have the time to do both particularly if they live a bit further from the centre of brixton.

In part I think that it is nice to have it on a Sunday when there's less other things on. But I also think it's a bit of a missed opportunity not to link it in with the rest of the market, ie an addition not something separate.

the franco manca bit was just a bit facetious though - i've met quite a few people looking lost wandering along atlantic road and asking me for directions to it in the evenings recently.
It was very good except the alleged fisherman didn't turn up and there was no fish for tea which was extremely disappointing. Otherwise good. Will there be more? What do the organisers think?
the franco manca bit was just a bit facetious though - i've met quite a few people looking lost wandering along atlantic road and asking me for directions to it in the evenings recently.
oh dear, how do you break it to them?
Hi everyone,

Thanks to those of you who managed to get along to the market on Sunday. We had a really positive response and look forward to returning this Sunday. I have to apologise for the invisible fisherman - he's someone I went to visit myself and I know that many of you were looking forward to buying his fish. If he can't attend we will look for another fisherman to attend in his place. There will be more cheese - Somerset cheddar from Goulds and Greens of Glastonbury in addition to several goats cheese farms and a weekly visit from Alham Wood buffalo farm. If you don't already know, Alham Wood provide the cheese for Franco Manca. This Sunday in addition to the food on the market we'll have The Culinary Herb Company, Petal Farm flowers, plants from Little Copice Nursery and lots more. There will also be more cooked food. If there is anything you think is missing from the market please let me know and we'll see what we can do.

In answer to some of the questions we received at market - yes, we do go and visit every single farmer and producer before they sell with us and check that they're raising/growing/making what they'll bring to market. All our producers come from within 100 miles of the M25 but we try to source from as close to the market as we can. For Brixton that means the Old Post Office bakery on Landor Road for example, and farms from Kent and East Sussex.
Yes it's going to be every week. I took a photo of the notice board showing who's going to be there every week. I'll post it up later.
Some pics:




As I missed the first one due to a holiday, we are rather looking forward to checking it out tomorrow.
why is it that in the rest of europe you can buy good produce in markets that isn't so expensive and exclusive? I lived in France, and spent a couple of months in spain, and never came across the preciousness and snobbery attached to these 'farmers markets'. Its no different to the rest of 'rip-off' british businesses. I bought most of my food at the markets in France, but would never be able to do so at these pretentious english versions because of the over-inflated prices.
I'm sure a lot of it is down to people travelling much further to these London "farmers markets" - up to 100 miles from the M25 I believe counts according to the people running this (since when was Glastonbury, where a cheese producer comes from) in London? Obviously with the cost of travelling etc you have to make more profit to break even, thus increased prices, and kinda defeating the object of "local" produce in markets.

Yes it's nice to get quality produce - albeit at an inflated price - in London, but when I think of 'farming' in Brixton all I can think of is cannabis.

Brixton Market (proper) has some good stuff there at reasonable prices, and although I haven't been to this one yet (we'll be there in a few hours though) I get the feeling it'll be a mini Borough Market which will attract people to Brixton to the market, but not really serve the average Brixtonite very well.
Hopefully most shoppers know this though.

We go to the Kennington farmers market regularly and the stall holders are very open about the costs involved. I can't afford to do all my food shopping there but one/twice a month we stock up on butter, cheese, veg, meats, sausages and other bits. I see it as a good balance of convenience and also a treat for us so never moan at prices. I would rather stroll round in the open air chatting to the stallholders and buy a great loaf of bread for £2 than battle through a supermarket to get an inferior one for a £1, the banter alone is worth the cost.
Brixton farmer's market was much better than I expected last week. No over-priced olive stall, great variety of baked goods, meat, cheese, veg and... pot plants! It had a good enough mix of basic-but-good-quality (veg, sausages, burgers etc.) and specialty/treats to warrant a weekly visit. I won't be dropping the supermarkets/regular market completely.

Last week I bought:

4 venison burgers £4
organic salad leaves £1.50
buffalo cheese £2.20
large seed bread £2.80
bag of (8) apples £2
spring onions 50p
sausage roll w sage/onion £2 (luxury impulse buy, mmmm gorgeous it was)

I bought the leaves, cheese and apples after sampling, they really were so delicious I had to have some. I don't consider the above prices to be much higher than M&S (Brixton branch of which does roaring trade btw). Absolutely none of it went to waste, every morsel was eaten. :)

I thought that the tiny chicken breasts on sale were very expensive although they were probably very good.

On my menu today is squash - there was a huge variety and its not something offered in the regular market or local supermarkets. Will venture out soonish with a small list... and maybe pop up again near closing time to check if any bargains are going.

The local cafes seemed to be doing well out of the market, their tables were fairly well populated for a Sunday morning.
Looks a fairly reasonable selection, we'll be down in about an hour and a bit. Look out for green and pink :)
just come back from there, having spent about £50 - gonna have a nice week of eating ahead
giggly pig sausages were tasty, so bought a load of those to freeze
some very nice looking steak too - i shall have one for lunch
also got some tasty looking leaves for salads
the tomatoes looked way superior to supermarket veg
got some yummy buffalo cheese too
but best of all was courgette flowers and some cake.
oh, and i deffo saw ajdown and partner, resplendent in green and pink

You should have introduced yourself :)

We came back with
- a bag of apples
- a bag of pears
- 2 of those £2 sausage rolls that were recommended earlier in the thread
- slice of carrot cake
- goats cheese with garlic
- buffalo cheese with herbs
- A slice of Organic Somerset Cheddar
- a pack of four faggots
Got a bit carried away and spent more this week:

1kg squash £3
large mixed rye £3
punnet of pink fir potatoes £1
goats cheese with nettles £3
8 large lamb chops £10
bag of apples £2
ok yes another one of those sausage rolls :oops:
6 pots of herbs £9 (rosemary, thyme, sorrel, chervil, basil and corn lettuce)

Was only going to buy basil and thyme but the herb stall is only there 3rd Sunday of the month as, like a few others apparently, it rotates its location around the various markets.

Half of those chops will go in the freezer, the herbs will hopefully last a few months and I only buy one loaf of bread a week so I like it to be a good one.
Faggots go very well with mushy peas, chips and onion gravy. None of that Mr Brains crap, no.

Having grown up in the west country, I know a good faggot when I taste it - so it'll be interesting to see how Romford's finest measure up.
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