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Farmers' market in Brixton


Well-Known Member
Was earwigging big time in the Ritzy yesterday and heard we're getting our own weekly farmers' market Septemberish.. Didn't catch the details. Anyone know anything about this? - would love to know. Sorry if this has come up before.
Interesting. I know there's one at Oval already round the big Church.

I thought we already had one outside KFC - or don't the dealers "grow their own" locally any more?
Typical. I'm away that weekend. Oh well, be interesting to see how regular it becomes.
If it gets to be as good as the one at Oval it'll be an excellent addition to the community :cool:
I got a flyer about this at the Lambeth Country Show, I think it was same people as the Clapham one.
I hope it's better than the one that used to do the rounds and appear in Crystal Palace from time to time. was just a front for some overpriced olives vendor.
Don't we already have them on saturdays on KFC corner?

Never go to downtown Brixton on a Saturday but seen them on a Friday with some so-so looking dried sausages. The French farmers are colonising our markets with their peasant shite repackaged for British ya-yas ...
Farmer's markets are usually overpriced ridiculousness. I expect this will be no different.
Farmer's markets are usually overpriced ridiculousness. I expect this will be no different.

But if it brings more people in to shop in Brixton, it has to be a good thing for the local community I would have thought. And yes, they may not be the sort of people I'd necessarily want clogging up the streets :)p) but their money's as good as anyone elses, and if they're helping the local economy that can only be a good thing, surely?
This^, means the area is going upmarket though

It means the companies involved in these markets (let's face it, there aren't many actual farmers directly involved) are looking to expand and seeing if Brixton is worth a punt.
But if it brings more people in to shop in Brixton, it has to be a good thing for the local community I would have thought. And yes, they may not be the sort of people I'd necessarily want clogging up the streets :)p) but their money's as good as anyone elses, and if they're helping the local economy that can only be a good thing, surely?

You think it'll bring people to Brixton? I doubt it.
For what it's worth I think Brixton will do very well with a Farmers Market, i've wondered why there hasn't been one in Brixton for a while.
You think it'll bring people to Brixton? I doubt it.

I think that a farmers' market, combined with Brixton Market, combined with Franco Mancas, combined with several excellent delis will bring people into Brixton, yes.
The one in St Marks church yard in Oval on Saturdays is lush but pricey.
We tend to go once a month just after pay day and stock up on Giggly Pig sausages, cheese, veg and sometimes some other kind of treat.

If the Brixton one turns out to be a bit cheaper then we may try that, although I think we will still go to Oval for the sausages, we have fallen in love with them. :oops:
Well if it's big as the current offering (one stall selling overpriced dried sausages of varying quality, Negril and a patty shack stand) it's not going to draw anything other than passing custom.

I don't really think Franco Manca's benefits its neighbours that much fwiw. That section of the market isn't showing much greater activity or growth anywhere outside the immediate surrounds of Franco and the bulging queue.
I think that a farmers' market, combined with Brixton Market, combined with Franco Mancas, combined with several excellent delis will bring people into Brixton, yes.

I don't. It might get people who live here & commute out to work every day to have a look around at the weekends though.
Well if it's big as the current offering (one stall selling overpriced dried sausages of varying quality, Negril and a patty shack stand) it's not going to draw anything other than passing custom.

I don't really think Franco Manca's benefits its neighbours that much fwiw. That section of the market isn't showing much greater activity or growth anywhere outside the immediate surrounds of Franco and the bulging queue.

Hopefully it'll be bigger than that and more on a par on what's been happening in Oval.

I think that if we get a critical mass of interesting shops/market stalls/delis then it will bring people in. I don't think Franco Manca's will do that by itself.

I don't. It might get people who live here & commute out to work every day to have a look around at the weekends though.

We'll have to agree to differ then, but I hope I'm proved right :)
Hopefully it'll be bigger than that and more on a par on what's been happening in Oval.

The TT website says "10am - 2pm Brixton Station Road"

Presumably that'll be just a little larger than 3 stalls on KFC corner?
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